Showing posts with label Sony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sony. Show all posts

Dear Developers: Don't Update Games With Annoying New Requirements

This crap that Sony just pulled with Helldivers 2, goes back to what I've said awhile back. I know some of you aren't even aware of what occured, and you're (probably) looking like Kendrick Lamar at the moment.

There was a particular 'Dear Developers' installment in 2017 talking about the problem with using game platforms for other game platforms. Remember that? Sony isn't the only one requiring logins through alternate platforms, I have to say that. There have been multiple publishers with this requirement like EA, Ubisoft, S-Game, and others.

The customers didn't buy the game after that was already a requirement though, so how fair is that to spring such an update on them?

There are a number of gamers including myself who don't wish to go that extra step in terms of opening a game, because some will ultimately try to avoid the games that take away your ability to simply go in and get your game on. If you make the decision to release a game on an alternate platform, it doesn't rob you of money if you allow gamers to... simply have the game on that platform without additional requirements that require usage of an alternate platform or sign-in. Right or wrong?

Whoever thought this would be a great idea for Sony to do, made a horrible decision (in my opinion). Horrible. It might not seem like a big deal, but think of what this means in terms of business and gaining access to PC gamers. Sure, they could reverse it, but that doesn't take away the fact that it happened, and... that leaves a bad taste in the mouth of select gamers and a stain on Sony. A stain that could make select gamers... paranoid. If they wanted a Playstation, they'd make that move.

Example: I literally will see EA games that I wouldn't mind playing, games that I actually own, but... I don't want to go through one platform to access others. And what if there are updates on Steam, and then you go in to the other platform and have to wait for an update there regarding the game and the platform itself? A number of gamers are already logging via limited free time, so it's imperative that publishers don't get in the way of their own success. Helldivers 2 is one of this years best selling games, so it's like... Sony, why!? According to Sadat over at GameRant, Steam is refunding Helldivers 2 players regardless of playtime, and that says something. I'm glad they were able to get a refund for this unexpected move, but the purchase was for good times that gamers were having. That said, i'm sure many were still like:

The developer can't be blamed for this, but they will get affected by something the publisher pulled. The desire to control, just might be a potential element, but... a number of PC gamers are on PC to get away from that very thing. Think about it, and... game on!

E3 2023 Canceled... but does it matter anymore?

E3... E3, if you haven't heard by now, it's canceled... again! Does it matter though?

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) didn't have to let it go this route, they could have... and technically still could do a digital presentation (but they aren't). Did they wait to the point that people are now shrugging off the legendary Superbowl of video game events? I believe so.

Waiting around wasn't going to present them to emerging audiences, and more adults are hanging up their headsets more often because of time constraints (although we're challenging some to just try different games). Those who may have wanted to see them come back, they've begun enjoying other video game presentations. 

Is it all on them? Not at all, when you consider major publishers like Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Tencent reportedly withdrawing, but... you don't back down if E3 is something you want to happen. You double down, and fill those freaking slots!

Again, E3 could have gone digital this year, and these companies aren't the only ones around (duh of the day), but the ESA has to be willing to stand with Indie and other lesser-known companies. Look at Devolver Digital, I salute them because they aren't just crossing their fingers during the traditional game expo window, they're going in with a middle finger up + all their craziness. The ESA can learn a thing or two from them. 

I'm also disappointed because it's another year that opportunities are stripped from those who could've worked the event or done the work to deliver a digital showcase. It also is one less place where other developers and publishers were able to get shine. I don't know what they'll do for the sake of bouncing back, but if it gives the ESA solace... no one that's interested in game expos will just turn away E3.

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Sony fires PlayStation executive allegedly busted in pedophilia sting

This is a wild turn of events for George Cacioppo. This guy was the PlayStation Senior VP, busted in an amateur pedophilia sting operation run by YouTube's People v. Preds channel. This is the first we've heard of them, but it's a good look when you do the right thing and keep children safe.

