Showing posts with label Overwatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Overwatch. Show all posts

Tracer: The Time-Hopping Hero Deserves Her Own Adventure

So... yeah, we were chatting about games (shocking, I know), and Overwatch came up. I was looking at the various characters and the popularity of Tracer couldn't be ignored. I couldn't help but wonder what a single player game would be like... starring Tracer. I left it at that, but Sophima had other plans and turned it into a full blown article. So... I will be sharing this with Blizzard, and who knows, maybe we'll see an adventure one of these days. Game on! -  Blu 

In 2016, a spunky, time-manipulating hero captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. Overwatch's Tracer wasn't just popular - she was the most searched video game character online that year. With her cheeky grin, iconic catchphrases, and ability to zip through time and space, Tracer quickly became the face of Blizzard's team-based shooter. But as much as we love blinking around payload maps and pulse-bombing unsuspecting enemies, it's high time (pun totally intended) that Tracer got her own standalone single-player adventure. Let's dive into why this cheerful Cockney deserves to be the star of her own show!

A Backstory Begging to be Explored

Tracer's origin story is like a time travel movie pitch that writes itself. Lena Oxton, a plucky young pilot, volunteers for an experimental aircraft program. Things go sideways (or should I say temporally wonky?), and she ends up unstuck in time like some sort of adorable British version of Billy Pilgrim. Enter Winston, everyone's favorite gorilla scientist, who anchors her to our timeline with a chronal accelerator. Boom! Instant hero origin.

But here's the thing - we've only scratched the surface of this narrative gold mine. A Tracer-centric game could explore the psychological toll of being unmoored in time, the ethical implications of altering past events, and the responsibility that comes with such power. Plus, imagine the gameplay possibilities! We could hop through different eras, change the course of history, and maybe even team up with past or future versions of ourselves. It's "Quantum Leap" meets "Back to the Future," with a dash of "Doctor Who" thrown in for good measure.

Gameplay That's More Than Just a Blink of an Eye

Tracer's abilities in Overwatch are fun, but they're tailored for a multiplayer shooter. A single-player game could really flex those chronal muscles in exciting new ways. Imagine intricate time-based puzzles where you have to coordinate with your past self to overcome obstacles. Or high-stakes chase sequences where you're blinking through bustling city streets, rewinding mistakes, and leaving a trail of confused bystanders in your wake.

And let's not forget about that pulse bomb! In a single-player context, we could upgrade and modify it for all sorts of temporal shenanigans. Slow-motion explosions? Time-delayed detonations? The possibilities are as endless as time itself (which, coincidentally, is Tracer's playground).

A Cast of Characters Ripe for Cameos

While Tracer would be our leading lady, the rich cast of Overwatch characters provides ample opportunity for memorable guest appearances. Picture a stealth mission where Sombra reluctantly helps you hack through security systems. Or a globetrotting adventure where you race against Doomfist to secure powerful artifacts. Each cameo could introduce unique gameplay elements and flesh out the relationships we've only glimpsed in short animated clips and voice lines.

The Overwatch Universe Deserves to be Explored

Let's face it - as much as we love capturing points and escorting payloads, the Overwatch universe is begging for a deeper dive. A Tracer-led single-player game would allow us to really immerse ourselves in this vibrant, hopeful vision of the future. We could explore the gleaming streets of futuristic London, uncover the secrets of Watchpoint: Gibraltar, and maybe even take a trip to the moon base (you know Winston would insist on a visit).

More Than Just Another Online Multiplayer Game

Don't get me wrong - I love a good team-based shooter as much as the next person. But every game doesn't need to be an endless series of online matches. Sometimes, we crave a rich, story-driven experience that we can sink our teeth into at our own pace. A Tracer game could scratch that single-player itch while still feeling unmistakably "Overwatch."

A Potential Goldmine for Blizzard

Here's where things get exciting for the folks over at Blizzard HQ. A successful Tracer game wouldn't just be a one-off hit - it could pave the way for an entire series of Overwatch single-player adventures. Imagine a stealth game starring Sombra, a mech-piloting simulator with D.Va, or a narrative-driven RPG following Zenyatta's path to enlightenment. The possibilities are as diverse as the hero roster itself.

