Showing posts with label Game Industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game Industry. Show all posts

Is the Xbox console still worth the money? Possibly... but

I think we're about to bid the Xbox farewell as a console. I said this in the past because they were placing their games on PC via the Gamepass, and you can play games directly on select Samsung Gaming Hub TVs via Gamepass.

Now Playstation owners are at the door of in terms of playing Xbox games, which doesn't necessarily spell doom and gloom for Xbox as a company, but... the console just might be sailing off into the sunset as Xbox potentially goes all digital beyond its game controllers and other peripherals... because they're still playable on PC.

I honestly don't mind this move, although it could mean the door is closing on the Xbox console. Microsoft actually has a solid opportunity to make the Xbox bigger than the actual console if they go the route of Luna, and Roku even harder. I say that because we're gaming on TVs, and if they can get Gamepass on more TV's... for the purpose of streaming, then what good is the console... if the internet connection is solid?

Pair an Xbox controller to the TV or over WiFi similar to what the Luna controller does, and it would simply be another streaming service without the cost of pumping out a new console. This would allow Xbox gamers to keep those achievements racking up, playing multiplayer games and the party (chat) would continue. I know the downside to that is no offline gameplay, but if this is the way Xbox is going... it's a way for us to benefit even more (got a smart TV... you have an Xbox... basically).

See: Samsung Gaming Hub | Samsung Gaming Hub TVs | Samsung Gaming Hub Controller

If you're still ticked about this, remember... Microsoft does this though where they trip over their own shoelaces that were intentionally untied by them. Just like with the Windows Phones, what's the incentive of rocking with the phone if they were making the first-party apps accessible on other phones? Microsoft always wants to reach customers beyond their platforms. Xbox games on Playstation may not make everyone rejoice, but that would make it a 2-in-1 console. PC gamers have had the pleasure of enjoying multiple games from various platforms for decades, but this console war may ultimately end up being Nintendo vs PlayStation. The good thing though is that there are enough differences for both to be appreciated, but... at the same time, Sony can't get comfortable because with options out there to game simply by streaming from a TV app... the door to competition is still open.

Overall, is the Xbox console still worth the money? Possibly... but I'd say don't run out to buy one at full retail during this stage in the game unless they can assure console owners that they will maintain support for quite some time.

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Aspiring Game Devs: Never Underestimate the Power of a Dream

Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone who's ever rage-quit a platformer only to come back 5 minutes later because we can't help ourselves - let this pixel-pusher preach the good word! A degree is to game development what a fork is to soup... it can be useful, yes, but spoons exist if you want to focus on the course without all the expensive extras!

The quest to become a game dev no longer requires the ol’ “sword in the stone” scenario - because, lo and behold, the internet hath provided a digital Excalibur, and it fits in your schedule like those side quests you swore you'd start after just 'one more main mission'. Whether you're a brave squire setting forth at dawn or a night owl hunting for bugs in the witching hours, there's a treasure trove of courses where the entry fee is on the low and all you need is Wi-Fi to access it.

And oh, let me weave you a tale of a future where your skills, sharper than a +10 sword of Truth, might just unlock the door to gaming's hallowed halls. Picture this... there you are, the artisan of a grand remake, bathing in the glow of your monitors, as you stitch together the fabric of your own game that could be considered a classic one day.

The critics? Those stoic sentinels of the game realm's formidable gates? They're perched, pens at the ready, peering over their half-moon glasses, prepared to unleash a flurry of words so jolly that their keyboards chuckle with delight. Because when an indie dev crafts a game so charming it makes nostalgia feel like the new kid on the block, they can’t help but tip their hat... even if it's an invisible one.

So whether you're plotting your very first sprite or coding up the next digital world wonder, never underestimate the power of a dream mixed with a dash of online study. Because, who knows? Your homemade pixel pie might just be the next big banquet critics (and players!) line up around the block for.

Strap in, future devs. Power up your rigs and let those creative juices flow like mana from the fabled fountain. Your game dev odyssey awaits!

Here are 5 of the best Udemy courses for game development:

Unreal Engine 5: The Complete Beginner's Course

Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D & 3D courses

The Beginner's Guide to Animation in Unity

All About Gaming Industry Careers & Game Design Fundamentals

Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer

 + Sophima 

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Hackers Strike Again: When Will The Game Industry... Strike Back?

The Game Industry is still taking losses due to the relentless attacks from hackers.

In order to mitigate these damages, it might be beneficial for studios to explore alternative approaches when utilizing the internet, especially if internet access is available on all systems. That's a door just waiting for hackers to access time and time again.

One potential solution could be to implement an intranet system or improve it, which would allow them to test unfamiliar software on specific bait systems (although tried and true software should be the route to go if anything). At least by confining potential attacks to bait systems, they can assess and proceed with caution on designated systems that require internet access for downloading and sending necessary information. This is in theory, but it is crucial for the industry to start going... hard in the paint with... preventive measures to ward off attacks. It wouldn't hurt to develop effective traps to catch hackers or even incentivize whistle-blowers. Money talks. 

One creative trap I really admired was one created by Devolver Digital for... Serious Sam 3. If you don't remember, let's just say pirates couldn't enjoy illegal copies of the game because a trap was set. Sure you could play it, but you couldn't enjoy it because a relentless unbeatable enemy was after you non-stop. I've mentioned this before, but it comes to mind when this topic pops up. I think some pretty cool ideas could emerge to give hackers a run for their money.

