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The Video game market revenue forecasted to hit $200B in 2022... but

 According to the Global Games Market Forcast from NEWZOO, 2022 is looking even brighter for the game market (as seen in the forecast below). That's great... for those developers actually getting a slice of the pie. While it does leave room for others to come in and capitalize based on gamers being there to potentially support a game, it doesn't always mean a win for everyone... it just more so shows them what they missed out on.

By the way, the full report shows that the U.S. beat out China by .3Billion at $50.5Bs (China came in at an impressive $50.2Bs).

If this is you, perhaps the forecast could prove to be motivation enough to step things up as far as your current or next project is concerned. NEWZOO is a market-intel-related firm that also keeps its eye on mobile gaming as well, which they see that market growing its way to $103.5Bs. For me, I can see mobile doing this because everyone and their child have a mobile device in many cases, which is another door for developers (noob or vet level) to capitalize on. Want a bigger piece of the pie? Learn something new, collaborate, open the door to a new member of the team (including gamers without dev experience), and knock your projects out of the park. You can find all sorts of things off the beaten path.

By the way, if you're still wavering on learning how to develop games in the Unreal 5 Engine, grab a UE5 Course Bundle while it's hot and get 8 courses and an asset pack for $30 (that also helps protect the World's Oceans)!

Square Enix... did what?!

Embracer grabs Crystal Dynamics + Eidos Montreal + Square Enix Montreal for $300 million! This isn't just Tomb Raider, Thief, and Deus Ex (no no no)... this includes over 50 back-catalog games.

Square-Enix seemed to have set their sights too high when it comes to certain games like Marvel Avengers and the recent Guardians of the Galaxy. You might recall that their CEO (Yosuke Matsuda) felt that Japanese devs fall short when trying to emulate Western games, but I'm instead of just placing IPs in a closet never to be seen again... at least they're being sold off (finally).

A few things happened in the past that were hints at this sale happening. Square Enix wasn't happy with the performance of Hitman, and Deus Ex back in 2017... and IO Interactive decided to go their own way with the Hitman IP to keep it alive. I think it was awesome for the Hitman developer to make that move, and it was less pressure from corporate.

I wouldn't say Embracer Group is a bad home for these dev teams and their IPs because it shouldn't be when you consider their reach and willingness to adapt, but I hope the new home is even better for the developers and gamers. Currently, Crystal Dynamics is working on a brand new Tomb Raider game (which the franchise has limitless potential in my opinion) + we can't forget about the Microsoft X Crystal Dynamics Perfect Dark reboot.

I would say that Epic Games should've considered placing their hat in the race also... if they want to become a bigger threat as far as PC gaming platforms are concerned, but I wouldn't want there to potentially be restrictions on where the games would be available. Epic is still in the mix with several Eidos Montreal projects being developed with the Unreal Engine 5... so hopefully, it's a win-win for all (especially the gamers). We don't know what that full list of games is that were acquired, but one was Legacy of Kain. I highly doubt Parasite Eve would be part of the package, but one could dream... especially if Square Enix doesn't do anything with it. They annoy the crap out of me with that. Do something with it... do a crowdfund if you don't believe in it, sell it, let someone else work their magic with a remake, collab with Capcom, whatever... make something awesome!

Top Audiences Last Week!

Top 10... let's go!

These are the 4 top runners for a reason, they're fighting for the top spot!



United Kingdom








So Close:
Hong Kong


No E3 this year, but...

On March 31st (2022), the ESA released a statement confirming that E3 will return in 2023. Nothing has changed on that front, but there is good news and bad news. Let's go ahead and get the bad news out of the way, we already know that E3 2022 is out of the window for the in-person event, but the digital E3 showcase is out as well.

The reason is based on the ongoing health risks surrounding COVID-19. The one that got us was the E3 digital showcase, but we understand because the production team would still have to interact in order to make that possible. We were still debating about this after agreeing to an extent. There are other options as far as making that happen, but it is what it is. If people continue to huff and puff at safety suggestions, it won't help and things will continue to be impacted.

The industry shortages for required tech components have shot up. I've even seen certain parts backlogged until 2050, it's no joke, so giving a little could go a long way as far as playing things a bit more safely. - Blu

Covid just feels like a big-time blur, I don't even remember the last E3. - Luis D. Lucha

As far as that good news goes, E3 2022's cancellation doesn't mean that the show won't go on in various forms. You can still look forward to the PC Gaming Show, Future Games Show, and the Summer Game Fest which may put the ESA in the position of having stronger rivals in 2023 (if it happens). No sweat off my forehead... that should mean more awesome presentations for us to enjoy. Is it me or could Summer Game Fest use a logo update? Anyway... the dates for the following shows are below.

June 12, 2022

June 12, 2022

June 2022

Apple plucks outdated apps?!

A new policy at Apple will now require app developers to update within a certain time or risk being deleted from the App Store. I find that this is a good thing and a bad thing. A good app that has no issues doesn't need an update often, but a bad app with no updates deserves deletion.

Overall, this may be a short-lived policy or Apple may turn off developers and risk having a smaller selection. If developers are able to maintain all their apps or most of them, this could help customers with apps that maintain their polish. Unfortunately, this is not true for everyone. Indie developers sometimes have to fight through trial and tribulation to reach the release date, and now they have to risk their hard work being deleted. This is a bad thing.

Protopop owner, Robert Kabwe, feels that it's an unfair barrier for indie developers. He said that there are no specifications on what updates need to be made in order to avoid deletion. The risk is now raised on the App Store, and this is why we feel this new policy may be short-lived. It's only fair for Apple to share what updates are necessary in order for apps to be compliant prior to deletion. 

The apps have to function as intended, follow current review guidelines, and not be outdated. The first one is practical, but... if the guidelines change a month after an app is released, that would suck royally. I can't say that it would happen like that, and I would assume Apple would let it be known beforehand, but who knows. Also, when it comes to apps being outdated... I think two years is fair, but it's still going to pluck potentially awesome apps.

I don't want to take over this article, but for the Developers: If your app is bringing in the revenue that would allow you to put something aside for updates, consider it a worthwhile investment to keep the money flowing. If you don't wish to do that, just make peace with your apps being removed from the App Store if you can't maintain them. This isn't to be cold, it's more so something to prepare for... if you don't wish to do that. If you read the details, it's not all bad because you can bring your apps back as long as the updates are approved. Get clarity from Apple... ASAP. - Blu


Muse Dashed Monday: Blu vs Lys Tourbillon + Did she set herself up?

As you see here, the audio included in this Muse Dash installment will give you an idea of what the topic will be in the next Podcast episode. You may wonder why these podcast episodes would be anywhere near a video game-related platform but the podcast covers games, tech, and... life. 

Outside of game-related topics that get covered on the podcast (which I have to do more of), gamers also have relationships or may desire to be in one. There are also parents of gamers, and professionals who support the site... and these types of topics come up all for the purpose of... leveling up (IRL).