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HFactor Hydrogen Infused Water... Reviewed!

This came right on time because I need to drink more water. Don't tell my wife or my mom that I said that. Shout out to HyEdge for supplying HFactor Hydrogen Infused Water!

Package Design: As you see, HFactor team sent over a variety pack, along with one of the bigger pouches of water. The pouches are durable and with the built-in straw, you're able to drink every last drop. This product is also made in source-reduced packaging.

It has been hot (ha... hot... Hot... HOT), and it has been kicking my behind... but I still have to get out and get active. I'm glad this package arrived at the time it did, so let's jump into finding out what the product is.

According to HFactor, the product came about after decades of research... due to evidence of what hydrogen infused water does for the body. They say that it enhances how the body feels, functions, and renews itself.

The company says that reverse osmosis filtering (which I've heard of before) ensures the purity and taste of HFactor Hydrogen Infused Water by way of delivering pure hydrogen + pure water (that's it).

That said... it's time to get my drink on in order to determine how I feel after drinking HFactor, and I can't forget about the taste.

Taste: The first flavor up to bat is... watermelon. It doesn't have sugar (neither have sugar according to the packaging), and it tastes like its sugarless. It just has a hint of something that reminds you that watermelon is on the premises. Other than that... (don't laugh at me but...) it tastes like water... with a little something extra (which is likely based on the process used to produce the water). I'm not crazy about the Watermelon, the Blood Orange, the Honeydew, or the standard unflavored product. 
I don't hold that against the product, that's all on me because... I'm not crazy about the taste of water, I'm very particular but... all isn't lost... the Tart Cherry is a win. It's not just tolerable, I can drink this one enjoyably.

I'm not sure what they did differently with that flavor, but it doesn't just have a hint of fruit... it has more flavor. I would like the others to have more flavor if they're going to be... flavored.

One thing I will say is that this is best served nice and cold, so follow the recommendation from team HFactor... which also suggests that you consume the water within 30 minutes time (I'm totally guessing that has something to do with maintaining the quality before the contents in the air do something to it). 

Usefulness: Now when it comes to the increased athletic performance and reduced inflammation from exercise... I give props to this product, it delivers. It worked after going to the park to play soccer with my daughter, but... it also helped in a way that I didn't expect.

I generally get up around the 3am (Eastern) window, and one of the days after a really hot day at the park I woke up with head tension. I went in the fridge and grabbed one of the pouches (watermelon I believe), and although I wasn't crazy about the flavor... my head tension went... POOF. Hey... screw the flavor at that point, I was surprised and also felt a bit more awake.

I wasn't sure why that was, and how I could gain relief so quickly... but the product brings more oomph to H2O... and apparently helped me get over a dehydration headache.

According to Medical News Today, the brain can contract or shrink from fluid loss. This is obviously movement that causes the brain to pull away from the skull... which is where the headache comes from. So think of your brain as a grape, and if you don't remain hydrated... it can essentially dry up a little like a raisin. Once rehydrated, the brain goes back to normal and poof goes the headache... which explains what happened with me. I thought it was really cool to find that out, and the fact that the product helped my head tension dissipate so quickly.

I've drunk water to relieve head tension before, but it didn't help me that quickly... so I have to give that credit to HFactor.

Other days I went out for P.E. and came back to drink more servings of the HFactor water, and felt better after the fact. I wasn't sore or anything after P.E. but I didn't feel sun-sapped after drinking HFactor. I had a heavy workout on one of the days that I drank the water and I wasn't that sore after the fact.

Price: Pricewise, you get 12 pouches in this variety pack for... $29.99. That's about $2.50 a pouch for 11 FL OZ, I think it would be easier to swallow at $1.50 to $2.00 per pouch unless I have a dehydration headache... then I'm all in. I'd go for the 12 pouches of Tart Cherry... which I discovered is on back-order at the time of this review, it's the only one on back-order (everything else is in stock). Perhaps that should be a sign for team HFactor to reevaluate the other flavors.

