FTS: The X-Files: Deep State Game Updates, and News About the X-Fest "Agents Mixer" on Friday, March 2nd 5-9 pm CT

The countdown is on! With only a few weeks left until the worldwide release of The X-Files: Deep State mobile game and the return of The X-Files television series, can't wait to share the latest news with you with more details upcoming.

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of The X-Files, this exciting new mystery investigation game, The X-Files: Deep State will have you investigating mysterious crime scenes that defy explanation. Uncover hidden clues, collect evidence, solve puzzles, interrogate witnesses and suspects to solve the case. Brought to you by Creative Mobile and FoxNext.

The Monster 
Meet your new partner Agent Garret Dale and investigate the death of District Attorney Karen Cooper.

Trust No 1 
You and Agent Garret Dale are dispatched to question Dr. Gordon Dillahunt, a suspect in a double homicide.

In Corpore Sano 
You and Agent Garret Dale are assigned to the X-Files Unit by SC Bowman. Your first case is a series of mysterious deaths in Lexington, Kentucky.

The Leper King

You and Agent Garret Dale are contacted by an influential US Senator who claims to be blackmailed by the mysterious hacker known only as 'The King'. Assisted by Cyber Division Specialist Zhang Su, you are dispatched to investigate.


The X-Files: Deep State will host an 'Agents Mixer' 

X-Fest will be held at Celebrations 150 in Utica, IL on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 and will feature a celebrity convention, Q&A panels with the stars, as well as episode screenings of some of the most popular episodes of the series. 
On Friday, March 2nd, X-Fest & The X-Files: Deep State will host an 'Agents Mixer' evening event that will give convention attendees a chance to meet fellow Agents, Aliens and X-Philes and will give you a great opportunity to preview the game, have some refreshments and get ready for X-Fest from 5-9PM CT

Please note that there will be no celebrity guests on Friday evening March 2nd.

 Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!

HNY... It's 2018! + Game Codes!

Happy New Year everyone... it's 2018, so let me do the honors of saying I wish you the best. May this be the best year in gaming yet, and... may the 1st be with you. :p - Blu
Wasteland | EMMCY-F04GH-0L8GV
Happy New Year, game all night, eat some cold pizza and wake up ready to kick ass in 2018! - Luis D. Lucha

Happy 2018, leave swatting in 2017! - Yang

Happy New Year... I think it's only fair to hide a few game codes for you guys to find. They will be in white text so you will have to highlight in order to find them. - RkRk
Kingdom: New Lands | RDY37-ZHHRB-EYWW2

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!
The Bard's Tale | EHZEI-XT9VC-Q8LC0

ELEX... Reviewed!

Own or be owned... again and again and again!

Elex is one of those open-world RPG's that has a lot to offer and I appreciate the variety the world delivers. Some locations are more beautiful than others, but the beauty is in the variation and the types of experiences you will come across in these different lands. (This includes beasts and people.)

You play as a former Alb Commander by the name Jax who overcame his dependence to Elex. You may be wondering what Elex is because the game's titled the same. Elex is an element (in this game) that came by way of a comet impacting the planet; in other words... you're experiencing life in a world influenced by Elex (and you're fresh out of rehab). You pick up soon after Jax was nearly killed by fellow Albs... and you wake up in the shoes of a noob. You still look like a bad ass... but... you can't exactly get the job done just yet. I won't sugarcoat it, Elex is one of those games that literally leaves me feeling like I went through hell just to get from one location to the next. There are beasts everywhere, mutants, and people who don't exactly have a welcome mat on their doorstep.

I didn't start this game thinking I was going to just dominate Magalan, but... I didn't think the character would be such a weakling. There are settings that allow you to change up the difficulty, but it may only leave you asking... "What did it change?". It's more rewarding when it isn't a cakewalk, but playing around with the difficulty settings don't hurt.

Tips: Day one, learn how to evade an attack and counter. It's crucial to your survival.

