Steel Strider… reviewed!

Have a taste for a new 2D platformer that gives you a blast from the past feel? Steel Strider might be the game for you.

This game is actually the follow up to a fan favorite (Gigantic Army)… paying homage to games like Turrican and Super Contra. Trust me, if you’ve ever played Contra (beyond lacking the ability to drop to a lower platform)… you will definitely feel the nostalgia in what is a really good game.

Thumbs up to it being greenlighted on Steam, good games should not be overlooked.

Anyway, in Steel Strider… you take on the role of an Argo Express operative manning a Gemini-class robot as you make your way through multiple planets full of mid and end level bosses.
In this run and gun game… one thing I appreciate is the fact that it’s not set up with just a couple of platforms in most areas, this adds to strategy, especially for those of you who seek to play this game to capitalize on your competitive side. Awaken your old school senses and challenge friends to see just how far you can get… and how much you can score in person and on the Steam leaderboards (which adds to the replay value of this game).

Visually this game is what it is, a mech field 2D explosive experience that truly helps deliver… exactly the way it should. Now before you ask what I could possibly mean by that… I’ll explain. The art is simple… and while not absolutely stunning, I really like how everything came together along with the fact that they didn’t just stick to delivering a game with just a few layers. The developer actually went hard not only to give depth to the layers used for the actual gameplay (which gives a 2.5D effect), but also the background that actually has a lot going on in some areas. This isn’t to over praise the game, but I do appreciate them going further to make sure it was… flat.

There is fun factor here for fans of run and gun games… but I also feel that gamers who aren’t exactly familiar with these types of games, should consider at least trying them. You may appreciate the variety in the long run. I also enjoy the music in this game… it could have been dry, but its fist pumpingly energetic (yes… I said… pumpingly) and accompanies you throughout the game... so if you find yourself nodding your head, it’s okay!

Price wise, this game comes in at just over $5 USD… so it gets a 5 on that note because it would’ve been solid at $9.99 USD.

The only con I’d give this game are the sections where you’re expected to read… because it moves a bit too quick (at least for us). It’s not the end of the world… but for fans of storylines who want to maximize the value of their game by reading all the sections that connect the dots, it may be an issue. If there were to be an update, it would be to slow that down… considering the fact that we can speed it up to skip it if desired.

Overall, Steel Strider is a great 2D game that is an affordable option for those gaming on a budget… while at the same time being a good all-around game for anyone seeking enjoyable run and gun action (that either takes them back to the days of Super Contra or those who simply want to indulge for the first time).

Fun factor: 5

Visually: 4
Replay value: 4
Price: 5

"4.5 / 5 Cool Points"

From the Source: Sega - Valkyria Chronicles Remastered

Hungry for tactical rpg action? Valkyria Chronicles Remastered... might be for you!

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum [If You Want Peace, Prepare for War] - Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Deploys to PlayStation 4!
Pre-orders and limited first run copies in the Americas come in the collectible "Squad 7 Armored Case"

War has spread like a wildfire across the Europan continent over the precious ragnite resource. Caught in the middle is the neutral principality of Gallia, which gets invaded by the Empire. Fortunately, as a member of the vauneted Squad 7 militia, you'll be in charge of pushing the Empire out of Gallia as you take control of Welkin, Alicia, Largo, Rosie, and the rest of the squad. 

The award-winning original game for the PlayStation 3 is being released on the PlayStation 4 in glorious 1080p/60fps gameplay, Japanese and English audio support, includes all the original DLC, and most importantly, adds trophy support! Oh, the best part? 
In honor of the Edelweiss tank prototype, pre-orders and launch copies will arrive in the metal Squad 7 Armored Case. That of course means the game will be getting a physical disc copy along with a digital release on the PlayStation Network. The game will release physically and digitally this spring in both the 
Americas and the European region, but please note
the Squad 7 Armored Case is exclusive to the Americas!