And here's the kicker - these games wouldn't cannibalize the Overwatch player base. If anything, they'd likely drive more interest in the main multiplayer game. Players who fall in love with Tracer's solo adventure might be inspired to hop online and try out her abilities in a competitive setting. It's a win-win situation that could expand the Overwatch universe in exciting new directions.

The Cavalry's Here (and She Needs Her Own Game)

Tracer isn't just a popular character - she's an icon waiting to break free from the constraints of team-based gameplay. Her time-bending abilities, infectious personality, and rich backstory make her the perfect candidate to lead Overwatch's charge into the realm of single-player experiences.

So come on, Blizzard! The temporal winds are blowing, the chronal accelerator is charged, and millions of fans are ready to embark on a solo adventure with everyone's favorite time-hopping hero. It's time (there's that word again) to give Tracer the starring role she deserves. After all, the world could always use more heroes - especially when they come in the form of charming, single-player experiences.


 + Blu 

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FTS: "The Hexadome: Aristeia Showdown" Reveals 1v1 Tactics Gameplay, Upcoming Closed Beta (PC)

Check Out the Official Gameplay Trailer for The Hexadome: Aristeia Showdown

Sign up today to experience the competitive turn-based tactics game for yourself when closed beta drops next month

MONTREAL – March 27, 2024 – Blindspot Games, the indie studio founded by veteran developers from online tactical multiplayer titles like Blood Bowl and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, today released the official gameplay trailer for its upcoming turn-based strategy game: The Hexadome: Aristeia Showdown. Lead a team of four champions with unique abilities and synergies in this deep 1v1 tactical action spectacle that’s XCOM meets Overwatch with a dash of Blood Bowl.

Blindspot Games has also revealed that The Hexadome’s first closed beta test will run from April 4-9 on Steam and will be part of TurnBasedThursdayFest, a celebration of turn-based games happening at the same time. Starting today, players can sign up for the beta on the game’s Steam page under “Join The Hexadome: Playtest." Click to request access and be notified when it begins next week.

The Hexadome is based on Aristeia, the brutal sports-show board game set in Corvus Belli’s Infinity Universe. On the galaxy’s most popular entertainment program, mighty sci-fi gladiators battle it out with live weapons to win the love of the fans, make money, and become victorious.

Pick your champions and fight in merciless 1v1 turn-based matches. Strategically position your fighters in the arena, create synergies, and give the crowd an epic show. Unlock your ultimate attacks, manipulate the course of the game to your advantage, and dominate The Hexadome!

Key Features

  • Turn-based Tactics PvP: Compete in 1v1 matches with tons of strategic depth. Climb the ladder to become the ultimate tactician over multiple seasons and events!
  • Assemble Your Team: Create a squad of champions from a vibrant roster of characters with their own unique abilities. Mix and match champions to create different synergies!
  • Thrill the Crowd: Win the crowd’s favor by giving them what they came for: a brutal spectacle! Chain dazzling attacks, tackle opponents with style, and frag them with epic shots. The more the fans love you, the faster you can unleash your ultimate ability!
  • Manipulate the RNG: Improve your odds by hacking the arena, collecting drops and promoting sponsors!

Players can wishlist The Hexadome and sign up for the closed beta, running April 4-9, on Steam starting today.

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FTS: The NetEase and Blizzard Split will hurt China's gamers

So Blizzard and NetEase weren't able to meet an agreement which ultimately resulted in the companies going their separate ways. The gamers in China will ultimately feel this one. Fingers are kinda pointing in Activision Blizzard's direction on this one.

At times these sorts of things just occur in negotiations, but... a member of the NetEase team wanted us to share with you the reason why the respective organizations could not reach a renewed contractual agreement. Before I deliver this info from the source, Christina Z. (of NetEase) said that they were doing their best to negotiate with Activision Blizzard... in hopes to keep providing great titles to gamers in China, but with today's news... we see that it didn't work out.

I won't say that WoW and StarCraft have replacements that are better or worst, but... there are options out there that we hope gamers are able to enjoy just as much or more if there isn't a change of heart.

I just remember how huge the StarCraft tournaments were alone, so I can only imagine how this will affect the average gamer, but... also those who earn a living through these IPs.

