Showing posts with label dark fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dark fantasy. Show all posts

Redemption Reapers: A Dark Fantasy Adventure... Free for a Limited Time!


Redemption Reapers is a dark fantasy game set in a medieval world. Immerse yourself in the tale of the desperate struggle between the Ashen Hawk Brigade and the terrifying Mort legions. (Oooo sounds scary).

Wield your small resistence to defeat the enemy masses by bringing together what the dev team calls a rich variety of character builds and meticulous strategy. So rise up to overcome the odds and achieve victory in this turn-based RPG. (Rated T for Teen).

Personally, I feel like it would've been better received as a top down... hack'n'slash video game with the various characters, because when it's too slow of a pace, people begin to pick apart the character development. This is just me thinking of how the game could've been better. The pace of the game picks up closer to the midway point, but a strong start gets the party started right. Right? So that's definitely something for the dev team, and other developers to keep in mind.

Anyway, I do recommend starting this game out on easy if you aren't as experience with these types of games, because Redemption Reapears will send you back to the drawing board if you don't approach with the right strategy.

Grab... Redemption Reapers while its free and don't forget to game on!

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