This is an Order! Valkyria Chronicles RemasteredWill Deploy in the West on PlayStation®4
IRVINE, Calif. - JAN. 25, 2016 - Valiant citizens of Gallia, to arms!  Bid farewell to your loved ones, because it is time to defend our peaceful nation from the Empire. Valkyria Chronicles, the critically acclaimed PlayStation®3 tactical RPG, will be remastered and released in the Americas and Europe on a brand new battlefront: The PlayStation®4! Valkyria Chronicles Remastered brings the World War II-inspired story, the beloved characters, and the mythology of the Valkyrur to life in 1080p/60fps HD. The game will have both a physical and digital version, and will sell for $29.99/CA$44.99. And as a special bonus, pre-orders and a limited number of launch edition retail copies will come in the collectible Squad 7 Armored Case.
In the world of Valkyria Chronicles, the year is 1935 E.C., and the continent of Europa has been plunged into the Second Europan War between the Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance -- also known as The Empire -- and the Atlantic Federation over the precious resource Ragnite. The Empire is sweeping through the continent like an unchecked wildfire and has its eyes set on the rich Ragnite deposits of the Principality of Gallia. Although peaceful Gallia remains neutral in the conflict, its citizens will need to defend home and country against the inevitable invasion. Players follow Lieutenant Welkin Gunther and the vaunted Squad 7 of the Gallian Militia as they take on the seemingly insurmountable forces of the Empire.
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered features:
  • HD "CANVAS" Graphics Engine - The stunning, painterly graphics return, but this time in 1080p/60fps high definition quality! Battles and cut scenes are conveyed like a vibrant tapestry in motion.
  • "BLiTZ" tactical battle system - Part overhead turn-based strategy, part RPG, and part real-time 3rd person shooter, the" BLiTZ" system is an innovative mechanic that makes battles simultaneously strategic and action-packed. Players will command and control their soldiers and tanks as they take on the Empire in 30 different battlefronts.
  • Memorable storyline - Set against the backdrop of a world war, Gunther, Alicia, Largo and the rest of the fierce members of Squad 7 fight for personal reasons in the name of freedom, and the hope against all odds of liberating Gallia from Empire control, all in the face of the terrible realities of war.
  • DLC Included - Besides the core game, Valkyria Chronicles Remastered includes all previously released DLC: Hard EX Mode, Edy's Mission, Selvaria's Mission, and Challenge of the Edy Detachment.
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered will be released physically and digitally this spring. The collector's Squad 7 Armored Case, featuring Valkyria Chronicles artwork will only be available for pre-orders and a limited launch quantity. The PS4 version of Valkyria Chronicles Remastered will be priced at $29.99/CA$44.99, and is rated T for Teen by the ESRB.

From the Source: Square-Enix - Final Fantasy XV's Active Time Report 01.30.2016!

More Final Fantasy XV news coming... this Jan. 30th, 2016!!!



FINAL FANTASY XV’s March Event Details to Be Unveiled

LOS ANGELES (Jan. 25, 2016) – Fans around the world are invited to tune in this Saturday (Jan. 30)  for the next installment of FINAL FANTASY XV®’s Active Time Report, where director Hajime Tabata and global marketing director, Akio Ofuji, will outline key updates to the title.
Commencing at 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, the English-subtitled program will expand on the warmongering Niflheim empire, and will showcase the latest battle footage and scenes of magic. The program will also provide updates to the upcoming March 2016 event.
And finally, newly released screenshots depict protagonist Noctis casting the iconic “Fire” spell, battling powerful Magitek Armor, conducting aerial strikes against enemies, and utilizing stealth to infiltrate enemy territory.

We thought it would make sense to add Jan. 30th's video to this post for your enjoyment, so... enjoy!

In the name of this pending active report... check out some of the awesome FFXV artwork!

Life Is Strange… reviewed!

This game just begs to be played again… due to the choices you make.

I am listing a very specific spoiler at the very bottom (because it is something I found... strange), but it won't be visible unless you drag and highlight it.

In this game you take on the role of a timid aspiring photographer who goes by the name of Max Caulfield. Almost without warning, you go from just another day on campus to crazy life or death scenarios.

While playing this game, you may think “Hey this feels like The Walking Dead video game”… and you’d be right, but it’s not by the same developer. What you will actually get here is complexity delivered from a different angle, time travel. Various scenarios arise after Max discovers these powers via one life changing encounter that easily has a several strings attached to it and those strings have strings attached to them (consider those… consequences).

