Showing posts with label Hunt Showdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunt Showdown. Show all posts

FTS: Hunt: Showdown’s “Tide of Shadows” Live Event Begins Today on PC!

Hunt: Showdown’s New “Tide of Shadows” Live Event Begins Today

With a new boss, pacts, weapons, and more, the Bayou is deadlier than ever!

FRANKFURT, Germany June 28, 2023 Crytek is thrilled to announce Hunt: Showdown’sTide of Shadows” Live Event launches today on PC! New challenges, gameplay, weapons, story, and a new boss await Hunters for the duration of the event, which runs until Aug. 23, 2023.

The “Tide of Shadows” Live Event introduces a new Boss category - the Wild Target. Rotjaw is a game-changing monster that brings a deadly new threat to the Bayou. Unlike other Boss enemies in the game, Rotjaw will not be found inside a compound. Instead, she lurks in the waters of the Bayou, lying in wait to attack any who encroach on her territory.

Rotjaw is designed for a new gameplay experience, forcing Hunters to improvise while defending in the wide open spaces of her watery home. Players must make decisions on the fly about how to approach and dispatch this deadly new threat. If successful, they will be rewarded with a valuable Bounty Token.

The “Tide of Shadows” Live Event also arrives with new Pacts for players to pledge their Hunters to - the Primal Pact, Smuggler Pact, and Grounded Pact. Each pact has in-depth lore about their origins and aims to be discovered, as well as new Legendary Weapons and Equipment associated with the three factions available to unlock.

“We designed Rotjaw as a new objective for Hunters, adapting several mechanics and gameplay flows from our established Boss Targets,” said David Fifield, General Manager for Hunt: Showdown. “Her design gives players a whole new range of risk versus reward choices when launching into a Bounty Hunt. Should you go after her right away or ignore her until you’ve banished the other Target and gained Dark Sight?  What trait, weapons and gear will set you up best to track and defeat her? Once she is banished how best can you secure the Bounty Token and extract from the map with it? We are incredibly excited to unleash Rotjaw and eager for her to leave her mark on the Hunt world."

To unlock rewards during the Live Event, players must earn Event Points, awarded for completing a range of in-game challenges and by interacting with or destroying new Ship Altars scattered around the Bayou. To help rack up Event Points, Hunters can take advantage of new single-use "Burn Traits,” which are only available for the duration of the event, offering players new ways to play. Event Points can be exchanged for a wide range of rewards throughout the Live Event. “Tide of Shadows” also brings a new Battle Pass with both free and premium pathways.

"Tide of Shadows" and Rotjaw are available now on PC and will arrive on consoles at a later date.

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May produced another loss for Game sales according to NPD group, but...

Even if sales are down, I think developers can still make a difference. You have to make sure games are released without issues and meet gamers where they are, I'm not saying pump out free games (though we post about freebies on SDGT's FB Page), but... pricing has to be reconsidered among other things.

Want to adapt to the situation? Take creative approaches to make more affordable games that don't hit the budget as hard... and make the fun factor huge. AAA games are still welcome, but there are plenty being delayed because of the resources required. Mid to small titles are still welcome (so get creative), and... DLC is always welcome in an already complete and well-rounded game.

By the way, we've also mentioned something a while ago in terms of meeting gamers where they are, and those are specs. Hunt: Showdown was highlighted at that time as an example, the specs weren't going to open them up to as many people as possible... but more and more games pile into that boat when visually impressive games have run on less (which is primarily a PC gamer issue to worry about and is one of the reasons some gamers stick with console).

Hunt: Showdown requires a minimum for the Graphics card & CPU:

AMD Radeon R7 370 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 TI Graphics Card

AMD Ryzen 3 1200 or Intel i5-4590 @ 3.3GHz (4th Gen) CPU

This isn't a dig at PC gamers at all, game on how you game on... but it's a valid reason why some gamers don't even bother with PC because they want a game to just... work (without running into compatibility issues). We can argue bugs on console... but that's not what I'm referring to here, and bugs can fall on either side since they're not exclusive to console.

