Showing posts with label Steam Link. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steam Link. Show all posts

SDGT Entertainment's 2018 Wishmas List

Its that time of year... and we've received so many different types of suggested wishlists from companies for the holidays. That was nice, we appreciate it... but, hmmm (how can I put this) they weren't exactly things we'd have on our wishlists for the most part.

Humble Monthly Bundle: This is a monthly bundle that you can subscribe to... and literally receive a slew of games every month (as seen in the image above). They range from AAA to Indie and vary by genre. This is on our 2018 Wishmas List because it gets you the hookup on games throughout a year... especially on a budget. Not every gamer has the money to get the latest and greatest game every time it releases... so this is the perfect gift that keeps on giving. Right now you can literally get and/or gift a year of Humble Monthly for $99. Nothing to mail or ship, you get the notifications in your email that your games are available and... you download them whenever you want. They don't expire, they're yours through PC/Steam or DRM-Free.


A portable battery charger: This may seem totally lame but... so is your cell phone going dead when you need it the most, or your Nintendo Switch, tablet, laptop and... you get the idea. It doesn't even have to be one particular charger, just aim high when it comes to the mAh and even consider one that also has a solar feature.

You don't need the most expensive one, but if it works with your budget... consider a portable battery charger a must have. If its just for a cell phone or something similar that doesn't require a lot of oomph... some options are super cheap. Charging laptops may cost a tad more... but its all about what's important for you to power up.


1More Quad Driver Headphones: While I will say that the Over-Ear Triple Driver and Spearhead VR headphones are awesome... the one I recommend for this list, is the quad driver in-ear headphones. The ear tips are comfy and vary in size for a variety of earholes... they're quality headphones that deliver great sound, and they're easy on the eyes. These are the first THX-certified headphones, meaning... what you hear in the studio... is what you hear on the phones. I have thoroughly enjoyed these headphones with music, movies, games, and... ASMR.


Rich by Rick Ross's Shaving Cream & Aftershave Balm: Now... before anyone says anything, I have a little beard. I don't really grow facial hair in mass like some guys, but I'm proud of my little beard. (I'm being laughed at right now.) Regardless of its size, its full for its size and I keep it neat... but one thing I don't want in addition to my... beard, are bumps. Nothing like having irritated skin. I went through a few brands... and I won't say names, some were cool too... but I really like the RbRR ones. 

The shaving cream feels great and my razor glides. I don't slather my face with it because I don't want to waste it, but I found that I haven't needed a lot. I was concerned about the aftershave balm... because I really haven't used others based on past experience (not the burn, but the irritation)... but this checks out and checks out well. I have not used the beard oil (Rick Ross uses it and you see how awesome his beard is)... so I can't give you any insight on that, but these two get two thumbs up. So my beard may be small... but it's not surrounded by bumpy irritated skin.


Steam Link: We all agreed that this should be on Wishmas 2018 List because... the app is free or get the device that's super inexpensive and delivers games to your TV, and (Beta on) Android phone or tablet via your PC for a console-like experience. This does NOT mean you should skip out on a console if you have the means and actually want the exclusive games they have to offer, that's totally not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that... here is an option to play some of the same games using a free app and device that's a fraction of the cost + the games are usually a lot lower in price.

You can use a Steam controller, Keyboard & Mouse, Xbox controller, Playstation controller, and even a Nintendo Switch Pro controller. No online fees required to game (internet is needed to get your games, but that's the duh of the day), just use your internet connection and as long as your PC specs are decent... you can save yourself some serious coin and still play both new & used multiplatform and even PC only games on Steam Link. So with that said... Game on!


Curved Monitors: When it comes to the PC... I won't say that the actual PC made our first annual Wishmas List (sorry), but... monitors have. Curved monitors to be more specific. Some of these monitors are better than others... and I know that some of you would rather just get multiple monitors and call it a day. I was on the same path, and... I have multiple monitors but... my preference is changing. Multiple monitors are great, but with that comes more energy consumption... and the borders that divide those monitors when gaming. If I can do everything on one vs 2 or 3... why not?

It would help me save some space on the desk too. This isn't exactly the cheapest monitor option, but among the curved options available... see if one works for you.


 Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!

And the winner of the Bundle is...!

Congrats to LeeLee from Cincinnati, Ohio... you've won the SomaSole Bundle! 

Please check your email so we can get that bundle out to you ASAP! We didn't mention this, but... its always fun to throw a surprise in there. You're also receiving a Steam Link, and an Xbox Controller + Cable for Windows. Game on!

Image result for steam link

I haven't tried the Steam controller yet... so an Xbox controller it is.