One thing that stuck out in this game is something that has been getting more attention in recent years, that being… the effects of bullying (by way of situations also including drugs). Bullying has occurred for more than too long, whether it is in schools (which shouldn’t be, especially to prevent a student from taking their own lives and/or taking the lives of other students), the work place and so forth. So I think they did a really good job highlighting a very valid situation in this game, that hopefully sheds the light on clueless parents who contribute to turning a child into an entitled brat… who then grows up at times into an entitled adult doing things they feel they can get away with because their family has the type of money that unfortunately keeps too many mouths shut (to wrong doing) the way they’ve done in the past. This is also a great story for teens and other adults who should really take the results of bullying into consideration.

I won’t go too deeply into that, but on the other end… if I can increase the chance of more good being done in this world, I will say “Don’t accept… BS” and no level of excuses can greenlight harming someone when it isn’t valid self-defense. It may seem lame to even speak about this sort of stuff (especially in a game review), but the game has that sort of depth that brings up these sorts of topics (that the SDGT team disapproves of in reality anyway). The world isn’t full of only sane people… so be safe out there.

The game really came alive for me when Max started to stand up for herself and others... like her friend Chloe. There are some things I wish I could've had the option to do, like have her knock the stupidity out of someone, but it would've been out of her character.

I like the way they capitalize on the art theme with painting, drawings, scribbles and photography. Don’t expect mind blowing realistic graphics visually (that’s not what this game is about), but expect an impressive visual experience that works great with the story (that addresses some realistic... issues), and even if you aren’t the person behind the controller… it doesn’t hurt being a part of the audience. Add surround sound and your experience… should be enhanced.

Replay value is definitely present in this game, not only because of decisions (though you get to go back and change your decision for some if you don’t trust they’re for the best)… in addition to the alternate endings. So if you feel like you could’ve made better choices… umm (What are you waiting for?), go back and change them!

The price is on point… I can’t argue with it, because you are basically playing out 5 parts of an enjoyable extended movie… with 1 through 4 to be continued to a great ending that I refuse to spoil.
I didn’t notice anything that I’d list as a con for this game but there are certain glitches… that may stem from rewinding. Even if some of you may think that cons should include some of the scenarios and not knowing how to solve them, those are categorized under challenges (because it’s still a game). This includes solving problems with rewinding time in a way that may not resemble a traditional puzzle, but it feels like it and will require some thinking (in a few areas).

Something I did notice at times as far as glitches are concerned, is rewinding back and getting stuck in a weird area outside of the designated location (i.e. On the other side of a wall of a room I was just in, requiring me to reload from the last save point). It didn’t ruin the experience… but it happened, along with those times when I’d rewind back and no one would be moving their mouths in a conversation but they were still… talking. Since the characters didn’t go… Professor X all of a sudden, it’s definitely a technical hiccup. Other than that, this game avoided a con (for me) by way of not requiring players to read every journal entry, text message, etc. Optional was definitely the best move, but if the developers were to do something like this… it should be in the beginning of the episode as Max is lying in bed (not necessarily for the reader to read, but she could read segments for us to hear). Speaking of... "hearing", expect some strong language at various points.

Overall, this beautifully deep cinematic experience that takes you on a ride that hopefully helps you think also, not in the way that would necessarily make you want to be the character herself… but to be a better person if you ever have the urge to bully or take advantage of someone via abusing authority, slipping someone drugs (for any number of horrible things), etc.

Fun factor: 5
Visually: 5
Replay value: 5
Price: 5
Glitches: -0.5

"4.5 / 5 Cool Points"

By the way... if you have the Steam version, you now have access to the Director's commentary at no additional charge now that the limited edition boxed version is available. Enjoy!

If you like our review of this game, give it a +1, and feel free to share and subscribe.

Something I found strange when it came to the ending where you choose to save Chloe... is her emotional response. They drove through town and she knows her mom was killed in the storm, but it was like it was... nothing. Even with Max, when the entered the area... one would think that she would've at least looked at Chloe and apologized, but... there was nothing. Guess they were just sticking to the title of the game on that one.

Thank You to our audience! + Nintendo game achievements! + From the Source: Atlus - Odin Sphere Leifthrasir_Storybook Edition

Our audience has been climbing, and we have to give props to all of you for that, whether its... gamers from the United States, to Brazil, to Russia & Canada, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, the UK, Mexico, Australia and more (phew, say that in one breath). 

