Top Audiences Last Week + Top 5 Anime + a Free Game!

Before we jump into the Top 10, here are some of the most beloved anime of all time:

Now... choosing the top 5 anime films of all time is subjective and can vary depending on personal taste. So don't bite my head off! However, these are among the most critically acclaimed anime films that are considered... to be some of the best.

Spirited Away (2001) - Directed by Hayao Miyazaki, this film won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2003... and is a beloved classic in the anime genre. I can't even remember life in 2003. (Sad face)

Akira (1988) - Set in a dystopian future, this film is known for its groundbreaking animation and mature themes. 

Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - A heartbreaking tale of two siblings struggling to survive during World War II in Japan.

Your Name (2016) - A romantic fantasy film that became a box office hit in Japan and gained international acclaim for its beautiful animation and touching story.

Ghost in the Shell (1995) - A cyberpunk classic that explores themes of identity, consciousness, and the relationship between humans and technology. Got Prime? Watch free it in 4K UHD!

These are just a few examples of some of the most highly regarded anime films, but there are many more out there worth watching.

Now... let's jump into the Top 10... because someone was throwing serious blows. Let's go!


Get out and see the world or staycay... this summer!

So Close:




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