Showing posts with label Composer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Composer. Show all posts

Hey Blu: Where Can I Find Game Industry Opportunities?

I won't mention any names, but I was contacted about opportunities in the industry. Who you know is honestly one of the faster tracks to gain access, but... it isn't the only one. A previous article touched on this... which is more than likely the reason for the message, but... I'll deliver more information here.

One thing I will say is... you don't have to work at an established game studio in order to gain access to the game industry (as mentioned in the previous article). Having the ability to develop games gives you access as an indie developer, but if you want to work for an established company... click here.

Regardless of working for yourself or a company (which is great experience and a resume builder), you will have to do indie in some form so that you can gain experience for that job you desire.

Full courses are available outside of a college classroom, without the debt... including courses for game development using the new Unreal Engine 5 (literally 8 courses for $25, which this sale lasts until May 26, 2022). Learning how to create levels and characters is great, but don't feel left out if you're more so skilled with music, programming, or even making cool voice impressions, these all play a hand in games.

At times it will require you to work a day job while honing your skills, but at least you have a goal... and these skills won't go up in smoke. You have the ability to actually do something with them. Once you get the ball rolling, consider creating a LinkedIn account so that you can rub shoulders with other developers and companies. You will be able to include your work history, skills, and all that good stuff, which can turn heads and possibly get someone's attention. You will also see jobs promoted on this platform also, so... take advantage of every avenue possible when it's go time.

There are also Mod and Indie platforms out there that allow you to collaborate with others, just make sure you get with people you vibe well because it could actually turn into a game studio before you realize it. Ultimately, just avoid wasting your time and you will be fine. If you're a teen reading this, you and do the same things as far as learning and developing your own games, but consult with your parents before taking the step to share or release them so that your ideas are protected.

From the Source: Deus Ex News... Audio Edition!

I thoroughly look forward to playing this game when it gets released. They've had time to get their feel of how things should be, and they even improved on Deus Ex: Human Revolution which... the original was still quite cool (though it felt a bit stiff to me at times). I was one of the initial supporters that pre-order the Augmented Edition on Onlive (no less)... which I was able to complete the game after enjoying it for awhile. I didn't rush through it, I soaked it in.

When the Onlive streaming service went goodbye... and the micro-console system + the controller went auto-paperweight, I went and got a copy of the Director's Cut (eventually) just to have it as a part of my library, because I like to go back and play great games. 

By the way, whoever made the decision at Onlive to not even give the supporters the option to utilize the micro-console or controller in an alternate way via some sort of software or open source code to create some type of software... you royally suck for that. Money went into that... on both ends, and just because it wasn't going to result in you making anymore money... shouldn't mean that it should've also burned supporters. 

Then again on the financial end, they could've repackaged it and made it solely a streaming device we control via our PC and made money from the hardware. The controller should've been reusable especially, that could've been used on PC and mobile, and i'd encourage tech modders to see what can be done with the Onlive hardware because... it would breathe life back into something that essentially recycles it (green gaming!). Like captain planet said, the power is yours. If you aren't familiar with Captain planet, he was the superhero that fought to protect the earth from pollution.

Onlive's situation has nothing to do with Square-Enix, its a different company entirely... but it was the perfect opportunity to vent about that, because I got the micro-console system for Deus Ex: HR: AE to enjoy and try out streaming. Which is why streaming only consoles aren't exactly a fave, though I wouldn't have that same judgement towards devices that more so stream from the PC... as mentioned above (like the Steam link).

Anyway... on to the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided news.

Original Soundtrack to release this Fall

MONTRÉAL (May 18, 2016) – Square-Enix® and Eidos®-Montréal today announced that, in addition to Michael McCann returning to compose music for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, award-winning artist Sascha Dikiciyan (aka Sonic Mayhem) will also bring his talent to the game’s soundtrack. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s Original Soundtrack will be available worldwide this fall.

Overseen by Executive Audio Director Steve Szczepkowski, the music direction of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided represents an evolution of the score created for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The world ofDeus Ex has dramatically changed since the final events of Human Revolution, which culminated with the Aug Incident. The golden age of augmentations is now over, and mechanically augmented humans have been segregated from the rest of society. Mankind Divided deals with heavier subjects and, as a result, the music has been adapted to reflect the new state of the world. It plays a key role in immersing players within the more mature and darker atmosphere of the game, while still staying true to Deus Ex’sdistinctive and signature style.

Hear Sascha Dikiciyan’s work in action in both the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 101 trailer and the Adam Jensen 2.0 trailer.

“It was important for us to build upon the strong foundation of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but also to let it stand on its own. Along the way, we realized this game was much vaster than anticipated and we made the choice to add another composer to the team. Sascha Dikiciyan’s music stood out,” said Steve Szczepkowski. “After talking with Sascha, it became clear that we shared the same vision and passion for what musically drives Deus Ex. Sascha’s influences mirror ours in many ways, yet he also brings a whole other set of influences to the table. Sascha is completely immersed in the musical feeling of Deus Ex; he’s a huge fan of the franchise, and that comes through loud and clear in his compositions. We can’t wait for people to hear the work that he’s done and we are all thrilled he’s now part of the Deus Exfamily!”

Sumthing Else Music Works and Eidos-Montréal will release the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided OST this fall.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will launch on August 23rd for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
Square Enix

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