Many thanks & Expect more to come... we're just catching our speed in order to crank out even more (exclusive) content!

We may deliver something you'd never expect, but that's the beauty of +SDGT Studio... we're gamers and want great experiences for ourselves just as much as we want them for you. 

(Segway time... weeee! [Cough] Anyway...) 

It would be fantastic if +Nintendo incorporated achievements into the next home console and handheld... because... it just makes sense, and it extends the life of a game (especially if the achievements are challenging to get).
Achievements add to a gamer's rep. Even BFG showcases rare achievements on Steam profile.

It doesn't do anything amazing, but it acknowledges and digitally cements something that a gamer has done in a game. All games don't need to have achievements if they don't care for them, but picture this... if the same game were beaten but one had a bunch of achievements you could get to add to your account's collective achievement score, would you put in more time to focus on achieving them?

Nintendo has games that remind me of the old theme song from Shari Lewis's "Lamb Chops Play Along" but the games still run their course. I think something that could please both sides... is the option to unlock a games achievements AFTER beating the game once (would give gamers a reason to play it again and add to our rep). I'd leave that option up to the developers though.

For those unfamiliar with the "Lamb Chops Play Along" song, just sing this:

1- This is a song... that doeSN'T ennnnddd
2- Yes it goes on and on my friennndddssss
3- Some people... started singing it not knowing what it wassss
4- And they'll just keep on singing it forever just because
(repeat 1 - 4 again... and again... and... you get the idea)

(What's that down there? Looks like PS-Demand action! Let's go!)

Alice and Socrates Revealed as the Odin Sphere Leifthrasir "Storybook Edition" Mystery Art Print
If Socrates fits, he sits.
You remember when we first announced the Storybook edition and there was a big ol' MYSTERY ART PRINT tag there? WELL GOOD NEWS! In case you totally missed the headline and image above for some reason, the art print will feature Alice and her faithful feline Socrates! 

While Gwendolyn, Cornelius, Mercedes, Oswald, and Velvet may be the heroes in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, we wouldn't have been able to experience the magical fairy tale without Alice and Socrates. If she didn't have such a penchant for reading we may not have even known the story of Odin Sphere existed! It's only fitting, then, that we pay tribute Alice and Socrates by immortalizing them in a beautiful 7.25"x10" art print fit for any collector of fine Vanillaware memorabilia. 

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is the all-encompassing HD remake of the original PlayStation 2 'Greatest Hits' title, Odin Sphere. Developed by the legendary Vanillaware and published by ATLUS, the game is steeped in norse mythology with intricate plots that wouldn't be out of place in a Wagner opera. Five character plots intertwine as the world of Erion hurtles towards the end of days as warring kingdoms clash for control. 

Check out the full website at
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir will be available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. For a limited time and only at participating retailers, a 64-page softcover art book will come with standard purchases. There's also the Odin Sphere Leifthrasir "Storybook Edition" premium version (limited to the PS4 version of the game) that includes a hardcover version of the art book, a special Potion Recipe t-shirt, a metal slipcase for the game, an art print, and premium outer packaging.

(If you're enjoying the content... +1 it, share it, subscribe and all that good stuff.)

From the Source: Nintendo - eShop action like... Minecraft Story Mode!

The weekend is here... what do you plan on doing with it if you don't have to work?

Jan. 21, 2016 14:00 UTC

Nintendo News: Nintendo Download Highlights New Digital Content for Nintendo Systems

REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:
In Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone, you'll embark on a perilous adventure  ...
In Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone, you'll embark on a perilous adventure across the Overworld, through the Nether, to the End and beyond. (Photo: Business Wire)
  • Nintendo eShop on Wii U
    • Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone– This new episodic series was created by award-winning adventure game powerhouse Telltale Games, in partnership with Minecraft creators, Mojang. As Jesse, you’ll embark on a perilous adventure across the Overworld, through the Nether, to the End and beyond. While at EnderCon, in hopes of meeting Gabriel the Warrior, you and your friends discover that something is wrong … something dreadful. You will drive the story through the decisions you make: What you say to people (and how you say it) and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action will make this YOUR story.
  • Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS

    • Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam – Paper Mario is jumping off the page and into the quirky adventures of Mario & Luigi! Become a super team of Mario Bros. to take on quests, take down enemies and untangle two classic gaming universes in this playful new entry in the Mario & Luigi RPG series. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam will be available on Jan. 21 at 9 p.m. PT.
  • Virtual Console on Wii U

    • Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 – The Koopalings have been sent to wreak havoc in the Mushroom World. It’s up to Mario to recover the royal magic wands and restore the kings to their true forms. Access extra levels by selecting Level Card on the file-selection screen, or take a break from the journey and get in on some classic Mario Bros. action!
    • Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros’ Treasure – In this swashbuckling Wii classic, explore seven vibrant and fantastic lands with Zack and Wiki, as they go on a quest to become the greatest pirates who ever lived. Use the Wii Remote controller to navigate, open objects, transform items or unlock new pathways as you solve puzzles and outwit a variety of enemies and bosses.
Nintendo eShop sales:
  • Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS

    • Winter Warm-Up Sale! – It’s week two of the Winter Warm-Up Sale! Save up to 30 percent off select games, and be sure to check back next week for a lineup of new deals. This week’s deals start Jan. 21 at 9 a.m. PT and end Jan. 28 at 8:59 a.m. PT.
    • Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS), Barbie and Her Sisters Puppy Rescue (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) and more games from Little Orbit are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 12.
  • Nintendo eShop on Wii U

    • Super Toy Cars is 50 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $3.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 28.
    • The Quiet Collection is 20 percent off (reduced from $4.99 to $3.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 1.
    • Toon Tanks is 20 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $1.59) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 4.
    • Fit Music and Luv Me Buddies Wonderland from O2 Games are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 22.
  • Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS

    • Luv Me Buddies Wonderland is more than 45 percent off (reduced from $24.90 to $12.90) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 11.
    • Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight and Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl from ATLUS are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 1.
Theme Shop on Nintendo 3DS:
  • New themes this week include:

    • SEGA SG-1000
    • Animal Crossing: Winter Frolicking
Also new this week:
  • PET INN 3D (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
  • A World of Keflings – Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
  • Brunswick Pro Bowling (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
  • Cube Life: Island Survival – Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
  • SKEASY (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)

Drama'N'Drablands | 01.22.2016 + From the Source: Nintendo... Mania!

Nintendo... Mania! I will be honest, the most exciting 
news for me are the RPGs headed our way. I mean... check 
out the information below, and you'll see why.

Jan. 19, 2016 23:34 UTC

Nintendo Provides New Details about Upcoming RPGs for Nintendo 3DS

Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL System and Bravely Second: End Layer Collector’s Edition Among Announcements
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nintendo provided new details about several of its upcoming role-playing games for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. This included the announcement of a special Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL system launching Feb. 19 and the reveal of a Collector’s Edition for Bravely Second: End Layer, which includes the upcoming sequel to the acclaimed Bravely Default game that launches on April 15.
The Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL system (game sold separately) launches on Feb. 19  ...
The Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL system (game sold separately) launches on Feb. 19 at a suggested retail price of $199.99 and features gorgeous art inspired by the game on the front of the hardware. (Photo: Business Wire)
“Fans of role-playing games have just received a boost to their excitement stat,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “Nintendo platforms have always been home to high-quality RPGs, and with even more games launching in 2016, this trend is set to continue in a big way.”
The Fire Emblem Fates Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL system (game sold separately) launches on Feb. 19 at a suggested retail price of $199.99 and features gorgeous art inspired by the game on the front of the hardware. Players can choose to purchase one of two versions when the Fire Emblem Fates games launch on Feb. 19 at a suggested retail price of $39.99 each. In Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, players battle a corrupted king. And in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, a misguided kingdom must be changed from within. Each path is a complete story and a complete game. Playing both will show players two different sides of one brutal conflict. After completing Chapter 6, players will have the option to download the other version of the game and experience a new adventure for only $19.99. In addition, a third story, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, which finds the game’s main character choosing neither the “Conquest” nor “Birthright” path in the story, launches as DLC on March 10 for $19.99 for players that already own the “Conquest” or “Birthright” version of the game. A special edition will also be available that includes all three games on a single game card, an artbook and a Nintendo 3DS XL pouch at a suggested retail price of $79.99. When the game launches, further downloadable content in the form of new maps will also be released on a regular basis, with the first map launching on Feb. 19. Players can choose to buy each of these maps individually, or purchase Map Pack 1 for $17.99 to get access to them all at a discount once they are released.
When Bravely Second: End Layer launches exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on April 15, a Collector’s Edition will also launch alongside it at a suggested retail price of $69.99. The Collector’s Edition includes the massive game, a 10-song original soundtrack and gorgeous 250-page deluxe art book. A demo version of the game, Bravely Second: End Layer – The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers, will launch in the Nintendo eShop prior to the full game’s launch. This demo includes a unique story different than the one found in Bravely Second: End Layer, as well as new jobs and areas to explore. StreetPass tags and bonuses from the demo will also carry over to the main game.
In addition to Fire Emblem Fates and Bravely Second: End Layer, role-playing fans are in for an absolute treat in the first part of the year, as a wide variety of RPGs will soon launch for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. These games include FINAL FANTASY Explorers from Square Enix on Jan. 26Project X Zone 2 from Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc. on Feb. 16 and the original Pokémon games (Pokémon Red VersionPokémon Blue Version, as well as Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition) in the Nintendo eShop on Feb. 27Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past will launch this summer, with Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King launching later this year.