Learn how to use the items, and... before you proceed further into the story after meeting the first NPC, use this NPC for level ups asap. Don't just rush off to the destination (or go it alone), take on beasts in the land and even if the NPC doesn't follow you to the beasts directly... remember where he's located and let the beast follow you to him. From there, let the beast square off with the NPC while you take cheap shots because you don't have enough oomph to take them down yourself at this point. This is one of the quicker roads to leveling up before you have to actually earn a companion officially.

Trust me... if you do this, you'll thank me later. Grind and get your level up by doing this, only after learning how to evade, attack, counter, running and jumping. Definitely, remember to run because you are not prepared for everything when you start off... and even after you've become a seasoned bad ass, some beasts and other enemies can still take you out. Play it smart out there.

In Elex, you may start off as an ex-Alb... but what you choose to become is up to you. When the adventure began, I had my fingers crossed hoping that I could customize Jax. That opportunity never came up though... which was disappointing, I wish character customization was available (I loved that about Mass Effect... among other things). In this game, you do get a choice between factions though... wielding magic as a Berserker like some sort of Earth Day crusader, taking the religious route with technological enhancements as a Cleric, or go lawless as an Outlaw.

Going back to your character starting off as a weakling, if you don't follow my tips (which you don't have to... in order to smooth out the initial experience) you will probably find it harder to get going. I would say that the initial experience may get some gamers bummed out... but if you get the game, I challenge you to get your money's worth. The difficulty increases the challenge, not just to lengthen the gameplay... it forces you to step your strategy up. Yeah... I went through hell to get from one location to the next, but it was awesome to fight, dodge and run like hell. I established a strategy through the challenge of survival.

Tip: What I do when an enemy is too strong, is... go and piss off an even stronger beast so it could chase me to that location. From there I just find a place to hide nearby and the beast usually ends up solving my problem. If it doesn't get rid of the targeted enemy, then I know I have to take a different approach or... find a stronger beast to finish the job. I focused on building my skill points so that I could use them on the attributes that unlock the ability to use a gun. After that... I made a few return trips to areas where enemies sent me packing and I was able to bring the pain; others... not just yet.

I enjoy this game, but I can't lie... there are annoyances. The minimap objective size isn't that great... and if I have to look at the large map to find my way because something isn't getting the job done the way it's supposed to, that's a problem. There should be bigger icons (which should be easy to replace). I want to know where I need to go if I have landed myself in hot water and need to escape. I don't want to run the wrong way and have to cross through the same location to get back on track... because sometimes it was a fight to make it out alive the first time.

Another thing that can be annoying is the crouching... which can occur when you're trying to run (crouch could've been done by pressing down the right analog stick). This is one of those OMG moments... because its no time to crouch when you should really be getting the hell out of dodge! I crouched when this gigantic stalker was after me and... I gasped as I rolled out of the way at the last second. Oh and I can't forget about the time it takes to get back up after taking a hit. If energy was lower, I could understand getting up slower, but when I get hit and I can't get up and dodge the second attack... I'm not the happiest camper.

Audio is good... but at the same time... it's not wow either, it gets the job done. One thing I could do away with is the water sound effect when jumping or flying out of the water. It seems a bit loud.

Price wise... it fits, because there is a lot of quality content to enjoy. Replay value is heavy so you won't be disappointed in that department because this clearly isn't a one and done game.

Overall, Elex is actually one of those games that I didn't foresee liking... (I just went in with an open mind) but it has a charm and the options that keep me coming back for more. The exploration is something I enjoy in games, but the world of Magalan is one I want to continue digging into even after the review because there are things that I wanted to check out but I didn't have time to.

I went back to the starting point and found various things after searching a bit more and I'm getting the hang of preparing for the poisonous & toxic locations (good lore is hidden in these places... but so is the chance of dying). The road to becoming a super bad ass is getting closer and closer, some of the powers available in this game remind me of Star Wars actually (i.e. Force Push). I saved six outlaws from these giant mutant bugs after using a Force Push... and all I could think about from that point is "Where are the lightsabers?!". I almost think I'm ready for the land below the lift (last time did not go so well... I scaled a mountain to escape). Anyway, game on... and Happy New Year!