More news + reviews are right around the corner... so stay tuned!

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You do not want to miss this post!

So... I'm in the Steam store minding my own business, and... next thing I know I see a deal. As many of you know, we present all sorts of game bundles here... which are primarily for the Steam platform. The deal I saw on Steam is a perfect compliment... and it had me at... awesome.

(Click the image to see it in full or go to the link... here!.)
You can get... a game called "ICEY" + a Steam Link for less than $9 (before s&h). The Steam Link is listed as $1, and for what it's worth... you can basically make that move of getting PC games in your living room. I've had a Steam Link for a while now and... I've never had buyers remorse. I get access to my PC in the living room when I wish to merely kick back and game (an office lounge would be nice too now that I think about it). If you already have one, no need to fear, the Holidays are creeping forward and... you probably know someone who doesn't have one. So it could be one of the most useful gifts for a gamer you know. We'll have your back with the bundles to pack their library.

I was playing ELEX today on a Steam Link... with a review coming in due time. A review of The Mummy Demastered is also coming... so stay tuned. Although I could leave this post right here... I just want to give props to THQNordic for recovering that fumble of the original THQ. THQ, not to be confused with today's THQNordic... did something that we warned against way back when. Some of you were around when we wrote about the uDraw tablet being an absolutely horrible idea... and it ultimately burned them. It sucked because THQ had some noteworthy games. THQNordic is the new ship sailing these IPs into the future... and they have some sick looking titles on the way.

 Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co.

Content on content on content? Yep... just in time for Friday!

Game after game is cool... let's just hope Square-Enix is moving at a... successful pace.

Square-Enix is going hard... and believe me when I say that we like what we're seeing, but as you see in the title image above... they may be pumping out content a little too fast (read on and i'll explain). Mobius Final Fantasy looks awesome and i'm glad that it has a different feel than Final Fantasy Exvius... because (the variety is a great thing but) we need time before a similar type of game gets released. Variety will cater to various gamers based on preference, but if they seek a maximum number of players for a release over a certain period of time... they should give it space on the runway to fly high (before another is approved for take off). I am not mad at this game's August 3rd (2016) release... and as long as they space things out (especially regarding genres), we are able to fully enjoy and appreciate a title versus rushing through it and skim playing instead of taking it all in.

Why would we care if Square-Enix moves at a successful pace? I'll put it like this... (hmmm) If they are stable and doing well then the company is fine and remains afloat. I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon, but with the right pace... droughts are hard to come by in terms of game releases. Some of you may have wondered why we've been delivering dose after dose of Square-Enix news... but that's because they've been sending us a lot of it. Anyway, check out the trailer below, and even if pace on releases is a good thing... I want this game... NOW.

In MOBIUS Final Fantasy... (created by the team known for FFVII & the pending remake) you take on the role of a dude who wakes up in a place called... Palamecia w/ no memory of his past and... in Square-Enix fashion he is tasked with bringing hope to the world by figuring out the mysterious prophecy surrounding the legendary warrior of light. It's a free-to-play game that fellow gamers in Japan have had the honor of enjoying in 2015 and now its our turn to indulge (soon). By the way... if you preregister for it (which costs NOTHING)... you will receive FFX themed items at launch. See the link below!

Like what you see? Register for the game here:

So what's been going on at SDGT Ent? Good question!

Blu is getting back to 100% while playing a good amount of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius in his down time and I've been playing some Rocket League.

Excuse the language, but... Scoring for the other team?!

Rocket League... Rocket League, these are things that sort of annoy me about the game... outside of missing the ball myself at times (ahhhh). I know its usually placement into matches where someone has bailed out, but have you ever tried to join a fresh game and you can't seem to get into one because you keep getting placed into these matches where your team is already being completely owned? There should be a box that we can select to "Join New Matches Only"... just like in Mario Kart, you aren't just dropped in a match (you are on standby until it ends). Granted that game is a bit different and drop ins keep the match flowing, but... at least the option of going in at the start of a new match will give the option of going that route so that you aren't joining a loosing battle (already in progress.

Also, I have no problem with noobs (everyone is a noob when they begin a new game...) but playing on a team with a noob or just a saboteur who is blocking shots of teammates and scoring for the opposite team... all the while replying "Sorry!"... #OMG that is incredibly annoying. 

Rocket League Tip: Playing matches with bots is best until one knows which goal to make it into.

Outside of in-game action, a Steam Link unboxing video and review of the hardware are coming soon... among several game reviews (and with many more to come after those) and of course... the 2nd DLC adventure will be reviewed for Just Cause 3 as well.

