ACCELL USB-C to 3 HDMI Multi-monitor Hub... Reviewed!

An easy solution to connect your monitor... times 3!

ACCELL's USB-C to 3 HDMI Multi-monitor Hub... is a pretty useful device for anyone looking to connect multiple displays and today... I have the pleasure of reviewing it.

I actually opened it up while at a resort this past weekend, but we were sort of wrapped up in pool and beachside fun + gaming + snacks + food and other yaddas! There was a dude playing the Simpson's theme song on his electric guitar too... but I had no more juice to record it. Its safe to assume we had a blast!

Oh yeah... speaking of snacks, I had some glazed cinnamon apple fritters this past weekend that was just... oh my God. Those things were delicious and fresh from the bakery... but I digress.
Image result for apple fritters publix

Anyway, if you have a USB-C output and you want multiple monitors... this type of hub really comes in handy (whether you're working with a desktop or laptop). This is something gamers, game developers, and other businessmen + businesswomen... can benefit via desired display solutions. Its portable with no external power cords required, and I appreciate the fact that there are vents on it because some devices get super hot with no place for that heat to escape.

As you see here... there are vents on both sides.

Clearly, you can connect three monitors with this device but... if your graphics card has two USB-C outputs... you can double the awesomeness with six monitors (using two hubs). They do note that... the max number of displays is based on the number of display pipes your video card has, so you'll have to refer to the manufacturer to see where you stand... if you don't know.

When using my laptop I definitely miss using multiple monitors because they're fantastic for productivity, but this hub gives me the option of adding more. If you have to travel and need this type of hub... I'd recommend portable monitors vs the standard ones. Even if you don't travel that often... get some good quality portable monitors if you can, trust me... you'll thank me later. Standards might be good for a home set up, but... you just never know when you'll end up on the go. You can get a laptop, this hub, and at least two portable monitors in a backpack or briefcase... to keep the productivity at a maximum at your destination.

For those of you unfamiliar with multiple monitor setups, you can mirror or extend your desktop displays. Mirror mode gives you the same display on each monitor, while extended desktop gives you a long desktop and lets you use the monitors individually... as seen below.

The ACCELL USB-C to 3 HDMI Multi-monitor Hub features:
  • Multi-Stream Transport (MST) protocol (Check to see if your source device is compatible)
  • Compatible with Thunderbolt 3
  • Data bandwidth up to 5.4 Gbps per lane, 21.6 Gbps total
  • Can simultaneously display 2 Ultra HD resolution
  • Compliant to HDMI 1.4b, HDCP 1.3
  • Advanced WideEye SerDes Technology capable of receiving data over a long range
Everyone has their preference, but why game and work on one monitor when you can utilize three?

Just a heads up... if you're planning on getting something like this with dreams of connecting three 4K displays, you won't be able to pull it off. Sorry... it's time for the cons. The hub can handle two 4K displays + one 1080p monitor, and if you have Mac OS... you will only be able to mirror three monitors (Mac OS doesn't support MST technology). So the hub does have limitations, but... I don't think they're deal breakers because you don't have to go 4K. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer my monitors to have the same resolution... so this gets a shrug from me (I don't have 4K monitors).

A plus about this hub... that I like about USB hubs, and others... is the ability to just unplug the hub. If I have to move a desktop or take my laptop on the go so I can eat and work... I like the ability to just unplug a hub and not a bunch of individual cords. I know its not a wow, but just as easy as I can detach it... I can reattach it without looking for each port to connect everything. This doesn't even have anything to do with a lack of ports... its just something I like because it's super convenient.

USB-C to 3 HDMI 1.4 Multi-display (MST) Hub

Price wise, this comes in at $144 on the main site but... if you click on their Amazon buy button you can totally get it for $120. If you want or need something like this, and more productivity means more money... the option is here. You may wonder why you should get this hub over comparable hubs, but... look closely at what they offer so you don't end up with a product that struggles. This hub has Advanced WideEye SerDes technology that not only allows you to receive data over a long range but... this works well for the lower quality HDMI cables as well. So keep an eye on what these devices offer, and I've seen others (i'm not calling any out) that have no mention of this.