Outside of simply enjoying the games, and earning a living, don't forget about the community around these games. People have gained friends, and fans and some even created families through relationships that happened as a result of the couple's love for select games like StarCraft, etc.

NetEase Announces Non-Renewal of Licenses with Blizzard


HANGZHOU, China, Nov. 16, 2022 -- NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES and HKEX: 9999, "NetEase" or the "Company"), one of China's leading internet and online game services providers, today announced that it anticipates that its licenses covering the publication of several titles of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in China will expire in accordance with their terms on January 23, 2023 and will not be renewed.  The affected games are World of Warcraft®the StarCraft® series, Hearthstone®, Heroes of the Storm®, Overwatch® and Diablo III®.

"We have put in a great deal of effort and tried with our utmost sincerity to negotiate with Activision Blizzard so that we could continue our collaboration and serve the many dedicated players in China. However, there were material differences on key terms and we could not reach an agreement. We hold high regard in our product and operational standards and abide by our commitments to Chinese players.

We are honored to have had the privilege of serving our gamers over the past 14 years and have shared many precious moments with them during that time. We will continue our promise to serve our players well until the last minute. We will make sure our players' data and assets are well protected in all of our games," said William Ding, CEO of NetEase.

The net revenues and net income contribution from these licensed Blizzard games represented low single digits as a percentage of NetEase's total net revenues and net income in 2021 and in the first nine months of 2022. The expiration of such licenses will have no material impact on NetEase's financial results. The co-development and publishing of Diablo® Immortal™ is covered by a separate long-term agreement and will continue.


About NetEase, Inc.

As a leading internet technology company based in China, NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES and HKEX:9999, "NetEase") provides premium online services centered around content creation. With extensive offerings across its expanding gaming ecosystem, the Company develops and operates some of China's most popular and longest-running mobile and PC games. Powered by industry-leading in-house R&D capabilities in China and globally, NetEase creates superior gaming experiences, inspires players, and passionately delivers value for its thriving community worldwide. By infusing play with culture and education with technology, NetEase transforms gaming into a meaningful vehicle to build a more entertaining and enlightened world.

Beyond games, NetEase service offerings include its majority-controlled subsidiaries Youdao (NYSE: DAO), China's leading technology-focused intelligent learning company, and Cloud Music (HKEX: 9899), China's leading online music content community, as well as Yanxuan, NetEase's private label consumer lifestyle brand.

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Dear Developers: Pushing Gamers Out With PC Specs

This is for the developers who only desire the best-looking games in their catalog. It doesn't always make or break your game to have the best-looking games out there... but there are times that sales could be affected because of it (specifically on PC).

There are a crap load of PC gamers, and most are middle-of-the-road regarding specs... nothing too old, and most definitely not on the cutting edge of tech. Some developers may shrug these gamers off, but i'm telling you right now (and read this a few times)... you will be the one who suffers for it. When you don't accommodate the middle of the road... you miss out on the majority of sales. Those with higher specs are not the majority, some of us have to bust our humps to afford several games each year and they have to be playable. If they aren't playable with our current specs, what will usually end up happening is a great-looking game released today... will ultimately end up forgotten by those who can't play it. What also happens in other cases is that game will get played years down the road once the middle moves forward, and by then the price has gone down.

Some of you may shrug and say that it wouldn't have been purchased at full retail by the middle anyway, but you would be wrong. Budgets exist for a reason and there are many in the middle that make great use of them, and if a great game is out there the chances of it being picked up are greater. 

I'll give you an example... Fortnite was tested on a system requirements website over the past 30 days by over... (wait for iiiitttttt) 681,435 people. That's over have a million PC gamers, and 50% of those tests passed... while 50% failed. I won't dump on Fortnite because the specs aren't crazy, but... there are games out there that require at least 12GB of RAM minimum (i.e. Hunt: Showdown). Think of what that does to your audience, especially in an online community... it cuts people out. I won't say it completely eliminates everyone, but who benefits more, the game that few can run... or the one that made sure the audience in the middle of the run can play? Think about it, doesn't make the games bad, but how would the majority of gamers know if they can't play it?

Gotta run... there's a plate of nachos with my name on it.

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