Top Audiences Last Week!


Top 10... let's go!

Hong Kong
United Kingdom

Turkey, Thailand, and... Spain came close!


Call Of The Sea... Reviewed!

Shout out to Raw Fury for supplying a copy of this game for a review.

Call of the Sea is... an interesting first-person adventure puzzle game. I'd call it an adventure, thriller, puzzle hybrid that starts out where it should just to gear you up for... to gear you up for a nifty adventure.

Story: Call of the Sea... takes place in 1934, and the story revolves around a female protagonist by the name of Norah. Not only are you in Norah's shoes, but this H.P. Lovecraft inspired story is based on her going on a quest to find out what happened to her husband... who ventured off to find a cure for her. Needless to say, she comes across some interesting things on this island that she doesn't find a need to weapon up for.

Not to rant or anything, but... (hmmm) I just couldn't help but wonder why in the world would someone venture off to an island with unknown dangers... and no weapon(s). Even if the weapon isn't used... I think it would've been more realistic to grab something. By the way, I had to attach thriller to this game, because of the things you come across. It's not considered a horror game.

Gameplay: The gameplay consists of you venturing around an island in the South Pacific, uncovering secrets of a lost civilization while connecting dots to uncover what happened to your husband and where he might be. In order to progress from one section to the next, you have to figure out the clues to overcome a variety of challenging puzzles.

Of course, you aren't just going from one puzzle to the next... you uncover more of the story and history of the island at the same time. The story actually goes from 0 to 20 to 60... and even if it's not considered a horror game, one part of the game (once it switches gears) really was out of the playbook of horror.

While I don't have a problem with the puzzles in the game, I kept going back to Norah traveling alone. There was a missed opportunity to add a survival element to this game with the fact that she was traveling to an unknown island to face who knows what. She didn't know how long the adventure would be, she would need food, and shelter... at least. That would have really transformed this game and took it to the next level.

Visuals: The visuals are like a quality cel shade (at least in some areas), that almost fades into full 3D models and textures after a certain occurrence. This is when the game really came alive for me... while maintaining the puzzle elements and your pursuit of finding Norah's husband. The environment is lush both on land... and in the sea, during those times when you swim the fishes.

Price: Pricewise, Call of the Sea... comes in at $19.99. That's the sweet spot for this otherworldly tale of mystery and love.

Story 4

Gameplay 3

Visuals 5

Price 5

4.25 out of 5 Cool Points

Mask Up Mondays: NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (Finals Game 1)


Wearing masks stops the spread, so imagine COVID-19 if everyone acted accordingly and wore their masks. People are dying, people are losing their jobs, people are being evicted, companies are losing business, essential workers are getting sick, and that only increases the scarcity of everything when you think about it. It doesn't require you to wear it in your car, just wear it in stores and public buildings around others, and when you're in crowded spaces and areas where you will interact with things where the public, in general, will go (i.e. gas stations).

Not sure what type of mask is most effective? Take a look at this lab test from June, where the Florida Atlantic University researchers developed a cough emulator lab configuration to determine what the most effective mask would be. The focus is air droplets and how effective certain masks are, and we have the most effective masks in the test available for you w/ a coupon code to save 15% off. So take a look at the video to verify for yourself, and... let's flatten the curve.

Persona 5 Strikers


Persona 5 strikers

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Top Audiences Last Week!

 Happy Holidays! Even with the pandemic going down... it's that time of year again to celebrate something! So whatever you celebrate, however you celebrate it, for whatever you celebrate it for... make the most of it! I'm celebrating everyone in my life, those who made it and... those I had to say goodbye to because of covid (it's just so surreal). So I have several pies and cobblers (right)... and I'm going to rotate and enjoy each one that I've eating with friends and family in the past. I'm not eating them by myself, but... my stocking full of candy is a different story. Gwahahaha!


Top 10... let's go!

Hong Kong
United Kingdom

Portugal, Ukraine, and... France came close!


Among Us

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among us

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Mask Up Mondays: NBA Playgrounds 2 (Playoffs Game 6)

It's Monday again, make it a good one and... don't forget to laugh!

Wearing masks stops the spread, so imagine COVID-19 if everyone acted accordingly and wore their masks. People are dying, people are losing their jobs, people are being evicted, companies are losing business, essential workers are getting sick, and that only increases the scarcity of everything when you think about it. It doesn't require you to wear it in your car, just wear it in stores and public buildings around others, and when you're in crowded spaces and areas where you will interact with things where the public, in general, will go (i.e. gas stations).

Not sure what type of mask is most effective? Take a look at this lab test from June, where the Florida Atlantic University researchers developed a cough emulator lab configuration to determine what the most effective mask would be. The focus is air droplets and how effective certain masks are, and we have the most effective masks in the test available for you w/ a coupon code to save 15% off. So take a look at the video to verify for yourself, and... let's flatten the curve.

Shady Part Of Me... Reviewed!

Shout out to Focus Home Interactive for supplying a copy of this game for a review!

Shady Part of Me, is an interesting little indie game that pairs a shy little girl with her shadow to cooperate and overcome challenges in a surreal narrative puzzle adventure voiced by Hannah Murray (Game of Thrones, and Skins).

Story: Shady Part of Me, is a game based on a little girl who doesn't just live in her shadow, she's completely disconnected from it. It's so bad that her shadow is like a complete stranger, which is understandable when she's frightened by the light (which represents a number of things for her... as seen in the gameplay below). Believe it or not, the story is also told through the environment... so I won't go into great detail about this in order to keep the review spoiler-free, but I appreciate them using the world to also tell the story.

Gameplay: The game is based on the protagonist being an introvert, and her fear of the light/fear of being seen. It makes for some interesting gameplay that combines 2D + 3D gameplay. I think the combination does the game justice because you have to use the 3D navigation to set things up for her shadow's platforms, and her shadow does the same for her as far as shadows are concerned... so it's a team effort (her shadow needs light, the little girl needs the shadows).

I like the way the 2D + 3D work together, but I also appreciate those sections where you don't need the little girl or her shadow in order for each to progress to the end of that particular area. It's a nice break that prevents you from getting tired of the teamwork so that you can enjoy some platforming action before switching back to dodging the light.

You also get some replay value tucked in here as well, and this comes in the form of these little origami birds you can find in the environment. There are 98 of these little birds in total... which increases the challenge.

Visuals: The visuals for this game... come in the form of a cel-shaded watercolor combination. On the 2D side... I'm reminded of Super Mario Odyssey where you're taking on platforming challenges via the walls and floors (it's nice). It's more than just that though, they inserted some awesome visuals in the game that will take a section and completely transform it visually as you progress, taking it from the surreal dreamscape (of the little girl's imagination) to the real world. I think that's awesomely accurate.

If I could give the game a con, it would be how easy the game is in some areas. Maybe the focus was the narrative to pull you in before increasing the challenges, but some were too much of a cakewalk for me. I could give a strike against the playtime being on the shorter side, but I won't... since I'm sort of familiar with narrative-based games usually having their set lengths to tell their story.

Price: Pricewise... Shady Part of Me comes in at $14.99, which I think is actually spot-on (even if  $19.99 would've been an okay launch price).

Story 4

Gameplay 3

Visuals 5

Price 5

4.25 out of 5 Cool Points