George Cacioppo is no longer a part of Sony or its PlayStation brand, but he may become a part of a certain registry after this.

People v. Preds, might be labeled as an amateur sting operation that catches sexual predators who attempt to meet their victims online, but they shouldn't be labeled amateur at all. These are heroes who prevent a 64-year-old sicko from arranging a meeting with someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy.

Dude, my little cousin just turned 15! Thank you to the People v. Preds team, parents have to really be vigilant. Luckily this was a sting, but who's to say if this was George's first attempt?

True victims and survivors should... always speak out. - Blu

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The PS5 approaches... and so is the PS4's swan song!

Holiday 2020... PS5, are you excited... just kinda-sorta curious... or not interested?

It's a new console, yes... but other than the specs... I really just want to know about the line-up. I do hope that the PS5 is as backward compatible with the PS4 library as possible because I don't want to see a bunch of remastered games. Affordably awesome games playable on the new console... will make for an easier transition.

Backward-compatibility reminds me of PC to an extent, because... you get access to your PC gaming library (in many cases) when you upgrade. It's the most backward-compatible platform... without trying to compare to console, but it's the perfect example of transitioning from one to the next while still being able to enjoy the games you own and the older titles you'd like to own. So making the PS5 as compatible as possible would be a win for Sony, build up that PS5 base and wow gamers with those pending exclusives.

I know that Sony will have its exclusives (fingers crossed for the best of the best)... but I really would love to see some new installments or remakes of select IPs as I've mentioned before (i.e. Parasite Eve). Remember, Square Enix filed for a trademark for Parasite Eve... so I do hope to see something come of it... eventually.

The PS4 had a nice lineup of exclusives, and hopefully... Sony finishes strong with the PS4's last dance. As long as the price is right the PS5 will be a worthwhile buy... especially for those who wanted a PS4 but waited (especially if the backward-compatibility gives them access to last gen's library).

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!

Tiny Trax: The VR game that should also have an AR version + Info From the Source!

Playstation VR racers... start your (little) engines at E3!

Check out the trailer below... and then I will speak on why I think this game should have an AR version.

I know the environments in this game help you get immersed, but imagine this game having tracks laid out in your living room, dorm room or office. That would be sick... in the totally awesome way, because not only will it give you the slot car action in a game... it would take it to the next level of being closest to its real life setting. Anyway... on to news from the source! 

Studio behind Velocity 2X announces new online multiplayer VR slot racer billed as
'Micro Machines meets Scalextric' * Epic racing in a tiny world!
Award-winning Brighton-based studio FuturLab has announced Tiny Trax, a stunning new slot racing game for PlayStation VR.

Set for release this summer, Tiny Trax sees childhood imaginations come to life as tiny cars boost around your body, jump overhead and drift around bends on a virtual slot racing track just inches from your face.

Importantly, a player’s viewpoint of the game mimics that of a child surrounded by a giant toy racing track inside each virtual world, which creates an extremely comfortable and satisfying experience.

Boasting online multiplayer functionality for up to four players, Tiny Trax features 12 tracks across three environments – Tropical, Fire & Ice and Outer Space – with six vehicles to choose from.

The music has been composed by leading video game composer Joris de Man, whose previous work includes Horizon: Zero Dawn, Killzone and FuturLabs’ own Velocity 2X.

Tiny Trax will be available for hands-on demo at Sony’s pre-E3 press event next month (Monday June 12th), on the show floor during E3 and with a roll-out in Europe and North America expected this summer.

The game is the brainchild of game designer Dave Gabriel, who came up with the concept when he was a game tester at FuturLab. Backed by FuturLab’s management team, Gabriel took on the challenge of designing Tiny Trax from the ground up – covering everything from the controls, to the levels, to deciding trophies. He has since been promoted to game designer.