Jan. 20, 2016 13:00 UTC

Paper Mario Cuts Loose with Mushroom Kingdom Superstars in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

Hilarious Nintendo 3DS Adventure Also Includes amiibo Support
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Two classic gaming universes collide when flat Paper Mario jumps off the page and into the world of Mario & Luigi in the Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam game, launching exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on Jan. 22. In a surprising twist, the universe does not implode when some of the Mushroom Kingdom’s most recognizable characters like Princess Peach and Bowser meet their Paper Mario doppelgangers. Instead, when the two worlds collide, the result is a charming, side splittingly funny, creative new game – one in which the universe, thankfully, remains intact.
Two classic gaming universes collide when flat Paper Mario jumps off the page and into the world of  ...
Two classic gaming universes collide when flat Paper Mario jumps off the page and into the world of Mario & Luigi in the Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam game, launching exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on Jan. 22. (Photo: Business Wire)
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam starts the year off on a fun note,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “The wild and wonderful crossover game is one of many exclusive games launching for Nintendo 3DS throughout the first part of 2016.”
In Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam game, Mario, Luigi and Paper Mario must team up for the first time to complete quests, battle enemies both large and small, and help get Paper characters back to their world. The massive portable adventure follows our three heroes as they explore a colorful world filled with both paper and non-paper environments, using individual powers (like Paper Mario’s ability to turn into multiple paper forms) and combo moves (like powerful Trio Attacks) to progress through the game. Special Battle Cards and amiibo-activated Character Cards can also be used to turn the tide of battle.
Brimming with the playful humor fans expect from the Mario & Luigi series, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam answers a slew of uproarious questions: What happens in a game with two Princess Peaches instead of one? How will Bowser react when his paper doppelganger shows up in the same game? Will the paper characters make it back into the book? Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is full of surprising scenarios and clever writing that all fans will appreciate – even ones that have never played aMario & Luigi game before!
While exploring the vast and varied world, Mario, Luigi and Paper Mario must dig deep into their signature moves and work together in unexpected ways. Since Paper Mario joins the fun, he can assist in battle in multiple ways, like creating copies of himself to help defeat enemies and using his unique paper moves to access hard-to-reach areas like slipping through a crack in a rock. Other times, all three heroes will have to work together by performing Trio Attacks in battle, throwing Ninja Stars made out of Paper Mario or crashing down on enemies by riding meteorites.
Like other Mario & Luigi games, battling in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam fuses turn-based actions and real-time commands. As you progress through the always-entertaining story, you will acquire a series of Battle Cards that can be used strategically to improve stats in battle. In addition, you can craft special Character Cards by using in-game “?” cards and compatible amiibo figures*. By tapping a Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Yoshi or Bowser amiibo to the New Nintendo 3DS family of systems (or an NFC Reader/Writer accessory used with a Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL or Nintendo 2DS system), you will receive one of many Character Cards based on the character that was tapped. Not only do these in-game crafted cards help in battle, but they are also wonderfully illustrated, displaying character art from more than 30 years of Nintendo games. Collecting them is just as much fun as using them.
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam also features Papercraft Battles, which involve giant papercraft versions of classic Mushroom Kingdom characters like Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach. Papercraft Battles are unique diversions from the standard RPG game play. While battling papercraft versions of enemies like Goomba and Kamek, you can attack using a variety of moves and even charge up your papercraft hero by dancing on special Toad platforms.
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam launches in stores, in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS Jan. 22.

