Showing posts with label Ghost Face. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghost Face. Show all posts

Q+A with DEAD BY DAYLIGHT Game Director, Mathieu Cote!

The announcement of the Dead By Daylight: Ghost Face DLC... grabbed my attention, especially with this sweet trailer. 

I saw this trailer and thought... "The words for today are... Bad A**!" Then I heard about the upcoming 09/24/19 Nintendo Switch release and thought... hmmm that could be interesting. 

I know the Nintendo Switch has more than doubled the Wii U unit sales as of March 31, 2019 (based on Nintendo sales data), and I know every single owner isn't in need of a permission slip. So with this planned release... it clearly shows to me that more developers are acknowledging the number of core gamers making their way onto the switch... even if its a secondary console purchase for portable gaming.

I wanted to know the motivation behind the pending release of Dead By Daylight on the console, and was provided with answers by none other than... Behaviour Digital's Game Director, Mathieu Cote.

What was the motivation behind the Nintendo Switch release?

  • We have always wanted to get this game in the hands of as many players as we could. The Switch is a great gaming console but it is so unique and different that we needed to take our time to make sure we did it justice. - Mathieu

Has the platform proven itself to be an additional place to access a critical number of core gamers?

  • We believe that, not only we will be able to reach new players with this console but we will also be giving our current players a new way to experience the game. Now they can take Dead by Daylight with them, on the go! - Mathieu

Some gamers have steered away out of fear that they'd only have access to an overwhelming majority of kiddy games. Do you have anything you'd like to say to them?

  • On a personal note, I believe that Nintendo proves, year after year, that you can make games that are for all ages and for all types of gamers. Not everyone can do that, but Nintendo has, consistently.
Lately, Nintendo is making it clear that the Switch is not just for kids. There is a large portion of very mature, hardcore gamers enjoying that console and they are making efforts to try and make them feel welcome by adding more mature titles to their library. Dead by Daylight is a perfect example of that. - Mathieu

I didn't say whether or not I agreed with Mathieu, but... I do. Nintendo is doing what they need to do in order to show core gamers that we're welcome. Take a look at Nintendo's E3 line up, which includes Dead By Daylight... and you'll see what I mean.

The ability to game on the go is something they wanted their home console to benefit from... and you could kinda sorta see that transition coming. Now they don't have to bring out another handheld console alongside their home console because they're one in the same. Not everyone has the ability to kick back and log hours on a stationary console... so the Switch makes sense (and does both).

Not arguing specs... this is about core gaming action on the console.

Even if there are re-releases... some games like Dead By Daylight have focused on extended the life of their game rather than making new installments once every year or two... so there is something fresh coming down the pipe regardless of the initial release date. Gotta love replay value.

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this little Q&A... feel free to wash it down with some Nintendo E3 action, don't forget to show us some love at one of the links below... and i'll see you in the next one. Game on!

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!
Clementine D Cosplay Hat

Dead By Daylight: 3 Year Anniversary + Ghost Face + Nintendo Switch

Montreal, Canada—May 29, 2019— Behaviour Interactive is excited to celebrate the third anniversary of its horror multiplayer game Dead by Daylight. The developer seized the opportunity to announce the launch date for the game’s Nintendo Switch version and confirm that Ghost Face®, the ICON of Halloween®, will be joining its roster of killers.

Ghost Face joins the Dead by Daylight roster of killers
Behaviour and Fun World are proud to announce Ghost Face® is returning in Dead by Daylight. It is Ghost Face® as never seen before, in an exciting new format. The ICON of Halloween® lives on! Evolution USA brokered the deal between the parties as the Licensing Agency of record. 
A look at Ghost Face®
Lurking in the shroud of night, Ghost Face® is a natural stalker who observes his victims before striking. 
Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. The workplace is filled with them; strangers seated beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know until proven otherwise. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise. The Ghost Face® took full advantage of that fact, blending in the everyday. He would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…
The Ghost Face® DLC launches on June 18 on PC and consoles and includes the killer, his power, three perks, and two exclusive items for the Ghost Face®, the Monochrome Mania body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon.
Dead by Daylight on Switch: launch date and content
Dead by Daylight will launch on Nintendo Switch in stores and on the Nintendo eShop on September 24, 2019. This version will include 9 killers and 10 survivors, along with 3 cosmetic packs. 
Players will be able to pre-order their copy at their favorite retailer soon. 

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!
Clementine D Cosplay Hat