Both Insomniac and Rockstar Games have recently fallen victim to these attacks, and we are hopeful that the implementation of solid technologies and strategies will effectively eliminate any unauthorized access that ultimately affects upcoming projects and developers. Fingers crossed.

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Hey Blu: Is AI stealing tech jobs? Possibly... but more Indie Devs may be the result!

I'm responding to a portion of an email that was sent this week because... I think it would make for an interesting post sent by... Will Anurak. Shout out to you.

"With the advent of AI, game developers are beginning to think seriously about replacing employees with artificial intelligence and I think it's a good thing. After all, AI can work for cheaper salaries, and it doesn't take vacations or sick days. What's not to love?" - Will A.

Not to be sarcastic, but... the AI doesn't work for a dime, but maybe that was what you were trying to say. Speaking of salaries, the people working for those salaries... need those salaries because they need the ability to pay bills, eat, and all that good stuff. If AI did it all, we'd be done for! It's a give-and-take when you think about it. Let's say that the majority of jobs were AI in software, and AI bots in manufacturing/services, where would the money come from in order to generate any sort of revenue to keep the doors open? People need a way to make a way or they would be no way other than to go back to the basics and farm, tinker, and barter to cover our daily needs.

This is why we have great respect for the essential workers because everything would break down without them, Will and they need to be paid in order to have a reason to clock back in. It's not all about the money. I actually thought about this as a kid when we'd think about someone having all the money in the world. We'd go back and forth because... money wouldn't matter if no one else had any.

"Of course, there are still some issues to work out. For example, AI might not be able to create the next great AAA game on its own. And smaller games might suffer if all the big studios start using AI, since budgets would shrink." - Will A.

Sadly, when it comes to some developers, these issues are the only thing stopping them from massive layoffs. I hope they turn away from such thoughts and instead use AI for fillers. I understand that there are smaller developers who don't have a way to make a way without... AI, because that's the only way they were able to get off the ground, but... slamming the door on employees is a bad idea.

Truth be told, when it comes to some stores like... The Dollar Tree (for example), I'm totally for self-checkout options. Add some self-checkout kiosks in there, have one person on the register, and let the other person stock/step in when needed. I've seen these workers running back and forth with boxes sitting in aisles, long lines for a worker who has to call someone from stocking, the office, or the storage room for help. Based on that... I feel like self-checkout kiosks would help relieve some of the stress and help them get to become more efficient (not get rid of them).

I've seen people leave stores because lines were too long, and I've left stores because I was pressed for time. That's money that could've been made, so the self-checkout options should pay for themselves in a short time even if the investment could affect the bottom line initially. It can be done in a roll-out type of way to cover sections of states based on need... and the video/managers would be proof of need. This is one example how AI can help and not hinder opportunities.

"But overall, it seems like AI is the wave of the future for the game industry. So if you're thinking about getting into game development, you might want to learn how to code for AI too." - Will A.

I only dabble a little, if any with code, but... code isn't my thing at all. I'm on the creative side. Anyway, I think it would suck for developers to do this unless they absolutely need to do this. If it does happen, it's safe to assume that more indie devs would pop up comprised of industry veterans ready to serve up some eye-catching titles, and I hope that results in more doors being open to those in need of opportunities based. I still don't see if happening in a way that would just replace dev teams... but I can't forget about the massive layoffs that occur, so it's hard to say what will happen. AAA studios may want to think twice though because they could essentially create more competition for themselves.

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Zool Redimensioned... A Classic Is Back As A Door Into The Industry?

If I didn't play Zool 2 on the Atari Jaguar so many years ago (and yes I owned one of those)... I would've passed this one by, but luckily I didn't. Not only is Zool Redimensioned a remake (with the retro version tucked in)... it comes by way of a commendable initiative.

Zool Redimensioned, is a 2D platformer starring a ninja alien from the Nth Dimension (who totally gives me Sonic The Hedgehog vibes) who throws these laser-like shurikens and uses katanas to take on 28 redesigned stages and bosses in the Nth Dimension.

One thing I appreciate (which a number of colleges with so-called game development programs should be doing) is the door being opened into the industry for students behind this game. The industry isn't as open as some may think, and I can understand to a degree when it comes to experience... because you don't want a game release to be a waste of time based on rookie mistakes. On the other hand, how are students expected to get any seasoning when the door is closed to those who lack experience with games that have been officially released?

So that's why I salute those like... Sumo Digital Academy, because routes like this are a sure pathway to get experience under your belt. I don't know if the students get a cut of the sales, but... with that title under their belt, it's a pass that few can say they actually have. We might be looking at future legends of the industry.

Zool Redimensioned has been rebuilt from scratch by the Sumo Digital Academy, a talent development programme focused on creating new pathways into the games industry. With guidance from the developers of the 1992 original at Gremlin Graphics, we’ve retained the spirit that makes Zool a cult classic, while adding mechanics we’ve loved from the past 29 years of fantastic platforming games. The result is Zool Redimensioned, a game that transcends time and space - don’t miss out on this classic retro adventure! 

                                                                                                         - Sumo Digital Academy

This isn't the only route, but... it's certainly an option that doesn't require a 4-year college. I don't know if SDA does placement or anything of that sort, so if they're on your radar... ask questions. The other options as mentioned before... include taking courses online (which are affordably priced) or getting dev course bundles (that have books, software, and/or courses). Click the links and check them out.

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