Overall, the Accell USB-C to 3 HDMI Multi-monitor Hub... is a nice portable device that makes good use of one USB-C port. This is great for desktops, but even more so for the slimmer laptops with limited ports. Plus... there are no worries necessary when it comes to the hub just going out on you after purchase, because if it does... it comes with a 2-year limited warranty.

Design 5
Quality 5
Function 5
Price 4

4.75 out of 5 Cool Points

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!
This product has been provided to us by ACCELL!

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Watch This: Touched by an E.T.

"I'm not smiling right now... this is how I look when I get scared" ROFL This is too funny... and he seems like a really nice guy. I know a couple of people I'd like to put in his place. - Blu

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Death's Gambit... Reviewed!

This game... is... challenging, and that's a good thing to an extent.

Hmmm... this game was what I thought it was... and then some.

Death's Gambit is a 2D "Souls-like" Metroidvania game, and I enjoy it... despite having my butt being handed to me many times. There is no doubt that number will go up the next time I play because there is always a tough enemy tucked in a lair somewhere... just waiting to end you (but you can't die... which I'll explain later). You don't have to go that far to encounter one of these boss enemies either... so keep the pain relieving ointment handy, and prepare to get your butt kicked as you build your character. I've been on the grind to level up so I can start to redistribute some of that pain... and it's pretty addictive.

Literally, I've been grinding... going back to the same area where I've found the most success to grind, and have leveled up to a good degree so far... while looking forward to slaying the enemies who sent me back to the drawing board. I can easily say that I'm a lot better than when I started (my archery skills can be used in a wild west style shootout at this point)... and I wanted to present you with the gameplay of that, but I recorded nearly 2 hours of white screen on new software. Yeah... THAT happened. That didn't exactly make my night, but... the show must go on.

In Death's Gambit, you are Sorun, an... undead agent of Death itself. I won't give away the story, but Sorun became a soldier like his mother... and clearly things didn't work out all that great because he's raised from the dead. He isn't just raised from the dead to run around and fight random enemies, he's part of a war waged against the legendary immortals of Siradon. Siradon is the land you venture into to take on your enemies... and some of them aren't even legendary immortals, but they can send you back to the drawing board wondering what the heck happened.

Sorun and Death have an interesting relationship... some of its comical, that got my attention. I appreciate that being added in to break things up, but... even then there some very weird eerie experiences in between gameplay. I'll give you one example... and one only. After Sorun was taken out at one point, he ended up on an island... so I tested out the water. I was able to run in it, it was shallow... so I began running (to the left). After I got a distance from the island, the skies turn dark (dark) and the water turn... red. I assume it was representing blood, and... I turned right back around and tried to run back to the island... but I ended up back in Siradon. It was trippy.

Speaking of the world of Siradon, what agent class do you want to represent while taking on its immortals? You have seven classes to choose from... like Soldier, Assassin, Blood Knight, Wizard, Noble, Sentinel, and Acolyte of Death. Their attributes and items vary, like the Soldier is an all-around fighter, while the Assassin is quick, and the Wizard uses ranged magic.

The Wizard starts off with a spellbook, while the Soldier has a sword. So you have options to approach your adventure... and even still, your movements and the way you fight can seal the deal at level 6 ahead of a level 10 if you approach the battle the right way.

Death's Gambit is packed with replay value. This 2D Action RPG is already challenging enough, but I doubt you can beat it in one seating. If you think you can... record yourself doing so. The same enemies may have you coming back again and again for a rematch... and even then, if you beat them... you can go back and give them a rematch in Heroic Mode (or start a new adventure in New Game Plus mode).

Outside of that, you also have replay value in unlocking the various Talents to boost Sorun's abilities. Using Talent Points gained in your adventure allows you to unlock talents like "Blood of the Phoenix", which lets you use feathers to remove minor status ailments and restores stamina when health is over 90%. You have 3 paths to choose from. Personally, I don't see the value in most of the talents, but that's based on my playstyle.