By the way, I was talking with someone locally who said, "Well if their PC sucks, it's not my problem because my rig is sick... I can play just fine...". He went into bragging about his specs, but... being part of that smaller collective who can play a game isn't a win for the developer or even the gamers in this category. A smaller player base = fewer people to play with, and... that's less support for the developer.

Supply is limited due to shortages that emerged during the pandemic, so it's only going to increase the need for gamers to remain where they are and game at the current specs for the sake of not breaking the bank... if they can't afford to pay for the upgrades or get a new PC like the Alienware Aurora R13.

Here are a few games that missed out on sales because they required a little too much juice for PC users (this doesn't represent the totality of the player base, but don't ignore things like this):

Elden Ring - 25% of PC users who inquired about compatibility were able to meet the minimum requirements, which left 75% unable to meet them... out of nearly 88,000 PC Gamers!

Call of Duty: Warzone - 34% met the minimum requirements while 66% failed. This wasn't as large of a group as Elden Ring, but still a large enough number at 46,000+ PC Gamers.

Phasmophobia - 24% met the minimum requirement, while 76% failed out of 11,181 systems checked. Special thanks to the Husdawg Team for the data, and truth be told... those that failed don't always just stick to those specs.

Even with NPD groups claims that sales were down before the pandemic, I think it's worth remaining optimistic as a developer... just remember to play your cards right with gamers in mind. You see the information above, it's not always about the cost of the game (which applies to consoles as well)... it might also be the cost of the compatibility (for PC gamers).

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FTS: New Hunt: Showdown Map Enters Beta Phase for Update 3.0

New Hunt: Showdown Map Enters Beta Phase for Update 3.0
Lawson Delta beta and skill-based matchmaking kick off Update 3.0

FRANKFURT, Germany – Nov. 15, 2018 – Today Crytek announced the release of Update 3.0 for the early access first-person multiplayer bounty hunting game Hunt: Showdown. The update contains NVIDIA highlights, as well as many changes intended to improve the overall user experience, the biggest of which are the additions of a new Louisiana map—called Lawson Delta—for beta testing and skill-based matchmaking.

The Lawson Delta map debuted at TwitchCon 2018, and the new map also contains a brand-new Time of Day setting: Daylight. Under the unforgivingly bright light of the afternoon sun, players will need more stealth than ever to succeed. The updated skill-based matchmaking system is based on the Elo rating used in chess and should solve many of the past issues players have experienced. Update 3.0 also includes free tier 1 Hunters (replacing Tier 0 Hunters—and equipped with gear that cannot be resold), weapons-looting, a cash register sandbox feature, and one new weapon: the Nagant Officer Brawler. Via the addition of NVIDIA Highlights, players will also be able to capture and share their most exciting moments from the match.

Alongside Update 3.0, Crytek has released a new Hunt developer diary, in which Hunt team members explore the thought process behind the creation of Lawson Delta. “We wanted to make sure that the compound locations and their positions made sense in the world—that they didn’t just exist somewhere because we needed them there, but because that is where they would naturally have been built,” says Level Design Director Chris Auty. With geographical realism in mind, the team began to flesh out the map, and the developer diary takes a deeper look at this process, while the footage gives players a closer look at some of the new map’s compounds.

Hunt: Showdown is available now!

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Hunt: Showdown (Early Access)... Reviewed!

Strap up and make sure you bring the right tools for the job. Keep quiet, stay low, be prepared to run for your life and you may survive in the world of Hunt: Showdown. Oh yeah... being a team player is a major plus in this world, so don't go all lone wolf... kay?

Hunt: Showdown is an open world survival horror FPS, PvP, and PvE combo. Try saying that three times fast... ahhhhhhh (hmmm) never mind. Hunt: Showdown is set in this... nightmarish world crawling with monsters and the undead, but it also consists of hunters like... you. The objective in this game is to set out and get bounties for money, which may sound easy... but (remember) there are other hunters out there ready to take on the risk for the reward too. In this game they may just take you out after you've successfully taken the risk and collected the bounty.

