Redemption Reapers is a dark fantasy game set in a medieval world. Immerse yourself in the tale of the desperate struggle between the Ashen Hawk Brigade and the terrifying Mort legions. (Oooo sounds scary).
Wield your small resistence to defeat the enemy masses by bringing together what the dev team calls a rich variety of character builds and meticulous strategy. So rise up to overcome the odds and achieve victory in this turn-based RPG. (Rated T for Teen).
Personally, I feel like it would've been better received as a top down... hack'n'slash video game with the various characters, because when it's too slow of a pace, people begin to pick apart the character development. This is just me thinking of how the game could've been better. The pace of the game picks up closer to the midway point, but a strong start gets the party started right. Right? So that's definitely something for the dev team, and other developers to keep in mind.
Anyway, I do recommend starting this game out on easy if you aren't as experience with these types of games, because Redemption Reapears will send you back to the drawing board if you don't approach with the right strategy.
Beholder 3 Description
Welcome to The Greatest Union!
A totalitarian state that controls everything and everyone through oppressive laws, total surveillance, and intimidation.
You are Frank Schwarz, a husband, and father who lost his cushy office job at the Ministry after someone set him up. The only way to avoid jail time was to make a deal with a high-ranking security officer.
Now a government spy working undercover as a landlord, you must break into tenants' apartments, search them for contraband and eliminate anyone your boss wants out of the picture.
At the same time, you’ll have to spy and scheme against co-workers and superiors in the Ministry to work your way back up the ladder. Different factions are secretly vying for power over the Ministry and the country – play them against each other to your advantage.
Can you get your old life back, or even something better?
Will you fight for change and truth or uphold the status quo?
Who are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?
Work two jobs: in an apartment block and in the Ministry.
Different political factions are fighting for power. Pick your side wisely.
Complete quests from the Ministry: promote the ideology of the totalitarian state, manipulate flags, and spread whatever propaganda you’re told to.
Install surveillance cameras and search apartments and offices.
Maintain your cover by doing everyday chores like paying bills, fixing up apartments, and keeping your tenants happy.
64% of US Adults Are Video Game Players; A Breakdown Of US Gamers in 2020
Contrary to popular belief, video games are not just for kids anymore. A breakdown of the demographics of US video game players reveals that the average age range of video game players is between 35-44 years old. According to data presented by Rex Pascual, 64% of US adults are gamers and 75% of Americans have at least one member of their household who plays video games.
3 Out 4 Americans Have A Gamer In Their Household
One of the outdated misconceptions about video games is that it is a hobby enjoyed mainly by the younger generation. According to the Entertainment Software Association, by the end of 2020, there were an estimated 214.4M gamers in the US, and of this total gamer population, 163.3M were US adults compared to just 51.1M video game players who are under the age of 18.
A survey of 4000 Americans about their video game habits revealed 64% of US adults are gamers while 70% of those under the age of 18 are video game players. The average age range of a video game player in the US is between 35-44 years old, with the 18-34 age group having the largest share of video game players at 38%. Notably, three-quarters of Americans have at least one member of their household who plays video games.
Smartphone Most Popular Device Among US Adult Gamers
According to the survey, 73% of Americans own a gaming console while 43% own a handheld system. Another 29% own a VR device while 25% own a mobile VR device. Despite the overwhelming lead of the console in device ownership, the smartphone was the most common device used by US adults to play video games at 61% compared to just 52% for consoles. Another 49% indicated using their personal computers to play video games.
The Benefits Of Gaming Became More Apparent Because Of Pandemic
The video game industry was already a growing industry even before 2020, but the Coronavirus pandemic highlighted the significance of video games even more. In 2020, 65% of US gamers indicated playing video games with other players. More specifically, 42% indicated playing with their friends while a notable 17% indicated playing with “online-only” friends or clanmates.
When asked about the positive impact of video games on their lives, 80% of US gamers believe that video games provide mental stimulation while 79% said that video games provide relaxation and stress relief. Notably, 55% of gamers also indicated that video games helped them connect with friends, a significant benefit considering the challenges brought on by the pandemic.
Rex Pascual, commented;
“2020 was a tough year for a lot of people in many respects, and for many, video games provided an enjoyable escape. Besides the innate joy that gaming brings, many other benefits such as being able to connect with friends were highlighted by the pandemic. Through the challenges of 2020, the stigma around video games being for the young and immature is slowly being broken.”
Wearing masks stops the spread, so imagine COVID-19 if everyone acted accordingly and wore their masks. People are dying, people are losing their jobs, people are being evicted, companies are losing business, essential workers are getting sick, and that only increases the scarcity of everything when you think about it. It doesn't require you to wear it in your car, just wear it in stores and public buildings around others, and when you're in crowded spaces and areas where you will interact with things where the public, in general, will go (i.e. gas stations).
Not sure what type of mask is most effective? Take a look at this lab test from June, where the Florida Atlantic University researchers developed a cough emulator lab configuration to determine what the most effective mask would be. The focus is air droplets and how effective certain masks are, and we have the most effective masks in the test available for you w/ a coupon code to save 15% off. So take a look at the video to verify for yourself, and... let's flatten the curve.
Wearing masks stops the spread, so imagine COVID-19 if everyone acted accordingly and wore their masks. People are dying, people are losing their jobs, people are being evicted, companies are losing business, essential workers are getting sick, and that only increases the scarcity of everything when you think about it. It doesn't require you to wear it in your car, just wear it in stores and public buildings around others, and when you're in crowded spaces and areas where you will interact with things where the public, in general, will go (i.e. gas stations).
Not sure what type of mask is most effective? Take a look at this lab test from June, where the Florida Atlantic University researchers developed a cough emulator lab configuration to determine what the most effective mask would be. The focus is air droplets and how effective certain masks are, and we have the most effective masks in the test available for you w/ a coupon code to save 15% off. So take a look at the video to verify for yourself, and... let's flatten the curve.
Hell has frozen over. Only you can protect the final burning pyre from the forces of heaven and restore the inferno. Monster Train brings a new strategic layer to roguelike deck building, with three vertical playfields to defend.
No playthrough is ever the same
You’ll never play the same deck twice!
* over 220 cards
* 5 monster clans with each very different gameplay
* Each clan has 10 levels to unlock, bringing new cards to your deck
* Upgrade your clan specific champion multiple times
* 88 artifacts
* Upgrade any card twice
* More than 21 unique random events
* 25 covenant (difficulty) levels
Visit powerful locations
To take back hell, you’ll need to power up. Choose your route carefully, different locations give different benefits; upgrade your champion, recruit powerful units, upgrade cards, gain passive bonuses, or duplicate any card in your deck.
Strategize to fit your playstyle
With five clans to choose from, each has its own unique and surprising gameplay. Pick your primary and supporting clan to gain access to all cards from both. During your run, you will be able to improve cards by mixing and matching upgrades to open up new roads to victory. You can even duplicate your favorite card at special map nodes before facing off against the final boss.
In the Hell Rush multiplayer mode, eight players compete in a frantic real-time contest. Each player has the same resources and opponents to create a level playing field. With the clock ticking it’s a test of who can make the best decisions under pressure. Only a true speed demon can remain undefeated.
Take on a new challenge every day with a hugely modified run due to gameplay mutators. Compete globally and against friends, and climb the leaderboards with a skill-focused scoring system.
Design your own unique challenge and share it with friends. Each custom challenge has its own leaderboard so you can send your friends straight to hell.