Showing posts with label FPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FPS. Show all posts

Gunfire Reborn: The Indie Game That Continues to Captivate!

Gunfire Reborn’s longevity (in my opinion) can be attributed to its continued support and the developers dedication to its player base. I remember when there were only two playable characters... and they added on over time! Despite some people feeling that the cute, furry anime characters in this multiplayer FPS with RPG and rogue-lite elements give it a child-like feel, that's precisely part of its charm. I even had a hater throw shade my way for playing the game during the review window, but it got a hard shrug because... the game is fun when you and your team set out on your adventure. Gunfire Reborn stands out in the genre with a more anime visual style that sets it apart from more realistic titles.

If parents are wary of games like "Call of Duty" or "Battlefield" due to their realism, "Gunfire Reborn" offers an excellent alternative. It's rated T for Teen, and while I’m not certain about the age range of its player base, it's clear that Duoyi Games has found their tribe, allowing their indie dev team to keep the doors open with a game that lacks blood, gore, and more.

The official launch of "Gunfire Reborn" was on November 17, 2021. Now in its fourth season, the game boasts at least ten playable characters to choose from. If you haven't played it yet or want to introduce your teen to a different title, this game is available for $15 on PC until the end of January 2025. The system requirements are low, so you likely won’t need any hardware upgrades (but if you do... you really needed that upgrade). It’s also available on PlayStation, Xbox, iOS, Google Play, and Android APK with millions of copies sold. Since they crossed the 2.5 million copy mark in 2023... I assume its over 3 million copies sold by now, and I mention that because the player base is stronger than when I initially jumped in. If you're a veteran or haven't played in awhile, check out the new characters, weapons, and tweaks to the gameplay mechanics. Compare the gameplay above to the new additions seen in the gameplay you see here:

Stay tuned for more, and as always... game on!

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Overcoming Gaming Frustration: Effective Strategies to Keep Your Cool

Gaming can be a lot of fun, but it can also lead to moments of frustration. Here are some suggestions to help you manage your frustration and enjoy your gaming sessions more.

1. Take a Break and Switch Up the Game

When frustration hits, take a break and switch to a different game. This change of pace can help reset your mind. Try a game from a different genre for a fresh challenge.

2. Get Together with Family and Friends

Sometimes, the best way to unwind is to spend time with family and friends. Enjoy some face-to-face fun and laughs. This can help you relax and return to gaming with a clearer mind.

3. Do Some Research and Practice

Before diving back into the game, do a bit of research. Look up guides and watch tutorials to understand the mechanics better. Utilize the tutorial or practice area to brush up on your skills. The pros practice as well.

4. Give Yourself Time

Don’t rush back into the game too soon. Give yourself time to cool down and approach the challenge with a fresh mindset. A clearer mind with improved skills will yield better results.

5. Keep Fun in Mind

Remember, gaming is meant to be fun. Stay positive and patient with yourself. Celebrate small victories and enjoy the process of improving. Laugh.

By taking breaks, spending time with loved ones, doing research, giving yourself time, and keeping fun in mind, you can manage your frustration effectively. Cooler heads prevail, and with a clear mind, you’ll find it easier to overcome challenges and enjoy your favorite pastime. Happy gaming!


 + Blu 

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FTS: WW1 FPS Isonzo’s Free “Montello” Expansion Releases Today (PC, PS, Xbox)

WW1 FPS Isonzo Introduces Free “Montello” Expansion Today Alongside New Cosmetic DLC!

PARIS -- Sept. 5, 2024 -- BlackMill Games, the studio behind the WW1 Game Series, is proud to announce that more content arrives today in Isonzo, the latest entry in the series taking place on the Italian Front. Wage battles on a new, free map set in the burning woodlands of Montello Hill, master new weapons and outfit your character with new premium DLC.

Fight amidst fire in the new Montello map

The free “Montello” update introduces an exciting new map for players, inspired by the Second Battle of the Piave River, which occurred in June 1918. Also known as the Battle of the Solstice, this event saw Austro-Hungarian and Italian forces clash for control of Montello Hill and the surrounding region. As the last major Austro-Hungarian offensive on the Italian Front during WW1, it holds a key place in the conflict's history, now brought to life in Isonzo.

Fight across shelled farms, burning woodlands, ruined villages and narrow trenches as you advance on this new battlefield, making strategic decisions with your team along the way. To help you in this endeavor, two new weapons have been made available for Austro-Hungarian soldiers: the infamous Mosin Nagant rifle – available in-game as the M.91 Russisches Repetier-Gewehr – and the Schwerhandgranate fragmentation grenade.

For victory, whatever the cost may be!

In addition to this new expansion, players can also purchase a new premium DLC: the “Shellshocked Units Pack.” Inspired by the exhausting and unforgiving nature of war, it features injured and weary Italian and Austro-Hungarian troops not typically depicted on propaganda posters. From torn clothing and improvised equipment to stripped down uniforms and makeshift head accessories, soldiers can now convey the true cost of the Great War.

Find the perfect edition for you

Today also marks the release of the First Wave Edition of Isonzo, a new edition of the game with over 140 cosmetic items featured in the previously released First Wave of DLC: “Elite Units,” “Veteran Units,” “Reserve Units,” and “Alpine Units.” It’s the perfect way to get into Isonzo! For the complete Isonzo experience, the Ultimate Edition, gathering all paid DLC — hundreds of items in total —  is also available on PC and consoles.

Isonzo and the free “Montello” expansion are now available on SteamPlayStation 5 & 4Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One with Xbox Game Pass, and the Epic Games Store. Get the game, its various editions and DLCs up to 67% off for a limited time.

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