Mask Up Mondays: Muse Dash - Koi no Moonlight

I hope this upbeat track helps you start the day off on a positive note!

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First 30: RAD

RAD is a 3D action rogue-like set in a post-post-apocalyptic world, where humanity has faced Armageddon not once, but twice.

Playing as a teenage protagonist, you must venture into the Fallow — an ever-changing, radioactive wasteland filled with unknown and unspeakable creatures.

But humanity’s future comes at great personal cost, as the deeper you journey into unknown lands, the more you will expose yourself to gnarly toxins which will wreak havoc on your fragile human form.

The fate of the world depends on you, your trusty bat, and whatever strange new abilities you gain as the world around you ravages your body — twisting and mutating you into something far less than human, but far more powerful.

But forget all that — go grab that sweet bat and help save the world…or what’s remaining of it anyway!

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Top Audiences Last Week!


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Indonesia (with the counter)


United Kingdom




China, South Korea, and Brazil... came close!

+ WRC 10 Croatia Rally Gameplay

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Primal... Reviewed!

Thank you to Warner Bros for sending over a copy of this show for my review. My opinions are my own.

Primal is... interesting. No words, but there is a lot being said by way of yelling, growling, and action.

Story: The story revolves around a Spear and a Fang who unite through tragedy during the dawn of evolution. 

The way they unite is through battle, and their bond grows as they fight for survival in the primal world. I can't think of a moment where I lost interest, Primal has a really good pace to it. You get battle, which is enjoyable, but... you also get those comical moments (at least comical to me) where Spear and Fang were working out the kinks in terms of hunting.

It was funny to see the Spear doing his best to hunt for food, and the Fang snatched the prey from his clutches or... him getting upset because the dino was snoring loudly and he couldn't sleep.

The part that kept me glued to my seat was the combat, the dino-matic duo really got down and dirty in battle. They had all types of tactics they would put together in order to take down larger predators or a slew of predators. If you like animated action... I believe you'll appreciate the action in this show.

It wasn't all about kicking prehistoric butt and taking names on the walls of your local cave, you also had those moments where the Spear thought about the losses he's suffered. You also continue to see those bonding moments between the duo and even the intelligence of the Fang. There was a moment in the show where the Fang saw Spear's handprint in the sand and saw the dino put her paw print in the sand next to his. I don't know how smart dinosaurs were, but I don't think that would've occurred. Fact or fiction... it's probably one of the first times I've watched an entire season of a show without words in it.

Outside of survival and battle, I didn't really know where Spear & Fang (aka Team Badass) were going. It wasn't like there was some sort of safe zone they knew about, they were simply moving forward. That makes sense for the primitive pair but at the same time, there wasn't a mission objective outside of survival. 

They went from one scenario to the next fighting blood-thirsty dinos, huge bats, ape-men, a zombie-like menace, and more... until something changed the game. Progression to something more than survival as a rough and rugged Caveman and T-Rex completely expanded the world of Primal. That's where the show leaves off, but I look forward to season 2 because what season 1 left off with gave Spear hope (in my opinion)... as he took a step forward in evolution.

Visuals: Visuals for Primal look like they were ripped straight out of the pages of a concept art book. The lines are heavy, jagged, and rough, but at the same time... I like it. The art style isn't plain and almost reminds me of shows like... the Venture Bros (it works well for the show). You might say that it looks more like Samurai Jack, and that would make sense because the creator of that show is also behind... Primal.

The world is a bit on the dark side, but at the same time, the colors are vivid and eye-catching. You get a break from at times from the dark landscape during scenes like the one of a beach before all hell broke loose (in Rage of the Ape-Men).

The visuals are as brutal at times as they are cool, but at times the animations were rather... stiff. As the season dashed forward the stiff animations seemed to decrease, but they were still tucked in there for suspenseful moments.

Audio + Extras: Audio was quite enjoyable in my opinion and was delivered in DTS-HD 5.1 surround sound. They tried to mix it up via the sounds of nature, tribal drumbeats, and other background music... which worked out well (paired with roars, yelling, screeching, groans, and bumps + thumps). 

There are even times where you get complete silence that grabs your attention because you aren't sure what's about to happen next. I think you'll enjoy the sounds of Primal best via surround sound because you get a sense of how massive the threat is... and the music just sounds better as you encounter all the roars, yelling, screeching, bumps + thumps on Spear & Fans adventure.

No need to worry about it just being a bunch of noise either, they use the surround sound well. The Scent of Prey episode is a prime example, you might think something is running around your living room if you don't pay attention.

Extras include: 

Behind the Scenes: Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal

Price:  Pricewise... Primal comes in at $24.98 SRP on DVD & $29.99 SRP on Blu-ray. I enjoyed the experience, but the sweet spot would've been $19.99 on DVD & $24.99 on Blu-ray (unless they included a keychain of Spear riding on Fang's back or something). I have to give this show credit as far as runtime goes because each episode runs the length of your standard show (when you take out the commercial). Luckily you can save on DVD & Blu-ray... here!

Overall, this is an awesome show. I like the way Spear & Fang are brought together, and I love their team dynamic as they take on one threat after another as creatively rise to the occasion. The final episode is a clear leap in Spear's growth, but if you take a look, he and Fang actually grew throughout the season. You can't tell me that a dinosaur would normally know how to pull off combo moves with a caveman unless there was some sort of prehistoric WWE I wasn't aware of.

Story 5

Visuals 5

Audio + Extras 5

Price 4

4.75 out of 5 Cool Points

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Top Audiences Last Week + NetEase Connect 2021 Games Event!


Who made it on the list this week?



United Kingdom

Australia (WOW)


Hong Kong

Netherlands, Russia, and Belgium... came close!