So there is a lot going on. One of the best things you can do is go undetected in this game because you don't want to be seen or heard by monsters or the other hunters. This increases the tension big time, so you may find you and your teammate going stealth for the sake of survival. If they don't see you coming... they can't do anything to stop you. It can be a waiting game to see who gives up their position first so it might be worth going wolf. Find the right spot and stay there out of clear and present danger (keep your head on a swivel). Sounds like I'm really placing a lot on it... but you'll understand what I mean when it's go time.

Perfect example: I was sneaking around with a fellow hunter... and he decided to make his way into a body of water (it was way too open and you couldn't run without being heard by something or someone). I fell back to hide in the bushes behind some trees and used my rifle to see what I could see (see see), but instead, I heard something... a clap (and it wasn't a round of applause). Next thing I know I see my teammate's body fall into the water... and I couldn't get to him without giving myself up. I didn't intend on joining that pool party so I did what I could until they eventually got me. You can end up in the wrong creek without a paddle fast in this game, and I think that's a plus for any and everyone actually looking for a challenge to up their game.

Related imageIf you play with surround sound speakers or (specifically) a headset that delivers a similar experience, it should assist you (I used the 1More Spearhead VR gaming headphones)... but at the same time, it may increase your paranoia by 100%. So keep your drinks at a distance and sit with your back facing the wall, especially if you have family & friends that love to joke around. When you're in the heat of the moment and the tension can be cut with a machete... you don't need someone grabbing you from behind. Its not a good feeling, and Ms. Daisy can actually confirm that I got up with my fists ready when it happened to me a few days ago. They got a good laugh at my expense but if I was going out... I was going out with a fight. :p

In this game, before you proceed with the mission... I strongly suggest that you know what target you're facing, and then equip the right tools for the job. If a target isn't affected by fire (i.e. the Butcher), that option is out. Also, remember that your weapon can get you in trouble too... so stick with silenced weapons, the crossbow, and melee weapons until you have no other choice.

Here are three weapons from the game:

The bosses can be a challenge, but you can outfox them by running out of that area fast enough... shooting them as they turn back (at least during early access). Basically, if you run outside... you should be safe (from them... mainly the Butcher). You might be running into another hunter's bullet or a pack of growling monsters alerted by the gunfire out there, but the boss won't be out there. So you aren't exactly home free either way if you didn't clear the way before taking on the boss.

In order to track down the boss monsters, you have to use your dark sight ability... which gives you this ghostly view of the world that's blacked out with illuminated clues. That will get you on the right track to reaching your target. That dark sight ability will also allow you to see players carrying a bounty, which means they can also see you carrying one. If you live to see another mission (your hunter I should say)... your character lives on with the reward money, but if you die you lose everything except for your experience (so if you bought some sweet weaponry, kiss it goodbye along with that hunter). Your experience is transferred to your bloodline where it is applied to your other hunters... which is cool or experience would be hard to come by.

Visually, the world is stunning and so are the horrible looking monsters... but to truly appreciate it you're going to need some serious juice to get your money's worth out of the fictional Louisiana Swamps. The requirement is actually one of the cons in this game, but before I mention the reason why... check out the minimum specs:

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel i5 @ 2.7GHz (6th Generation) or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Memory: 8GB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 TI (or AMD Radeon R9370)
DirectX Version: DX11
Disk Space: 20GB
Sound Card: DirectX compatible audio card
Additional Notes: Best experienced with headphones. We recommend having the latest drivers installed.

This con is a plus for those that can meet it, or exceed it. It's even better for those of you who can meet or exceed the recommended specs... but not everyone can meet the minimum. Nothing wrong with specs being high, but... the risk of high specs is one that involves cutting off potential customers at that mid-range. A single player game or a game running on a console is fine... but when you have a multiplayer or co-op game on PC, the community can be a bit empty if few can meet the requirements. The minimum specs have been lowered from what I see, but it would be cool if they could lower them a tad further.

Replay value is there via the bloodline progression, which allows you to rank up and unlock equipment, traits, better hunters, etc. So you have something to strive for. Reaching new ranks will unlock things like a stamina shot, a nice selection of guns, frag bomb, dynamite bundle, etc. Investing time in the game comes with its rewards, you get better (hopefully) and you gain new things to help make you more of a beast in the field... so stick with it.

