Showing posts with label Female Protagonist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Female Protagonist. Show all posts

Tracer: The Time-Hopping Hero Deserves Her Own Adventure

So... yeah, we were chatting about games (shocking, I know), and Overwatch came up. I was looking at the various characters and the popularity of Tracer couldn't be ignored. I couldn't help but wonder what a single player game would be like... starring Tracer. I left it at that, but Sophima had other plans and turned it into a full blown article. So... I will be sharing this with Blizzard, and who knows, maybe we'll see an adventure one of these days. Game on! -  Blu 

In 2016, a spunky, time-manipulating hero captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. Overwatch's Tracer wasn't just popular - she was the most searched video game character online that year. With her cheeky grin, iconic catchphrases, and ability to zip through time and space, Tracer quickly became the face of Blizzard's team-based shooter. But as much as we love blinking around payload maps and pulse-bombing unsuspecting enemies, it's high time (pun totally intended) that Tracer got her own standalone single-player adventure. Let's dive into why this cheerful Cockney deserves to be the star of her own show!

A Backstory Begging to be Explored

Tracer's origin story is like a time travel movie pitch that writes itself. Lena Oxton, a plucky young pilot, volunteers for an experimental aircraft program. Things go sideways (or should I say temporally wonky?), and she ends up unstuck in time like some sort of adorable British version of Billy Pilgrim. Enter Winston, everyone's favorite gorilla scientist, who anchors her to our timeline with a chronal accelerator. Boom! Instant hero origin.

But here's the thing - we've only scratched the surface of this narrative gold mine. A Tracer-centric game could explore the psychological toll of being unmoored in time, the ethical implications of altering past events, and the responsibility that comes with such power. Plus, imagine the gameplay possibilities! We could hop through different eras, change the course of history, and maybe even team up with past or future versions of ourselves. It's "Quantum Leap" meets "Back to the Future," with a dash of "Doctor Who" thrown in for good measure.

Gameplay That's More Than Just a Blink of an Eye

Tracer's abilities in Overwatch are fun, but they're tailored for a multiplayer shooter. A single-player game could really flex those chronal muscles in exciting new ways. Imagine intricate time-based puzzles where you have to coordinate with your past self to overcome obstacles. Or high-stakes chase sequences where you're blinking through bustling city streets, rewinding mistakes, and leaving a trail of confused bystanders in your wake.

And let's not forget about that pulse bomb! In a single-player context, we could upgrade and modify it for all sorts of temporal shenanigans. Slow-motion explosions? Time-delayed detonations? The possibilities are as endless as time itself (which, coincidentally, is Tracer's playground).

A Cast of Characters Ripe for Cameos

While Tracer would be our leading lady, the rich cast of Overwatch characters provides ample opportunity for memorable guest appearances. Picture a stealth mission where Sombra reluctantly helps you hack through security systems. Or a globetrotting adventure where you race against Doomfist to secure powerful artifacts. Each cameo could introduce unique gameplay elements and flesh out the relationships we've only glimpsed in short animated clips and voice lines.

The Overwatch Universe Deserves to be Explored

Let's face it - as much as we love capturing points and escorting payloads, the Overwatch universe is begging for a deeper dive. A Tracer-led single-player game would allow us to really immerse ourselves in this vibrant, hopeful vision of the future. We could explore the gleaming streets of futuristic London, uncover the secrets of Watchpoint: Gibraltar, and maybe even take a trip to the moon base (you know Winston would insist on a visit).

More Than Just Another Online Multiplayer Game

Don't get me wrong - I love a good team-based shooter as much as the next person. But every game doesn't need to be an endless series of online matches. Sometimes, we crave a rich, story-driven experience that we can sink our teeth into at our own pace. A Tracer game could scratch that single-player itch while still feeling unmistakably "Overwatch."

A Potential Goldmine for Blizzard

Here's where things get exciting for the folks over at Blizzard HQ. A successful Tracer game wouldn't just be a one-off hit - it could pave the way for an entire series of Overwatch single-player adventures. Imagine a stealth game starring Sombra, a mech-piloting simulator with D.Va, or a narrative-driven RPG following Zenyatta's path to enlightenment. The possibilities are as diverse as the hero roster itself.

