Showing posts with label Game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game. Show all posts

FTS: Teardown's "Art Vandals" Expansion Launches Today (PC)


Teardown’s “Art Vandals” Update Introduces New Story-Driven Expansion Today on PC

The smash-hit sandbox heist game continues to grow with five new heists and a new location, free for all players

MALMÖ, Sweden – Dec. 15, 2022 – Tuxedo Labs has released the new “Art Vandals” campaign expansion for Teardown, the voxel-based sandbox heist game on SteamThis major content update launches today with five new heist missions and a new location, free for all Teardown players.

In “Art Vandals,” players take on the role of Freya Woo – the daughter of Gordon Woo, who features in the original Teardown campaign. You’ll visit the picturesque fishing town of Tilläggaryd and its modern art museum with new missions focused on getting revenge against artist Kerstin Stråbäck. Steal her awards, escape with her art and destroy what you need to, all while using powerful new tools like the Paperboy Gun and Jackhammer.

“Art Vandals” is available through the all-new Expansions section in the Play menu, as well as through the in-game mod menu to help introduce players to Teardown’s powerful modding systems. Anyone can begin “Art Vandals” without playing the original story, but this challenging campaign is best undertaken by Teardown veterans with a bit of heisting experience under their belts.

Plan the perfect heists with realistic physics in the fully destructible, voxel-simulated world of Teardown! Use a range of tools to manipulate environments to your advantage in the most creative ways you can imagine: bring down walls with vehicles, create shortcuts with explosives, stack objects to reach higher places, and much more. Run, jump, drive and slingshot in a full story campaign featuring 40 missions, test your skills in experimental challenges, create your own no-pressure experiences with unlimited resources in Sandbox mode, and discover unique designs from the community with Steam Workshop mod support. Just don’t get caught!

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Summer Game Fest 2022

This is random as hell, but Playstation & Nintendo might be the only true game consoles standing in several years. I think Xbox is going to go all-in with the Xbox Game Pass if they don't find the value in creating a streaming device. I know they want a place for exclusives but the Xbox Game Pass is fire right now.

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Katana Zero is full of Pure Bad A** Action!


Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!
Clementine D Cosplay Hat

The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide... Reviewed!

The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide... will get you moving in the right direction in more ways than one.

This book is a great character booster for RPG gaming kits and should increase your interest in the actual game. It takes your character backstory to the next level by way of giving you a guide to follow when it comes to developing the life of your character. You even have idioms.

Based on where your character's level is, there are various tasks ranging between 1 - 5... like winning a bar fight. Levels 6 - 10... includes a scenario like Unseat a corrupt governor. Levels 11 - 15 includes... having your actions declared miraculous, etc. There are other things to do in these levels, but... you get the idea.

It's not only for your main character either... you also have your companions that have their experiences, personalities, and actions that affect other members of the party + situation. There is a situation involving a character losing something valuable, you decide on how they lost it (based on your experience with them). Did they lose it out of carelessness, robbed, etc.

You can even classify your villains. There are a hundred narratives in this book to fill the blanks on, prompts, and more... so you should be pleased if this is your sort of thing. (It goes beyond that for me.) There are so many things in this 272-page guide to flesh out a world, your characters, and more... which brings me to another reason I am doing a review. There are developers looking for ways to create characters for games, writers looking for ways to develop characters for books, and even scripts for shows and movies. I think this book is one heck of a tool to help with that because you aren't just coming up with a character with a vague backstory... this book has the right amount of depth to help you develop intriguing characters without them being... cookie cutter.

You don't have to necessarily follow the scenarios in the book either, but they're helpful. So while it benefits fans of (tabletop) RPGs by adding some oomph to their RPG experience, it can work wonders for character development in your own projects. Think about it... put you through the paces to really know these characters so they can benefit you in other ways.

It comes in paperback like I have... + an eBook. I recommend paperback to those of you who like to play tabletop RPGs while roughing it on a camping trip or something where electricity is used at a minimum. Some of you just prefer paperback... and that works too (I'm in a similar boat, I won't read eBooks as often). This will run you $14.99 on the publisher's website, while the eBook comes in at $10.99. I haven't used the eBook version, but it would be cool if they had active buttons to press based on your decisions made (not saying it does or does not, but it would be cool if it does).

Overall, I think this is a really cool book for those of you that enjoy RPG kits, but... I think its also a great tool for (aspiring) character developers. The price is right for either use, but... if you can get dual use of it it, that's even better... which is why I thought to share the idea.

Usefulness 5
Quality 5
Depth 5
Price 5

5 out of 5 Cool Points

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm… reviewed!

