Tatsunoko vs Capcom: The Fantastic Forgotten Fighter

Do you want to see Tatsunoko vs Capcom... remastered or remade? What about TvC 2?

Image result for tatsunoko vs capcom

TvC was released on the Nintendo Wii... back in 2008, and although it sold somewhat okay... it would've sold better if it were also released on PC. It can be re-released on PC/Steam and the Nintendo Switch... if Capcom & Tatsunoko want to keep it on Nintendo regarding the consoles (I wouldn't see why). If they just leave it on the original Wii to collect dust... never to be played again, that would be mind-blowingly dumb (yes... mind blowingLY).

There are fans asking for a remastered version, and I think it would be a great idea. If there were to be a standard port released onto the Nintendo Switch... keep the price fair, and at $19.99 it would be a great idea with some updates for the Switch + Steam. A remake could be worth about $30 unless they go full tilt. If there were a new release and it hit a certain mark, it would make sense to gear up for a sequel... giving the Nintendo Switch (which is no slouch in sales) + PC/Steam a new Tatsunoko vs Capcom to enjoy. If it happens and it's on all platforms... that would be great, as long as it isn't left on the shelf.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom is a great mash-up between Tatsunoko and Capcom characters. The characters are cel-shaded and the game has a fantastic frame rate. I personally own the game and have logged enough man-hours (kicking plenty of butts in the process) to say that it's an experience that I wish more gamers could experience. I'll reach out to the original game designer to see if it could spark something up (if there isn't something already cooking).

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Watch This: The Walking Dead G.S. 1 - 3 + My Clementine Story

Image result for awesome clementine art the walking deadNow that we're in the final season... of our journey in The Walking Dead game franchise, we figured it would be cool to frightening walk down memory lane. So check out the playthrough action below... where the awesomeness of this emotional roller coaster builds up to the pending final season for the ever amazing, Clementine!

Amazing how you can connect with a game character huh? That's the power of great character development and an addicting storyline. My daughter is named, Clementine... as a result of me really connecting with the character in this story. I don't treat my baby girl like she's straight out of the game, but... I thought it was a cool name. Game on!

We'll get back to our regularly scheduled posts soon, just a lot of traveling going on... and I'm doing three reviews at once. By the way, thank you to everyone supporting us at the links below the posts!

What path will you take? Pre-Order The Walking Dead: The Final Season... and score it for $17.99!
August 14th is headed our way faster than a zombie on wheels, so don't miss out!

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MONTRΓ‰AL (August 7, 2018) – Square Enix®, Eidos-MontrΓ©al™, and Crystal Dynamics® have launched a new video series for Shadow of the Tomb Raider™, with each video focusing on a key feature of the game.
Serving as a tantalizing preview of the new gameplay coming in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the series showcases elements such as combat, environments, tombs, traversal techniques, and more. Watch the first three videos here:

The latest entry in the series, “Combat Tactics,” spotlights the wide range of guerrilla techniques Lara has at her disposal as she races to stop the Maya apocalypse. Lara can strike suddenly and disappear like the jaguar, perch in the jungle canopy and wait until the perfect moment to take down a foe, use mud as camouflage, instill fear in her enemies, and more.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be available on the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC/Steam® on September 14th. Fans can also pre-order to play the game early on September 12th.

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