Showing posts with label game design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game design. Show all posts

FTS: RPG MAKER WITH Coming to Nintendo Switch on October 11

 If you've ever wanted to create a game or... you're a parent who wants your child to have that experience in terms of game development, RPG Maker is one of those franchises that can make it happen. Once they get nice and familiar with RPG Maker, and they've gained experience with a team... there's nothing stopping them from taking the next step and creating their first official game for retail.

The same applies to adults, but... you get the idea, especially if there's a chance doors may be closed in their face based on assumption or... a just an overall lack of experience. I'm not 100% certain if RPG Maker WITH... gives you the ability to release the games you make on various platforms like the eShop or the Playstation Store, but the RPG Maker MZ (PC) does. Either way, game on! - Blu

RPG MAKER WITH Coming to Nintendo Switch on October 11

We are excited to announce that RPG MAKER WITH, the upcoming installment in the RPG Maker series, will launch on Nintendo Switch on October 11! PS4 and PS5 versions will release in 2025.

To celebrate, we've released a brand new trailer highlight how you and your friends can use the asset sharing feature to create a game together, no matter where you are! 


As the latest installment in the RPG Maker series, RPG MAKER WITH features more tools and greater accessibility than ever before. The user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it easy to choose between creating simple or complex assets and functions, so you can dive right in, regardless of skill level.

Release: October 11, 2024 (Nintendo Switch) / 2025 (PS4, PS5)
Platforms: Nintendo Switch™, PS4®, PS5®
Genre: Game Creator
Players: 1
Text Language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish
Audio Language: None
Rating: ESRB: EVERYONE 10+ (Nintendo Switch), RATING PENDING (PS4, PS5)


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Aspiring Game Devs: Never Underestimate the Power of a Dream

Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone who's ever rage-quit a platformer only to come back 5 minutes later because we can't help ourselves - let this pixel-pusher preach the good word! A degree is to game development what a fork is to soup... it can be useful, yes, but spoons exist if you want to focus on the course without all the expensive extras!

The quest to become a game dev no longer requires the ol’ “sword in the stone” scenario - because, lo and behold, the internet hath provided a digital Excalibur, and it fits in your schedule like those side quests you swore you'd start after just 'one more main mission'. Whether you're a brave squire setting forth at dawn or a night owl hunting for bugs in the witching hours, there's a treasure trove of courses where the entry fee is on the low and all you need is Wi-Fi to access it.

And oh, let me weave you a tale of a future where your skills, sharper than a +10 sword of Truth, might just unlock the door to gaming's hallowed halls. Picture this... there you are, the artisan of a grand remake, bathing in the glow of your monitors, as you stitch together the fabric of your own game that could be considered a classic one day.

The critics? Those stoic sentinels of the game realm's formidable gates? They're perched, pens at the ready, peering over their half-moon glasses, prepared to unleash a flurry of words so jolly that their keyboards chuckle with delight. Because when an indie dev crafts a game so charming it makes nostalgia feel like the new kid on the block, they can’t help but tip their hat... even if it's an invisible one.

So whether you're plotting your very first sprite or coding up the next digital world wonder, never underestimate the power of a dream mixed with a dash of online study. Because, who knows? Your homemade pixel pie might just be the next big banquet critics (and players!) line up around the block for.

Strap in, future devs. Power up your rigs and let those creative juices flow like mana from the fabled fountain. Your game dev odyssey awaits!

Here are 5 of the best Udemy courses for game development:

Unreal Engine 5: The Complete Beginner's Course

Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D & 3D courses

The Beginner's Guide to Animation in Unity

All About Gaming Industry Careers & Game Design Fundamentals

Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer

 + Sophima 

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Beyond Good & Evil 2's Creative Director Emile Morel Dies At 40!

The video game industry lost a great talent with the passing of Emile Morel, the creative director of Beyond Good & Evil 2. Morel was only 40 years old when he passed away, leaving behind a legacy of creativity and innovation that will be sorely missed.

Morel was a visionary in the gaming industry, known for his ability to think outside the box and create truly unique experiences for players. He was instrumental in the development of Beyond Good & Evil 2, a highly anticipated sequel to the 2003 cult classic that has been in development for years.

Morel's passing is a reminder of the importance of appreciating life and the people around us. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to take a step back and appreciate the moments we have with our loved ones.

As gamers, it's also important to take a moment to appreciate the creativity and passion that goes into the games we play. Behind every great game is a team of talented individuals who pour their hearts and souls into bringing their vision to life for our delight. Great games go down in history and have lifelong fans.

Morel's legacy will live on through the games he helped create and the impact he had on the industry as a whole. His passing is a reminder to cherish our time on this earth and to never take the people and experiences in our lives for granted. So consider navigating through this thing called life a little better.

In honor of Morel, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty and joy that video games bring to our lives. 

Let's celebrate the creativity and innovation of those who work tirelessly to bring these games to fruition.

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