This game is structured with tournaments in mind (even more so than other fighting games I’ve seen)… and could prove to be a great starting point for anyone working on creating their own tournament events.
I always welcome fighting games, and I feel that this is a pretty cool one (that will probably kick your butt on normal mode if you aren’t a frequent player of fighting games, but it looks pretty good doing it too)… representing 2D fighting in a way that takes me back (in time that is).
Off the bat… the opening of the game got my attention and made me curious about what it was all about, and I am a fan of 2D fighting games (if I had the means when I was a teen… I probably would’ve been in EVO-like tournaments showing no mercy; I’d still take on the likes of Daigo Umehara... I'm not joking).
The reason I feel that this game is structured with tournaments in mind, is because… the launcher presents you more options based on setting up tournaments more than anything else.
You can create your tournament start date, name, list the host, the venue, as well as tournament results, team registrations and the ability to tweet when you’re a participant in a tournament.
Tournaments can be either online or offline, it’s up to you or whoever the host is. There are a lot of options that may confuse someone  that’s not familiar with setting up tournaments… but for hosts, creating instructions on how to join a tournament would be the thing I’d suggest (if they aren’t local).
I think this is awesome… and would allow anyone to create a tournament if desired. You get the option of uploading your own icon (if your team wants to represent).
Something that stood out in this game for me (beyond the tournament creation aspect)… was the CPU commentators added to the mix. Think of the commentators of fighting game tournaments and how they liven up matches, then… take a few teaspoons of that and add it to a fighting game, and you get what we have here. Thought that was a pretty cool addition.
Beyond the tournament and commentator coolness, it would’ve been great to get a bit more from the story (mainly presentation wise). The background remains the same… and so do the character poses, and as we move forward, even with appreciation of the older fighters it would good to see new things added to the mix (in addition to those mentioned).
I won’t rag on this game for something many fighting games have gotten away with based on illustrations for story (minus skipping out on the backgrounds)… but if I can recommend any updates being made, it would be to update the backgrounds at least, and allow for analog control (thought that was going to be an option with the Xbox controller option). If all my requests were to be met, I’d also request character expressions with alternate poses (or even great 2D animation if it can be pushed to that point), more character, increased resolution. That’s totally if… the developer is seeking a way to deliver even more.
From the standpoint of it being a smaller team, I can understand that it doesn’t have such things… but at the same time knowing that some of the members of this team also played a part in games ranging from King of Fighters… to Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, it would’ve been great to see more (that could’ve gained even more interest from fans of those games). Call it… wishful thinking, but I’m excited to see what they deliver as time goes on (hopefully they continue progressing Yatagarasu… versus jumping to another fighting game).
Another area where I feel the game could’ve delivered a bit more… is the… user interface (UI) outside of the health bars and power meters, because the menus are really plain. It doesn’t make or break the overall game… but just because I can still eat ice cream, doesn’t mean I’d pass up on having whipped cream and a cherry on top. I say that because presentation goes a long way.
Last but not least, one thing the localization team has to beware of… are those pesky typos. Some gamers wouldn’t care less or even notice, but those who want to enjoy a game to the fullest (because it is an investment)… deserve to have the text of a storyline make sense.
One thing I’m making note of is the indie initiative: Fine tuning can take care of those things mentioned, and though it would’ve been great to have such things upon release (if updates come)… this game was funded through a crowd funding campaign. That in itself makes me wonder if they did what they could under the circumstances of getting the game to backers as promised in a certain timeframe but plan on doing updates now that it’s out. (Fingers crossed.) I’ll take these things over game affecting bugs any day, but I could also do without either.
Character wise… the men and women in the game are almost even in the amount of male and female fighters the game has to offer, which one of the members of Nyu-Media told me in a tidbit that there’s some degree of gender ambiguity among the characters... so they consulted GLAAD for the localization (which is a non-governmental media monitoring organization founded by some LGBT people in the media).
I’ve experienced characters in numerous games… and even anime shows with unknown genders, so it isn’t uncommon to me. If they felt the consultation from the organization would help the game… more power to them, it would’ve been good to get more characters though. Anyway, get in and play with each character to see what you think, especially if you plan on indulging in some tournament action and want to be known for how much butt you can kick with a specific character. I’m still feeling them out, and for Street Fighter and King of Fighters fans… there are a few characters that will possibly feel familiar to you.

I really like what they did here regarding tournament options, that deserves 2 sore thumbs up (from playing that is). Some of the characters aren’t as memorable as they could be (for me)… but I haven’t exactly played with them a great deal (and it takes time for characters to grow on me). Some characters I do like... and my favs are not only looking the part, but are functional enough for me to be effective in matches. Thinking about the characters, they could be overshadowed somewhat by the commentators… who even shout at the end of matches in my experience (so I couldn't hear the character). Fans have the ability to take characters to that point of remembrance in my opinion though, because... some people fall in love with characters they represent with in tournaments and will (at times) talk about them, their back story, quirks, etc. Curiosity could literally be built in someone else because of the way someone else feels… but I will leave it at that, hopefully you understand what I mean and how it relates to this review. :p
Price wise… I can’t argue with $15, especially if someone can take the offerings of this game and turn them into an opportunity for themselves and challengers looking for tournaments (those are just memorable experiences waiting for action)… and the games not expensive.Fun factor: 4 (One player… bit of a lackluster, but add multiplayer and tournament action and it’s a different story.)
Visually: 3
Replay value: 5
Price: 4
4 / 5