Fun factor: 4

Visually: 5

Replay value: 5

Price: 5

"4.75 / 5 Cool Points"

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co.!

Guard Your Grill: Doctor Plotka's Toothbrush... reviewed! + SFV: A.E. Cinematic Trailer

This is totally a left-field review... but the team at Doctor Plotka's MouthWatchers was nice enough to send toothbrushes to SDGT! After using it for a few weeks, I can honestly say Doctor Plotka's is hmm... awesome! Believe me when I say that... not all bristles are created equal. This toothbrush has a full brush head along with bristles that floss. Yeah, it says it on the package, but you have to use it... it really works.

I've used all sorts of toothbrushes, from known brands to brands with no branding. This is the best toothbrush I've used thus far. No other toothbrush has ever left my teeth feeling clean throughout the day. We enjoy our meals and snacks around here, so I looked forward to challenging their slogan with every bite.

After using it, I'd like to gift some out... but I will have to put a note in them (because what in the heck would that say to gift someone a toothbrush). So it will probably go a little something like this, "I thought it would be awesome to gift you one of these toothbrushes... not because I think your teeth are jacked up, don't think that. It's because I think your teeth deserve better."

Overall, the handle and the grip are okay, its something I've seen before... but what this toothbrush does... earns 5 out of 5 Cool Points!


Speaking of grills... Street Fighter V Arcade Edition is coming and for those who decided to wait... the wait is almost over. Check out the cinematic trailer below and prepare to guard your grill, Jan. 16, 2018 (HADOKEN)!

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co.!

May The SpellForce Be With You! + Free Game!

May The SpellForce Be With You
RTS/RPG Hybrid SpellForce 3 Is Now Available on Windows PC

The critically acclaimed RTS/RPG-series SpellForce returned Dec. 7, 2017 with a new installment: SpellForce 3 is available as a Windows PC-exclusive title.

By combining real-time-strategy and role-playing, SpellForce 3 takes the best from both and blends them together in a unique way. Players will create their own hero and meet others along their epic journey through over 30 hours of campaign gameplay. They will construct large bases and muster powerful armies, command three different factions, clash together in multiplayer matches, or join forces in the co-operative campaign.

The story of SpellForce 3 takes place before the events of its predecessors, telling the tale of the aftermath of the Mage Wars – an exciting experience for players of the former SpellForce games and players who are new to the franchise alike.

SpellForce 3 is available now for an SRP of $49.99 // €49.99 // £34.99 as a digital download and at retail:

About SpellForce 3
SpellForce 3 returns to the roots of the SpellForce saga. Taking place before the acclaimed SpellForce: The Order of Dawn, players will unravel a deep and epic story in the SpellForce universe with over 30 hours of a single-player campaign, that is also playable in co-op. Additional multiplayer modes offer competitive battles for up to six players. Create your own heroes, develop your skill set and build your army to fight in legendary battles with gameplay that expertly blends the RTS and top-down RPG genres together.
SpellForce 3 is out now on Windows PC and will be available with English and German voice-over plus full-text localization in French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian and simplified Chinese.
  • RTS/RPG mix: Unique gameplay that combines the genres of real-time strategy and top-down roleplaying games.
  • Create and customize: Create your group of heroes and choose a number of different combos with a range of skill structures.
  • Boost and command your army: Prepare your troops and fight the greatest of all battles. You can also exploit numerous strategic aspects (e.g., terrain, troop formations, visibility, exploration, etc.) that would make Sun Tzu proud!
  • Epic storyline: Unravel a deep and complex plot that eventually leads up to the events that trigger the convocation ritual, which will change the whole world.
  • Extensive universe and lots of loot: Explore the world of Eo, discover intrigues and secrets and collect a whole load of loot for your hero.
  • Complex single-player campaign: Over 30 hours of gameplay time, and even more if you’re able to discover everything Grimlore Games has incorporated into the game world.
  • Multiplayer: Strong multiplayer component with various modes - play in versus battles with up to six players or master the single-player campaign with a friend in co-op mode.
We will be reviewing this game!