Overall, this is a quality product that actually worked for me. Tart Cherry was good, can't speak for the taste of the other flavors but... I'm speaking as a soda & juice drinker.

Package Design 5

Taste 2 (Tart Cherry is a 5)

Usefulness 5

Price 4

4 out of 5 Cool Points

Check out HFactor Hydrogen Infused Water here.

Mask Up Mondays: NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (Season Game 6)

Wearing masks stops the spread, so imagine COVID-19 if everyone acted accordingly and wore their masks. People are dying, people are losing their jobs, people are being evicted, companies are losing business, essential workers are getting sick, and that only increases the scarcity of everything when you think about it. It doesn't require you to wear it in your car, just wear it in stores and public buildings around others, and when you're in crowded spaces and areas where you will interact with things where the public, in general, will go (i.e. gas stations).

Not sure what type of mask is most effective? Take a look at this lab test from June, where the Florida Atlantic University researchers developed a cough emulator lab configuration to determine what the most effective mask would be. The focus is air droplets and how effective certain masks are, and we have the most effective masks in the test available for you w/ a coupon code to save 15% off. So take a look at the video to verify for yourself, and... let's flatten the curve.

Happy Video Games Day!

Happy Video Games Day everyone! According to National Today, video games have been around since 1940... and it's safe to say that most of us were around then (I know I wasn't), but there were obviously some serious enhancements since then. I wouldn't say that every day was a sunny day since then because there have been quite a few downs... but the billion-dollar industry is bigger than ever.

Old school games are still being enjoyed (and not only Super Mario Bros), which includes some of the old arcade video games... being kept alive through newer games (i.e. the Yakuza franchise).

You have a slew of games, more games than I can even attempt to start counting or naming off for all ages. We have a slew of genres to enjoy, from the action, platformer, to shooters, to horror, to racing, sports, hybrid, fighting, light gun games, puzzle, bullet hell, etc. We enjoy these games through single-player, multiplayer, co-op, PvP, Free-To-Play, MMORG, and so on by way of the console, pc, mobile, and even VR headsets with controllers, fight sticks, keyboards and mice, touch screens, and motion controls.

Yes, enjoyable beautiful videos... which can easily be placed in the top tier of my favorite pass times. If you just kinda sorta game, research and find the various genres to get your hands on the games that will take that small time and amplify it with a fun memorable experience. Game on! - Blu

Happy Video Games Day! Kick the haters to the curb online and enjoy your experience or play single-player games. I'm celebrating by playing RPG games and chatting with my cousins. It's the same old same old, but that's what I love to do! Happy Video Games Day, game on! - Luis D. Lucha

What's up everyone, Happy Video Games Day! My favorite type of games are sports but I also play fighting and RPG games. So if y'all see MVE DOLO17 online, let's go! - DOLO17

Happy Video Games Day 2020,

The holiday was created to celebrate the love and creation of videogames. There are developers in regions around the world with games that we respect. I play more of the obscure games, but also play mainstream games like Zelda and Tetris.

9 times out of 10, there is a game out there for you so support the developers that make them possible. This is video games day, but it's only fair to also mention pinball, card games, and tabletop RPGs that play a part in the industry. These genres have also found success in digital form. ζΈΈζˆεΌ€ε§‹ - Yang

Happy Video Games Day! Can I get a cake shaped like a game console or something? That would soooo be the perfect way to celebrate... along with video games. Hehehe

I like action games, sometimes I play other games but they can't be slow-paced... and they have to look cool too. I use to play NBA Jam because it was flashy and fun (HE'S ON FIRE!). If I could have one game for video games day, it would be a new Saints Row game where it's more realistic but... still crazy. I didn't like Saints Row IV, but I loved Saints Row: The Third. The Saints don't need to be in the White House, a new game could take them global and have more backstory for the gang members. I would love to see that... for real. I'm playing Saints Row: The Third... after I get some food (non nom nom). Game on! - RkRk

Happy Video Games Day! I think my favorite genre right now is battle royale games that I can play with my friends and talk crap. - Suxky

Show me some love at the links below!

