Showing posts with label Busted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Busted. Show all posts

Sony fires PlayStation executive allegedly busted in pedophilia sting

This is a wild turn of events for George Cacioppo. This guy was the PlayStation Senior VP, busted in an amateur pedophilia sting operation run by YouTube's People v. Preds channel. This is the first we've heard of them, but it's a good look when you do the right thing and keep children safe.

George Cacioppo is no longer a part of Sony or its PlayStation brand, but he may become a part of a certain registry after this.

People v. Preds, might be labeled as an amateur sting operation that catches sexual predators who attempt to meet their victims online, but they shouldn't be labeled amateur at all. These are heroes who prevent a 64-year-old sicko from arranging a meeting with someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy.

Dude, my little cousin just turned 15! Thank you to the People v. Preds team, parents have to really be vigilant. Luckily this was a sting, but who's to say if this was George's first attempt?

True victims and survivors should... always speak out. - Blu

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