+ NetEase Connect 2021 Games Event

+ Tournament
In addition to supporting your pals here at SDGT, spending a $1 on this bundle could pay off... because we're gearing up for a PAC-MAN 256 Tournament! We're working out the rules and what the prizes will be. There won't be any candy (momma noooo) but... there will be gift card (you could buy candy with)!

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Supernatural: The Fifteenth and Final Season... Reviewed!

 I'd like to thank Warner Bros for supplying a copy of this show for review. My opinions are my own.

The Winchester's have been to hell and back, and now they've arrived for their fifteenth and final season of... Supernatural. This show has been running for well over a decade now... and now it's time to ride off into the sunset after one last hurrah.

Story: Supernatural is a show that has really stood the test of time. Not everyone is into horror, but they serve up enough action, adventure, drama, fantasy, and all that good stuff to keep things interesting... for the loyal fanbase. Supernatural has literally spawned several novels, comics, magazines, games, and an anime series! Talk about support, because if it were just the typical show... you can forget about all those extra. The support has given Supernatural the title of being the longest-running American live-action fantasy TV series.

The show was well received with the pilot's 5.69 million viewers, and according to sources... the creator was only going to create 3 seasons. Did you know that it took nearly a decade for the show to be picked up? So if you're working on pitching something that you believe in, continue developing it because an unsuccessful pitch doesn't always count you out. The creator actually concluded his run in season 5, and here we are in season 15 thanks to several other showrunners helping his show get as much love as the time he's put into developing it. It's that cool? I just wanted to give you a few extra tidbits as you prepare for the Winchester's final ride against... God.

If you aren't familiar with Supernatural, it's a story about the trials and tribulations of two monster-hunting brothers by the name of Sam and Dean Winchester. These brothers take on all sorts of otherworldly creatures, supernatural beings, and anything else that goes bump in the night... and day.

The Winchester's go from scenario to scenario at times as they tackle some pretty serious baddies, like all the souls released from hell in episode one of the season. The threat level remains high in the opening of the season and goes on for a number of episodes before serving up a bit of normalcy. The brothers obtain information under the guise of being FBI agents and track down the supernatural baddies by way of collecting clues. I like the way it's served up as far as the flow of the show goes, and since they aren't actual agents... the script isn't tied to a certain course of action. You get to see how they interact as siblings, and they're still holding down the fort at the Men of Letter's bunker which is the safest place on earth in the show.

So you aren't just getting goodbyes, you're being served up with enjoyable episodes that deliver what you know and love about the series. Atomic Monsters was probably the most enjoyable episode for me, it threw a little twist in there (maybe not as good as the one in Proverbs 17:3 but still good), special effects weren't really required and the acting was solid on all fronts (making it more believable). There are other solid episodes in the season, but that's the one that stood out for me initially and got me in the groove.

I don't want to give anything away, but (hmmm) I feel like "Inherit the Earth" would've been a much better ending. It was satisfying, and they could've left it there. It takes a much better route than "Carry On" took because the door remains open for more Supernatural action in the future. To be fair, it doesn't have to deliver more... but there could be a movie or something if it were left at "Inherit the Earth". I think there's enough creative juice left there to make a solid film every now and then, and they could use Jack to make it happen.

I didn't even like the way "Carry On" played out, it felt like an episode that was created in order to quickly throw something together for the sake of what occurs in the episode. It still had a bittersweet ending, but you know what I'd prefer to have. Technically they don't even have to follow the show's timeline to deliver Supernatural movies, because the episodes during their everyday missions didn't run along a specific timeline either (other than the visions Sam would have).

Visuals: Visually, Supernatural had a lot of your standard shots, and I was actually a bigger fan of the standard shots than the more ambitious angles. Certain angles wouldn't have been bad if they weren't accompanied by cheesy SFX's in some scenes. That's actually the reason certain scenes didn't deliver the intended feeling for me.

Visually you get a good mix of medium close-ups, medium shots (like the one seen here), and close-ups for the most part. They do the job, and I believe that certain effects would've done the job over CGI unless it's really good work.

Audio + Extras: Audio was enjoyable, the sound effects delivered on all of the shooting, gunfights, the growls of monsters, and otherworldly powers. I didn't use headphones in this review, I let it put the surround sound system to good use with  DTS-HD Master Audio in 5.1 surround sound. I remember Dean was either eating or tinkering around with something in an episode and it was as clear as day out of a particular speaker. Great audio is always a plus and I appreciated it from start to finish in this final season.

As far as extras go, you get:

Supernatural: The End Of The Road - A Behind The Scenes Look At The Journey To The Finale.

Supernatural: Family Don't End With Blood - This Documentary Examines The Importance Of Family Within The Series And Among The Cast, Crew, And Fans.

The Winchester Mythology: Midwestern Heroes - A Look At Same And Dean As Classic American Heroes

Supernatural: The Long Road Home - A Retrospective Of All 15 Seasons

Supernatural: 2019 Comic-Con Panel - The Emotional Final Event

Winning Baby: A Supernatural Giveaway - A Lucky Fan Wins A Replica Of The Iconic Impala

Gag Reel

Price:  Pricewise, you can get Supernatural: The Fifteenth And Final Season Basics on DVD for $44.98 SRP (5 Discs) & $49.99 SRP on Blu-ray (4 Discs). Save nearly $15 here!

If you want Supernatural: The Complete Series Basics... you can get it for $329.99 (86 Discs) SRP & $359.99 SRP (58 Discs). On DVD that's about $3.83 per disc and $6.20 per Blu-ray disc. Save nearly $90 here!

Story 4

Visuals 4

Audio + Extras 5

Price 5

4.5 out of 5 Cool Points
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