1More Stylish BT Pro In-Ear Headphones... Reviewed!

It's been a while since I've reviewed headphones, so shout out to 1More for supplying a pair. These headphones may actually look familiar to some of you... because they resemble the Stylish Dual-Dynamic Driver BT In-Ear Headphones, reviewed previously. So let's see what sets the pro version apart... after this unboxing!

Design: 1More has certainly turned some heads with their line of Stylish headphones as they present the latest version, but... I'm going to do some digging to see what makes these headphones the "Pro" version.

Off the bat, these headphones have a magnet in the back end of the headphones that allow them to become an audio-inspired necklace on you... when they aren't in use. That's a win over the standard version because I didn't care for the loose dangle... that was a con that they eliminated in the pro version.

Visually the look has been maintained for the most part, although in the pro version there is a bump-out for the USB cover (which doesn't stay in that well... for me the way it does for an associate of mine).

Specs: Speaking of specs, In the pro-version, you also get a USB Type-C versus the mini USB... which is when my thumb went up. I don't like looking at the port to confirm if I have the USB turned the right way. I'll do it if I have to... but if I don't have to... you know which option I'm going for. The USB Type-C is almost a must moving forward for me, so this is a win for the pro version.

Spec-wise... the speaker impedance is the same at 32. You get a slightly heavier weight when it comes to the pro version... which could be the magnets but it only bumps it up about 5.6 g. 

When it comes to Bluetooth, the pro version features 5.0 compared to the 4.2 in the standard version. The connection has been instantaneous for me. Bluetooth range is slightly greater according to specs, but it seemed about the same for me although there wasn't an interruption when going the same distance I went with the standards. Both continued to the audio playback from my home to the curb, but it wasn't choppy in the pro version... which I actually tested inadvertently while hightailing it out of the house with a recycling bin ahead of the pick-up time.

By the way, the headphones remained in my ear during the mad dash outside.

Anyway, my second thumb went up for the pro version in terms of the playback time (big difference). The standard version delivers 6 hours of playtime, while the pro version delivers 12 hours of use according to the specs. As far as my experience goes, it checks out. 

I used the headphones during bedtime (to enjoy my usual ASMR), and through my workday (via music, movies, and commentary). I think the low volume extended the battery life overnight (it was at about 20 to 25% volume to prevent white noise), and outside of an hour of standby time... I was able to get over 12 hours in before I began to hear the low battery sound notification.

Speaking of the battery, you get 5 hours of use from the pro version after a 10-minute charge, compared to 3 hours in the standard headphones. 3 hours still isn't bad, but... I'll take the extra 2 (hours).

Audio: The on and off sounds on the pro are... interesting. Previous 1More Bluetooth headphones delivered the usual "Onnnneee More" sound when you turn them on, and "Power Off" (when you... turn them off). The pros give this epic little bass drum sound, which is... okay, but it's lacking what I considered a plus. One thing I like about previously reviewed Bluetooth headphones from 1More is that little battery level notification you get when you turn them on, you don't get that notification in this pair of headphones. I believe an update is possible, they can keep the previous low battery notification.

The audio was tested with this recording

Before you listen to this (if you're wearing headphones)... just keep in mind that you will hear a knock at some point in the test process. This is just a heads up because it jarred me. I thought someone was knocking on one of my office windows. Holy crap.

The 1More Stylish BT Pro In-Ear Headphones, feature aptX HD + AAC. Looking at Qualcomm's aptX HD technology, it delivers 24-bit audio over Bluetooth in high def. To give you an idea of what 24-bit means for these headphones... 16-bit can deliver a dynamic range of 96 dB, while 24-bit can deliver 144 dB. CD generally delivers 16 bit.

The Iron Man vs. F-22 Raptor dog fight scene delivered some very crisp audio through these headphones. I didn't get a lot of bass in this scene, but you could tell that it was there with the roar of the jet engines coming onto the scene. I got the whistle from the missiles, the wind, and those little pops from the gunfire... which were pretty clear. I wanted to experience more boom... so I went jumped into some drumline action, which I enjoyed the most based on recording quality (because bass felt a tad shy beforehand). The frequency for the pro version is 2.400HGz - 2.4835GHz.