And here's the kicker - these games wouldn't cannibalize the Overwatch player base. If anything, they'd likely drive more interest in the main multiplayer game. Players who fall in love with Tracer's solo adventure might be inspired to hop online and try out her abilities in a competitive setting. It's a win-win situation that could expand the Overwatch universe in exciting new directions.

The Cavalry's Here (and She Needs Her Own Game)

Tracer isn't just a popular character - she's an icon waiting to break free from the constraints of team-based gameplay. Her time-bending abilities, infectious personality, and rich backstory make her the perfect candidate to lead Overwatch's charge into the realm of single-player experiences.

So come on, Blizzard! The temporal winds are blowing, the chronal accelerator is charged, and millions of fans are ready to embark on a solo adventure with everyone's favorite time-hopping hero. It's time (there's that word again) to give Tracer the starring role she deserves. After all, the world could always use more heroes - especially when they come in the form of charming, single-player experiences.


 + Blu 

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Dungeons of Hinterberg gets two thumbs up!

Dungeons of Hinterberg is an action-adventure game that combines elements of dungeon crawling with social simulation. Set in a picturesque Alpine village, the game features a unique blend of combat, puzzle-solving, and character interactions. Players explore various dungeons, each with its own challenges and enemies, while also engaging with the local villagers to build relationships and uncover the story behind the mysterious Hinterberg.

The game is known for its vibrant art style, engaging gameplay mechanics, and the seamless integration of social elements with traditional dungeon exploration. It’s a great choice for players who enjoy a mix of action, strategy, and narrative-driven experiences.

Dungeons of Hinterberg exudes a cozy charm that makes it stand out in the action-adventure genre. I could totally play this in between spoons of ice cream.

The art style of Dungeons of Hinterberg is reminiscent of the comic strips in a newspaper, which is really delightful to see. There are hints of anime influence in the eyes of certain characters, but overall, it feels like scenes lifted straight from the funny pages. Instead of just talking about it, take a look at this first 30 minutes of gameplay, and then we can dive into more details below.

The combat system in Dungeons of Hinterberg is designed to be dynamic and engaging, blending traditional action-adventure mechanics with unique twists. The controls are fairly simple and with a tamed pace, it could be prove to be a great action-RPG for beginners and Vets! Here are some key features:

  1. Real-Time Combat: Players engage in real-time battles against a variety of enemies, using a combination of melee and ranged attacks. The combat is fast-paced, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking.

  2. Skill-Based Mechanics: The game emphasizes skill-based combat, where players need to master different weapons and abilities. Each weapon has its own set of moves and combos, allowing for diverse combat styles.

  3. Magic and Abilities: In addition to physical attacks, players can use magical abilities to gain an edge in battle. These abilities can be offensive, defensive, or supportive, adding depth to the combat system.

  4. Environmental Interactions: The dungeons are filled with interactive elements that can be used to the player’s advantage. For example, players can trigger traps to damage enemies or use the environment to create strategic advantages.

  5. Boss Battles: Each dungeon culminates in a challenging boss battle, requiring players to utilize all their skills and strategies to defeat powerful foes. These encounters are designed to test the player’s mastery of the combat system.

  6. Progression and Customization: As players progress, they can upgrade their weapons and abilities, tailoring their combat style to their preferences. This progression system ensures that combat remains fresh and rewarding throughout the game.

Overall, the combat system in “Dungeons of Hinterberg” offers a rich and varied experience, combining action, strategy, and customization. While the magic wasn’t showcased in the gameplay, you start off with skills that aren’t your typical fire, water, and lightning attacks. Instead, you gain a Ball & Chain skill that lets you aim and throw a spiked ball, as well as a massive wrecking ball that explodes. This combination is used for various puzzles and combat scenarios, and there are other abilities to look forward to as you delve deeper into the adventure. I give the game two thumbs up, but I believe it would be even better with voiceovers.

Book your slaycation for $26.99 for a limited time. This is 10% off the regular price of $29.99, which is quite respectable. The game isn’t ultra-realistic; it’s artsy, with a digestible story-driven experience. Once you dive in, have fun and don’t forget to roll away from danger. That said, game on!


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Unknown 9: Awakening

After a 3 year wait, Unknown 9: Awakening is nearing the finish line for our enjoyment.

Unknown 9: Awakening presents itself as a captivating entry into the adventure game genre, headlined by a protagonist who is a female Quaestor named Haroona. With an intriguing ability to tap into powers from an alternate realm that she explores—a realm aptly dubbed the Fold—players are enticed with the prospect of tailoring their gameplay experience. Mastery of the Fold, it seems, offers a variety of playstyles, potentially catering to a diverse range of gamers' preferences.