Jan. 21, 2016 13:00 UTC

Nintendo Brings New amiibo Figures and Functionality to Games in Early 2016

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Launches with a Wolf Link amiibo
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Nintendo games launching in the first part of the year are going to include some fun amiibo functionality. Games like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U console and Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, both launching in March, use a wide variety of different compatible amiibo figures. Some new amiibo figures will also launch in March, including the legendary Wolf Link amiibo that is included in every physical version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, as well as three new figures in the Animal Crossing amiibo series, featuring fan-favorite characters like Timmy & Tommy, Kapp’n and Rover. The previously announced Ryu, Roy and R.O.B. (Famicom Colors) amiibo figures will also launch in March.
When the physical version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD launches on March 4 at a sugg ...
When the physical version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD launches on March 4 at a suggested retail price of $59.99, it will include a beautiful Wolf Link amiibo figure based on the same character from the classic game. (Photo: Business Wire)
“New amiibo figures and functionality will keep surprising fans in 2016,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “All the upcoming amiibo prove that the must-have figures are continuing to evolve in unexpected and fun ways.”
When the physical version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD launches on March 4 at a suggested retail price of $59.99, it will include a beautiful Wolf Link amiibo figure based on the same character from the classic game. Purchasing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and Wolf Link amiibo bundle will currently be the only way to get this amiibo figure. When tapped to the Wii U GamePad controller, this legendary lupine opens the Cave of Shadows, a challenging new bonus dungeon in the game. After completing the Cave of Shadows, players can save their remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo, and then use those hearts inside the Cave of Shadows to replenish life energy. After conquering the cave, players can save a record of their remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo and attempt to beat their score at any time. Some of the data stored on the Wolf Link amiibo figure can also be used with The Legend of Zelda game for Wii U, which launches this year. More details about this functionality will be revealed in the future.
In addition to the Wolf Link amiibo, other amiibo figures in the Super Smash Bros. series like Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Sheik and Ganondorf will work withThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. By tapping the Link or Toon Link amiibo, players can replenish their arrows. Tapping Zelda or Sheik will refill the player’s hearts, while, in a devious twist, tapping the Ganondorf figure will actually make Link take double the damage!
On March 18, new amiibo figures in the Animal Crossing series will launch in stores, including characters like Timmy & Tommy, Kapp’n and Rover. Digby will also be made available as a stand-alone amiibo. The next series of Animal Crossing amiibo cards also launches in March, bringing the grand total of available amiibo cards to be used in games like Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival for Wii U and Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer for Nintendo 3DS to a whopping 300. Let the collecting begin!
Fans who are ready to compete in Rio de Janeiro with Mario, Sonic and the gang in Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games will also have to warm up their amiibo-tapping fingers. When the action-filled game launches for Nintendo 3DS on March 18 at a suggested retail price of $39.99, both Mario and Sonic amiibo figures will be compatible*. By tapping the Mario or Sonic amiibo figures to the New Nintendo 3DS system (or on a Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL or Nintendo 2DS system using the NFC Reader/Writer accessory), players can boost Mario and Sonic’s outfits with that character’s power for the day.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pokémon, some of the Pokémon amiibo will be made available again at select retailers. Fans should be on the lookout for Charizard, Jigglypuff, Greninja and Lucario to once again return to shelves right next to Pikachu.
Finally, Star Fox Zero delivers a new beginning for the classic shooter series. With a unique control scheme that uses both the TV screen and the screen on the GamePad, players pilot multiple vehicles through intergalactic levels with Fox and his classic crew. The game launches exclusively for Wii U on April 22 and will feature amiibo compatibility. More details will be revealed at a later time.