Replay value goes even further with Journals of Immortals. You find these journals regarding the various immortals and outside of information about that immortal... you deal 5% more damage against the boss (per book). So if you have 2 journals, that's 10% more damage to bring the pain. Like other games with achievements, the life of this game is further extended by the 34 Achievements that are available if you choose to go after them.

Visually... this is a cool looking 2D game with pixel graphics that take it easy on hard drive space and other CPU resources (LOVE IT). From the way the blades are wielded... to the way, you dismount from your horse... I think they did a great job with the animations. What would be awesome is the option to switch between pixel graphics and hand-drawn art that resembles Dragon's Crown.

Audio even sounds good. The in-game music is fitting for the adventure, but you also have the sound of the blade cutting through the air and even clinking if it hits a hard surface. Another cool sound is the releasing of the bow, and these are just to name a few things that help boost the immersive experience of this 2D game. They took what they had and made it pretty sweet... which also includes the price tag.

Price wise... the game is on point at $19.99, which is in the perfect spot. No more... no less... it's right where it needs to be. It would be sweeter at $15, but its home at $19.99.

One potential con for gamers... that I can't dock the game for... is its difficulty. Not everyone will enjoy the difficulty of Death's Gambit at all because some people don't see the enjoyment of a major challenge. The con I will put on this is... the lack of cloud saving, I can't continue on a laptop where I left off on a desktop in the office. So in order to continue a game... I have to go back to that specific PC. That sucks, I wanted to continue with my grind with a collective build up... but until they allow the cloud save... stick with the PC you game on most. PS4 gamers shouldn't have this problem.

Overall, this is an interesting adventure with enough depth and challenges to keep me coming back, and I appreciate the fact that it doesn't require a lot of juice so I can log hours on a laptop.

Fun factor: 4

Visually: 4

Replay value: 5

Price: 5

"4.5 / 5 Cool Points"

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!
This game has been provided to us by Adult Swim Games!

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Our Condolences to the Victims of David Katz

I've been asked and told... and told... and told again about what happened with the shooting in Jacksonville, FL. We're safe, we didn't attend the Madden tournament, but for the people who did... our sincere condolences go out to them. This goes double for the families who lost loved ones at hands of the sore loser who followed up his murderous rampage by taking his own life.

When I heard what happened, my heart sank. - Yang

I'm a gamer... like the majority of people that access our site, and while many of us are sensible people, there are others who give all gamers a really bad name. From the racists to the trolls, the cheaters/hackers, the sexists, the swatters, and now... the mass murderers. Gaming has seen some incredible (and I do mean INCREDIBLE) strides, but... this is the lowest of the low.

WTH man?! - Luis D. Lucha

How did this maniac get the gun into the venue? Based on reports, he shouldn't have had a gun in the first place if he truly was disturbed. Where were the metal detectors? What about security? There are all sorts of questions that can be asked... and should be answered by any venues making their locations available for future gaming events. People go to game and spectate... not die or have to see a friend or family member taken from them. No event is worth attending if your life is at risk... so that could decrease attendance greatly, and... EA was already in hot water (now this).

Long live great gamers... the others can take a hike! - RkRk

Jacksonville Landing will surely get a flood of lawsuits as a result of this gun-wielding maniac being a sore loser, and possibly EA if they were to ensure they had their own security measures in place. This also risks future game tournaments and conventions being banned in venues unwilling to take the risk of someone being butthurt over a loss because it could result in a major financial loss for them... by way of another potential mass shooting.

He beat plenty of gamers... but wants to kill when he gets beat? Pure loser. - Blu

Gaming is open to all that like to play... and unfortunately, that includes the scum of the earth. If this is you... and you can't take an L online or in person without damaging something or harming someone, stick with single player games. We can seriously do without you around because the risk isn't worth it. Not one of these scum can ever complain about new rules and regulations that further restrict gamers... because they're the ones responsible. These are the people who give companies a valid reason to put a stranglehold on certain things and I'm tired of them. They should seriously create they're own online community and stay there.

R.I.P... To The Fallen! - Super Duper Gamer Team

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!

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