Showing posts with label Game testers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game testers. Show all posts

The Video game market revenue forecasted to hit $200B in 2022... but

 According to the Global Games Market Forcast from NEWZOO, 2022 is looking even brighter for the game market (as seen in the forecast below). That's great... for those developers actually getting a slice of the pie. While it does leave room for others to come in and capitalize based on gamers being there to potentially support a game, it doesn't always mean a win for everyone... it just more so shows them what they missed out on.

By the way, the full report shows that the U.S. beat out China by .3Billion at $50.5Bs (China came in at an impressive $50.2Bs).

If this is you, perhaps the forecast could prove to be motivation enough to step things up as far as your current or next project is concerned. NEWZOO is a market-intel-related firm that also keeps its eye on mobile gaming as well, which they see that market growing its way to $103.5Bs. For me, I can see mobile doing this because everyone and their child have a mobile device in many cases, which is another door for developers (noob or vet level) to capitalize on. Want a bigger piece of the pie? Learn something new, collaborate, open the door to a new member of the team (including gamers without dev experience), and knock your projects out of the park. You can find all sorts of things off the beaten path.

By the way, if you're still wavering on learning how to develop games in the Unreal 5 Engine, grab a UE5 Course Bundle while it's hot and get 8 courses and an asset pack for $30 (that also helps protect the World's Oceans)!