Price wise... Hunt: Showdown is okay at $29.99 because I don't know whats coming once the game truly launches (but the price may increase upon release). Currently, I think the game would be better priced at $19.99 to increase the number of players (if they meet the requirements). If it's going to increase in price once it's officially launched... there have to be more monsters. There was an update, but to really make this a must play experience... there should be at least 12 boss monsters and a variety of maps.

I think there should also be a 4 player co-op with some sort of story-line that fits this world. The AI of the monsters can be bumped up too. I think it would be a great additional mode and would be a different yet satisfying experience.

Overall, I think its a good concept for a visually satisfying experience that gets you on the edge of your seat... but (I don't know) it just feels like something is missing to really round out the experience. It's in early access, so I'm keeping that in mine, but I hope they have a co-op experience (beyond the PvP) that gives you something else to do. Maybe even take down the persons behind the nightmare... maybe they're from the underworld or something. Just something that gives you a different mode so the experience doesn't get stale. I can only roam the same environment so many times before I start looking for a change of (pace and) scenery.

Fun factor: 3

Visually: 5

Replay value: 4

Price: 4

"4 / 5 Cool Points"

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FTS: Crytek Reveals New Weapons & Monster for 'Hunt: Showdown' (PC)

Hey there!

Crytek has revealed new footage of the latest weapons (and a new monster!) coming to the first-person bounty hunting game Hunt: Showdown. This content, which debuted earlier today during the PC Gaming Show at E3, will be released very soon and accompany other new features and additions to the game.

The video features:

The Vintage Crossbow, a large, quiet weapon ideal for a stealthy kill. You can retrieve the crossbow’s bolts from the corpses of your enemies after you’ve shot them down.

Throwing Knives are a quiet, light option—they can be used for one match (considered a consumable) and carried in addition to primary and secondary weapons. Knives, like crossbow bolts, can also be retrieved from the corpses of your dead enemies. And, of course, from any other surface you throw them at.

The Hand Crossbow is a smaller version of the Vintage Crossbow, and, as it is categorized as a pistol, can be carried in addition to a larger weapon—bolts retrievable, shots stealthy.

The Sticky Explosive Bomb is a barbed bomb designed to stick to walls and other surfaces when thrown. You throw ‘em, they stick, and then they explode!
There is something in the water now… our newest monster is the Water Devil, a tentacled creature that attacks players when they are traversing the swamps and bayous.

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Dear Developers: Pushing Gamers Out With PC Specs

This is for the developers who only desire the best-looking games in their catalog. It doesn't always make or break your game to have the best-looking games out there... but there are times that sales could be affected because of it (specifically on PC).

There are a crap load of PC gamers, and most are middle-of-the-road regarding specs... nothing too old, and most definitely not on the cutting edge of tech. Some developers may shrug these gamers off, but i'm telling you right now (and read this a few times)... you will be the one who suffers for it. When you don't accommodate the middle of the road... you miss out on the majority of sales. Those with higher specs are not the majority, some of us have to bust our humps to afford several games each year and they have to be playable. If they aren't playable with our current specs, what will usually end up happening is a great-looking game released today... will ultimately end up forgotten by those who can't play it. What also happens in other cases is that game will get played years down the road once the middle moves forward, and by then the price has gone down.

Some of you may shrug and say that it wouldn't have been purchased at full retail by the middle anyway, but you would be wrong. Budgets exist for a reason and there are many in the middle that make great use of them, and if a great game is out there the chances of it being picked up are greater. 

I'll give you an example... Fortnite was tested on a system requirements website over the past 30 days by over... (wait for iiiitttttt) 681,435 people. That's over have a million PC gamers, and 50% of those tests passed... while 50% failed. I won't dump on Fortnite because the specs aren't crazy, but... there are games out there that require at least 12GB of RAM minimum (i.e. Hunt: Showdown). Think of what that does to your audience, especially in an online community... it cuts people out. I won't say it completely eliminates everyone, but who benefits more, the game that few can run... or the one that made sure the audience in the middle of the run can play? Think about it, doesn't make the games bad, but how would the majority of gamers know if they can't play it?

Gotta run... there's a plate of nachos with my name on it.

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