Before I go on to discuss Pokemon Go shenanigans... I just want to fill in all of the Agents here. A new elusive target has appeared on the radar, but... you won't have it as easy as before (even if those weren't 100% easy), because this time you will have to determine which target is the actual target. I'm not talking about strangers here, i'm talking about identical twins. What's the big deal? You can only kill one, and it has to be the right one (not to confuse that with one of them standing on the right) which is Dylan. 

Potential Tip: I wonder if there will be a slight difference to determine which is which, but we will have to get close enough to hear the right thing... in my opinion, in order to figure it out. That's the only approach I see that can actually shine light on a solution, perhaps one of them will call the other by name, or someone gives away Dylan's position. 

Pokemon GO: For Broke Edition?

To all the excited Pokemon GO trainers out there... both young and old, do yourself a huge favor and don't get caught up in the game to the point that you're driving with your eyes locked on the phone to see whether you're close enough to the next capture. Furthermore, watch where you're walking and even consider (strongly) where you're going to catch Pokemon because a game isn't as important as your life. The game doesn't know where you shouldn't go and put yourself in harms way and multiple people have been robbed already, like... (i'm not saying it was deserved but) seriously?!

It doesn't matter where you are, if you're so distracted that criminals can get the drop on you... (ummm) that's a bad thing. That's not to say that its a bad game... because they've captured the interest of a lot of people who aren't familiar with Pokemon at all... and these are adults. Based on the info provided to us by Rachel of N6A (thanks Rach'), shows a study down with nearly 2000 adults who give props to the app with 70% of them being happy that its helping them become more active. We usually don't like getting into numbers and stuff like that, so we won't be getting into the rest of the data... but we think its cool because no matter how you slice it, someone is being introduced to a game (which could be one of very few in their life) that is allowing them to enjoy something they probably thought was for kids or simply beyond their age group.
That deserves a ka-Ka-KA BOOM!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have pizza and cupcakes calling my name! Not literally or... i'd jump out an office window, but... you know what I mean. We're going to the store because ice cream just makes total sense (singing: "We're going on a trip... to get something yummy... pizza and cupcakes with some ice cream for our tummies!"). Game on!

From the Source: Deus Ex News... Audio Edition!

I thoroughly look forward to playing this game when it gets released. They've had time to get their feel of how things should be, and they even improved on Deus Ex: Human Revolution which... the original was still quite cool (though it felt a bit stiff to me at times). I was one of the initial supporters that pre-order the Augmented Edition on Onlive (no less)... which I was able to complete the game after enjoying it for awhile. I didn't rush through it, I soaked it in.

When the Onlive streaming service went goodbye... and the micro-console system + the controller went auto-paperweight, I went and got a copy of the Director's Cut (eventually) just to have it as a part of my library, because I like to go back and play great games. 

By the way, whoever made the decision at Onlive to not even give the supporters the option to utilize the micro-console or controller in an alternate way via some sort of software or open source code to create some type of software... you royally suck for that. Money went into that... on both ends, and just because it wasn't going to result in you making anymore money... shouldn't mean that it should've also burned supporters. 

Then again on the financial end, they could've repackaged it and made it solely a streaming device we control via our PC and made money from the hardware. The controller should've been reusable especially, that could've been used on PC and mobile, and i'd encourage tech modders to see what can be done with the Onlive hardware because... it would breathe life back into something that essentially recycles it (green gaming!). Like captain planet said, the power is yours. If you aren't familiar with Captain planet, he was the superhero that fought to protect the earth from pollution.

Onlive's situation has nothing to do with Square-Enix, its a different company entirely... but it was the perfect opportunity to vent about that, because I got the micro-console system for Deus Ex: HR: AE to enjoy and try out streaming. Which is why streaming only consoles aren't exactly a fave, though I wouldn't have that same judgement towards devices that more so stream from the PC... as mentioned above (like the Steam link).

Anyway... on to the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided news.

Original Soundtrack to release this Fall

MONTRΓ‰AL (May 18, 2016) – Square-Enix® and Eidos®-MontrΓ©al today announced that, in addition to Michael McCann returning to compose music for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, award-winning artist Sascha Dikiciyan (aka Sonic Mayhem) will also bring his talent to the game’s soundtrack. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s Original Soundtrack will be available worldwide this fall.