“We’re delighted to announce Tiny Trax – it’s a game that will appeal to players of all ages, allowing them to dive straight in and recreate the thrill of slot racing in immersive virtual environments,” said FuturLab MD James Marsden. “In addition, it’s a great testament to the team here at FuturLab – particularly Dave Gabriel – that Tiny Trax will be demonstrated alongside titles from industry heavyweights at Sony’s E3 booth.”

Pixels anyone? ...check out the new SDGT Ent segment!

Check out part one of the new segment titled... "Jevaud's Pixel Journal"!

Keeping true to the way we like to do things at SDGT, Jevaud brings his perspective as a writer that double's as a fellow... avid gamer. Different game preferences... different perspectives... all in the name of our similar enjoyment of gaming. Enjoy, and the aim is becoming more focused so that we can unload a lot more... gaming news, reviews, and yadda's wrapped up in delicious... original craziness. Hope yer' hungry lads!

Onlive goes Offline... how will Nvidia preserve games? + Dear Nvidia + Think before you buy

Onlive goes offline

Now it's time to say goodbye... to all our Onlive friiieeenndds! It's sad to know that those jobs will probably go poof, but what about the games? If you have invested in the service and have purchased game... find out how you will be able to take your library with you (to Steam). We've contacted the company before... because 1st party games would've actually helped them out (if they were good), but not even one popped up.

This is something for stream surfing gamers to keep in mind... "How long will those games purchased at full retail... be accessible by you?" Onlive supporters can kiss (not one, but) ALL of their games... goodbye, no matter if they paid full price for them or not (gotta love that crap, right?).

That's like an ahhh... long term game rental. Where is the safety net if the company pulls the plug? (Sony basically bought them out.) Sony should take Onlive Microconsoles, and the apps (if possible) and update them to run PSNow.

Nvidia's shield console is similar (looking at it from the outside), you aren't downloading and backing these games up, so... I will say think before you buy. We will be making a demand to Nvidia, because there needs to be a safety net for the games sold at full retail price.

That's one thing traditional gaming has over streaming... and games that require the internet to play (period), you can go in and just get your game on with or without the internet. Love it!

I don't mind variety... but I don't like to waste money either, something has to be worth my time to get my dime most of the time. I'm a bit more optimistic with Nvidia, but we shall see.
Why I would consider buying this:  A reason i'd probably be interested in purchasing something like this, is... because I like to have a set top box so that i'm not running a Nintendo, Xbox or PlayStation constantly to stream entertainment (so the fact that it's a set top device is actually the thing that got my attention)... and this is small enough to fit in a laptop bag along with my 3DS. The gaming is a plus in this case... so from that perspective its something I could get with the performance i'd prefer over slower STBs (it also has free games if I just want to play something... without purchasing).

Nvidia... create 1st party games and make sure that you do not lose momentum like... Onlive! It's a competitor to other gaming consoles that have exclusives and first party games, so make it essential to the Shield. If its a console... remember to treat it like one, and go hard for your system to make it worthy of a huge audience.

Think before you buy

Speaking of thinking before you buy... Evolve is more of a devolve in terms of a full retail AAA title. We put out the warning about this game when it was first revealed... it just wasn't a full game, it was as clear as day.

We cannot tell you what to buy and what not to buy (you do what you want) but... complaints about a game are pointless if you lead off with "I should've ****ing listened!".

The company needs to be ashamed of selling "game modes" as a full retail game. The modes are an experience I could see in an arcade, but if its not something acknowledging that the experience is limited and being priced as such... its nothing more than an unfair cash grab. They could fix that by actually giving more as free downloads, but unless they do something... decent like that, i'd be skeptical. Less isn't always more... seriously (like seriously... seriously).

Developers: If you consider doing stuff like this... you deserve to land flat on your face. If you don't know how to make a full... game, bring in some fresh blood to bring the game to life with a depth-filled story worth playing (while giving them a chance to shine). Say no to the rodeo dung!