Are you in the mood for a good... scare?


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This is Goodbye to Net Neutrality... or is it?

Goodbye Net Neutrality?

Well... that happened. Net Neutrality has been repealed and we don't know what it will mean for us, other platforms, and fellow gamers like you. How can an ISP gain my respect in the wake of net neutrality being repealed? Simple... don't throttle sites and don't be a scumbag trying to feed greed & control or you deserve to be boycotted. I say that because it doesn't automatically mean it will be done, but if there wasn't anything to worry about, net neutrality would still exist. It's because someone wants to do something without facing consequences. Ajit Pai tried to pathetically assure us that it will remain the same, but I just don't believe him. Yeah... we might be able to shop online or game online, but prices will likely be higher the way they did with Netflix.

The New York Attorney General (Eric Schneiderman) revealed that the names of deceased citizens were used to comment on net neutrality. I can't be... assured of things like this, but also... I just know better. If you participated in the fight to save net neutrality, this could be a silver lining because to use someone's name in a fraudulent manner isn't exactly... legal.

If this (in anyway) swayed the decision, it needs to be considered in reversing the decision... and legal action needs to be included. That's super foul... and I wouldn't be happy seeing the name of my family member(s) used in vain to influence something like this. Would you?

OMG Dude, Ajit Pai is just a pure d-bag in its prime. Using dead people as moral support? I hope they haunt these losers. Who does that? I think everybody who gets affected by this financially should be able to sue. The corruption is real. They don't care about the jobs that might be lost because of new fees, people need to eat and pay bills!!!

It can still be overturned, so the fight isn't lost but the bigger entities better do something. There is a host of companies with a lot to lose.

Yep... the repeal can be overturned in court or Congress. Legislation is being worked on now by Ed Markey... so the fight is on. All isn't lost! Now let's go get food!

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co.!

FTS: WWE MAYHEM... available now!


CHICAGO and STAMFORD, Conn. – Dec. 14, 2017 – Reliance Games, a leading global developer, and publisher of free-to-play mobile games, has partnered with WWE, a recognized leader in global entertainment, to launch WWE Mayhem, a new, over-the-top, arcade-style action game featuring WWE Superstars and Legends. Available now, WWE Mayhem is free to download on iOS devices via the App Store, as well as Android smartphones and tablets through Google Play.
WWE Mayhem will offer an enhanced gameplay experience, allowing players to unlock unique content when used in conjunction with Mattel’s WWE Retro Figures. Players who have the WWE Retro Figures will be able to scan their figure within the game to unlock WWE Superstars.
“With a spectacular roster of some of the best champions to ever enter the ring, WWE Mayhem lets fans decide which WWE Legends and Superstars are truly the greatest of all time,” said Amit Khanduja, CEO, Reliance Entertainment – Digital.

WWE Mayhem captures all the energy, excitement and emotion of WWE’s live action in a mobile experience that any fan can enjoy,” said Casey Collins, WWE Executive Vice President, Consumer Products. “This new mobile game provides us with another opportunity to engage a global fan base that consumes content across platforms.”
Prove your worth in epic matches with fan-favorites like John Cena, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Triple H, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, AJ Styles, Undertaker, Seth Rollins, Goldberg, The New Day, Kalisto and many more. Each star features their own hard-hitting signature moves and game-changing reversals to unleash upon any challengers. There are six distinct classes from which to choose, including Brawler, Wildcard, Technician, Powerhouse, Highflyer or Showman.
WWE Mayhem delivers multiple ways to play: take on friends and rivals from around the world in one-versus-one matches, join weekly events and challenges pulled from real-world WWE shows, and enter tag-team match-ups with other champions to defeat all contenders.
For more information, visit www.reliancegames.com and follow @RelianceGames on Twitter.


Mobile Games... anyone?

 Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co.!