Overseen by Executive Audio Director Steve Szczepkowski, the music direction of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided represents an evolution of the score created for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The world ofDeus Ex has dramatically changed since the final events of Human Revolution, which culminated with the Aug Incident. The golden age of augmentations is now over, and mechanically augmented humans have been segregated from the rest of society. Mankind Divided deals with heavier subjects and, as a result, the music has been adapted to reflect the new state of the world. It plays a key role in immersing players within the more mature and darker atmosphere of the game, while still staying true to Deus Ex’sdistinctive and signature style.

Hear Sascha Dikiciyan’s work in action in both the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 101 trailer and the Adam Jensen 2.0 trailer.

“It was important for us to build upon the strong foundation of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but also to let it stand on its own. Along the way, we realized this game was much vaster than anticipated and we made the choice to add another composer to the team. Sascha Dikiciyan’s music stood out,” said Steve Szczepkowski. “After talking with Sascha, it became clear that we shared the same vision and passion for what musically drives Deus Ex. Sascha’s influences mirror ours in many ways, yet he also brings a whole other set of influences to the table. Sascha is completely immersed in the musical feeling of Deus Ex; he’s a huge fan of the franchise, and that comes through loud and clear in his compositions. We can’t wait for people to hear the work that he’s done and we are all thrilled he’s now part of the Deus Exfamily!”

Sumthing Else Music Works and Eidos-MontrΓ©al will release the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided OST this fall.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will launch on August 23rd for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
Square Enix

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SPACEBASE DF-9... reviewed!

A game with great potential that suffers from (hmmm)… asphyxiation.
Ever play a game that has the potential to be a really good one, yet finds itself tripping over those annoying… WTF’s?! That’s exactly what this game does for me.

The trailer shows a pretty good space sim experience, but it’s like pulling digital teeth at times to get any of your crew members to comply with their roles (if they comply at all). The willingness of the behaviors should be more instant if they’re happy to comply... and sluggish the more they aren't. Simply pile the tasks (or something) and allow them to be cancelled for each member's set tasks, or have the tasks cancel each other out if we need them to do one thing immediately… or swap the tasks around (drag’n’drop action).

SpaceBase DF-9 reminds me of the Sims… in space (kinda sorta, with less personality and different frustrations). Nevertheless, the potential experience is what makes me continue to play the game in hopes that I can reach the makings of a great base. It’s not a game I play back to back… but with improvements, it could honestly be a great game and I see that regardless of the frustrations.
The type of experience it offers (that shouldn’t have other things in the way) are… crew roles that allow the base to grow based on their individual roles and interests. You aren’t just skating through from one progression to the next either, you have to build, run, and protect your base. I find it very interesting, and that should be the thing that’s able to shine… greatly.
A major plus (for me) in this game is figuring out how you’re going to take on raiders that invade your base. I just wish that members of your base complied in the way they should… and if it were my decision, I’d want a manual option that allowed me to move the members where I wanted them to go. I would list my reasons why, but… Double Fine doesn’t pay me to make their games for them.
What you see in the trailer is not as easy as just placing things, and I get that. Dealing with the elements and… raiders is fine BUT (and that’s a big but) things have to be a bit smoother than the tug of war compliance with commands. Get it done instead of standing around or “wandering around” as the game puts it… or running around in a panic because the member is concerned about the level of oxygen when the place... has… oxygen.
One thing I’d do regarding the game is… do something about the frigging walls that block the outer view of your space base. That should be easy… and the front walls could either be a low cut or an extremely low opacity wall. In sims… we have to be able to count out the amount of blocks needed for our next build, and if you can’t see the amount of space available… it’s a bit difficult to do that. It's doesn't stop you from building, but with building being the name of the game, don't block it out.
The fun factor is there, but the frustration factor is greater. I'll... leave it at that.
Visually, I think the game looks great in the 2D top side view, and the art style is cool (long live 2D art).

Replay value is there also, even if it’s something that initially sends you back to the drawing board, again… and again (and… you get the picture). The true replay value can be experience once you get a stable base that covers the needs of your members, and give it a try to see if you can obtain that… if this game interests you. I do suggest to the developers that they should at least see what they can do to ensure that it’s a game that is given a chance without the unnecessary getting in the way. A good update that gets it to where it needs to be, will turn those mostly negative steam reviews (as of 11.17.2015) around, because then the challenge would be the welcomed sim challenges and not challenges regarding characters ignoring what they were told. Speaking of going back to the drawing board, I don't want to downplay that (for what its worth), because if your decisions send you back... you have the option to go back and game... game... again until you get it right.

The game is $9.99 on Steam, and that’s not a bad price (at all)… but I still need a game to feel stable (to allow for a well-rounded experience).

Fun factor: 2
Visually: 4
Replay value: 4
Price: 5
3 / 5 Cool Points