Haroon's compelling narrative arc intertwines her thirst for knowledge with the perils of her connection to the Fold. In a plot twist reminiscent of enthralling cinematic narratives, Haroona finds herself thrust into a defensive corner when the Ascendants, a splinter faction, target her in their quest to exploit the Fold's enigmatic powers.

At the outset, the game's aura could easily be mistaken for a fresh chapter in the "Assassin's Creed" saga. However, "Unknown 9: Awakening" promises to carve out its own niche in the action-adventure landscape, teasing a synthesis reminiscent of franchises such as "Tomb Raider" and "Control" + "Assassin's Creed". It's an ambitious blend that piques curiosity about how this title will distinguish itself upon its anticipated release on PC, PS5, and Xbox in 2024.

Cheers to new adventures, and as always, game on, mga ka-tropa!


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Slicing Through The Hate: Stellar Blade

The Director of Stellar Blade, Hyung-Tae Kim, spoke to GamesRadar and shared his thoughts on the preferred look of the protagonist for the game. His words were translated as, “Honestly, when I play a game I would like to see someone who is better-looking than myself. That's what I want. I don't want to see something normal; I want to see something more ideal. I think that is very important in a form of entertainment. This is, after all, entertainment targeted for adults." In other words, this game is Rated M for Mature.

Stellar Blade is rated M for Mature!

Demetria Obilor

These are his words, he's the director of the game, and just like the designers of Bayonetta, Chun Li, Cammy, Lara Croft, etc. they have the right to have their characters look a certain way and... we have the option to support or not. We covered similar in the past regarding Bayonetta and her look. A number of people had a problem with her sexiness... and some tried to challenge it by saying their bodies are unrealistic. 

Fact, we don't look the exact same as people, and even if he doesn't see it as... normal, it's a representation of some women who have these figures. If they get represented, I think that's great, and... I have zero objections if women of various shapes and sizes get represented. Trust me, there are people within the Black community with shapes that aren't considered realistic and have even affected job opportunities... because someone felt a certain type of way. That's not cool at all, it's discrimination... so in the spirit of body positivity, let people represent themselves and show love to people of various shapes and sizes or it says without saying that... you're not welcome. New reporter, Demetria Obilor is a prime example of someone who was body-shamed by a hater, but she took a stand and got the support she deserved.

On that note: When you're preparing your first or next game... and you want to venture outside of what some consider to be the norm for game protagonists, represent well in terms of the game and I'm sure it will be well received. If not... it doesn't matter how the protagonist looks.

Now on to the actual Stellar Blade game!

Embark on the quest to restore Earth to humanity's grasp with Stellar Blade! This brand-new, narrative-driven action adventure for PlayStation®5 holds the fate of our species in its hands.

Earth, torn apart by enigmatic and formidable creatures, has been forsaken. The remnants of humanity have sought refuge in a distant Colony among the stars. However, now it is time for EVE, a member of the 7th Airborne Squad, to journey from the Colony and reclaim our planet from the malevolent force known as the Naytiba that has ravaged it.

EVE's objective seems clear-cut at first: eradicate the Naytiba and unravel the enigmas of the past amidst the ruins of human civilization. Yet, as she confronts the Naytiba one by one, she discovers that her mission is far more complex than anticipated. Nothing is quite as it appears...

Now, let us delve into the character of Eve.

Hailing from the off-world Colony, where the remnants of humanity seek refuge, EVE's arrival on Earth is met with catastrophe. The 7th Airborne Squad's endeavor to reclaim the planet from the Naytiba is met with a sudden and brutal assault, leaving her unit in ruins.

Survival seems nearly impossible, but EVE's fortunes take a turn when a scavenger named Adam comes to her aid. Guiding her to Xion, the last remaining city on Earth, Adam becomes her ally in this perilous mission.

Lily, an engineer, known as EVE, is determined to carry on her task: eradicating the Naytiba entirely. Recognized as the "Angel" by the remaining inhabitants of Xion, EVE ventures into the hazardous region, unveiling its hidden wonders at every stride. As she progresses, it becomes evident that she confronts more than just a fight against a powerful adversary... Her convictions and everything she has believed in thus far are on the verge of being challenged.