The cVc 8.0 microphone with Environmental Noise Cancellation technology is said to help filter out background noise and isolate your voice during phone calls. All I can say about this is that I didn't have to repeat myself during the phonecalls I made while at a local park while playing soccer with my daughter.


In the initial posting of this review... I said that everything just about checks out on these headphones... except for the USB cover that... covers the port. Well... I have an update.

After doing some tests, an associate was able to confirm that the cover remained in place for him. 

Not only did he confirm this, but the company also checked as well... but I wanted to make sure that someone was able to check without being an employee of 1More.

Here are images of the headphones after use, and as seen here... the USB cover hasn't come out of the port.

Thanks, Cameron!

Price: Price wise... the pro version comes in at a competitive price of $49.99, which is $30 less than the initial release price of the standards. Now that I've been able to confirm the USB port cover issue isn't a widespread problem... I feel comfortable giving the headphones a thumbs up for design.

One thing you didn't see in this unboxing... was a storage bag, which was included in the standard version (not sure why, but there needs to be something for the additional silicon ear tips to be stored). My guess is that this decision was made to keep costs down, and on that note... I can find something to store the ear tips and headphones.

Overall, good headphones... at a good price that allows you to double up for about $100 for Christmas or grab two for you and someone to work out in style.

Design 4

Specs 5

Audio 5

Price 5

4.75 out of 5 Cool Points

Top Audiences Last Week as of 09.10.2020!

Top 10 Let's go!

I have to give it to them, Hong Kong is persistent.

Hong Kong
Sweden (swoops in ahead of Germany)
United Kingdom

United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and... South Korea came close!

FTS: Dead by Daylight launches newest chapter, first graphics update

Dead by  Daylight’s  Newest Chapter,  Descend Beyond  Launches Today 

First graphical update releases 


MontrΓ©al, Canada – September 8, 2020 – Behaviour Interactive is proud to announce that Descend Beyond, the newest chapter of its iconic asymmetrical 4v1 game Dead by Daylight, is now available on Nintendo Switch, PS4Steam, Windows Store and, Xbox One

The Descend Beyond Chapter features a new Survivor and Killer as well as new and exclusive in-game cosmetics.  

The New Killer is The Blight. Once a bright and ambitious Scottish chemist, Talbot Grimes played one too many times with human lives for profits. His compounds became the bargaining chip with which his life was saved – only to be betrayed by those who had shown mercy to him. As he descended into darkness, the Entity bestowed him a field of bright orange flowers. A new Killer had stepped into the Fog. 

The New Survivor is Felix Richter. A brilliant Austrian architect, Felix comes from a long line of members of a secret society. After excelling in his field and as a soon-to-be father, Felix’ ambition brought him to the island where his father and other members of the society vanished. Through the ruins of the old Victorian buildings he was set to restore, Felix heard his father called from deep below. Beyond the ruins and into the Fog, down he went - never to be seen again. 

To celebrate the release of the new chapter, players will have access to in-game cosmetics, including an exclusive jacket for Felix Richter. Two very rare outfits will also be made available for the newest Killer and Survivor. 

As well, the new Oktober Fest collection will be available in the in-game store. Raise a glass and celebrate this beloved Bavarian festival with Meg, Felix and Kate in colorful and cheerful outfits that will have players say: Prost! 

Players reminiscing about the last chapter will be delighted to learn that a new addition to the beloved and iconic Silent Hill Legends Collection: the Cybill Bennett legendary set for Cheryl Mason is coming September 25th.

First graphical update content drop 

As announced last week, Dead by Daylight is undergoing a major graphical update that will be available for free for all players, on all platforms. The first content update will be made available in this patch. The Springwood and Yamaoka maps will be completely rehauled and the generators, pallets, chests, and lockers will benefit from new models and animations. The community can expect regular updates as part of this evolutionary process for Dead by Daylight. 

Show me some love at the links below!