From the CEATEC in the East... to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in the West, we see innovation on top of innovation. This includes robotics, some of which I dream of owning one day... even if reality feels like it will forever be a carrot dangling from a string.
When it comes to the COVID-19, the next gen consoles may feel so close... yet so far away due to how rapid the spread is of this virus. Make no mistake, it's always exciting to see next gen and what games are pending release on the platforms... but the focus of this article is regarding a more serious issue (our well-being).
Why is it that we see all these amazingly innovative products, but... in a crisis situation we rarely ever "see" them utilized?
If manufacturers are closing up shop because of how serious the coronavirus is... then why not remove the people and allow the bots to take over at make shift (short-term) factories? Robots have the ability to make other robots, and robots can be remotely controlled (i.e. drones).
Again, it would make for a short-term solution so that robots don't replace workers who need those jobs... but during these times where we really can't afford to close up every single business, that's an option. Medication is needed on top of the list of other items that are deemed necessities.

Robots from a region that has yet to be impacted... can make robots to create short term manufacturing plants, or even utilize unaffected regions to make prefab manufacturing buildings for the robots to work in.
Robots can be used to also load, and transport the needed products to designated (robot-only) areas where they can load the cargo and drop it into those areas affected and unaffected to prevent the spread of virus such as the COVID-19.

It may seem like a tremendous undertaking, but I've seen robotics used for complex surgeries, transportation, military purposes, nursing homes, etc. They can be used as a bridge.
Why can't tech be used to combat the spread of viruses?
By the way, speaking of the spread of viruses, one huge thing you and others can do (right now) is... wash your hands before touching your face. Tada! I won't say it's just that simple, but that's one part of it.
Check out this article from the CDC regarding Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Flu where it explains the importance of these things:
Avoid close contact - If you need to get up close and personal with everyone you encounter... good luck with not getting sick, back up a little.
Avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth - I'd have to add ears in that... don't touch your face in general with unclean hands and don't touch anyone else's face, especially babies (I've seen random strangers touch babies and it should always been considered uncool... no matter how much they love children because germs exist and you don't know them to touch them).
Stay home when you are sick (not sharing is caring)
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze - Duh of the day, but... I've seen the opposite more often than not. Cough or sneeze in a napkin before tossing it, or into the arm fold.
Clean your hands - Wash them for at least 30 seconds w/ soap and water. Restaurants have to put signs on bathroom doors for their staff for a reason, because some people don't think twice about walking out of the bathroom before going back to serve up some food w/ a side of... filth.
It's a shame that everyone isn't required to do so, because that bathroom door handle doesn't discriminate. There should be auto open/close doors for multi-stall bathrooms so that no one has to deal with that door (even if it leads to more door). I like the doors that push out, and recently I was in a place that had a foot area where you open the door with your shoe but overall... wash your hands (it's not going to end you like a virus could)!
Speaking of cleaning... remember to spray Lysol or the equivalent on frequently used items... after use. That way you can come back to a virus-free item, whether it's the TV remote, your game controller, keyboard + mouse or... whatever! Anyway, stay health and... game on!
Speaking of cleaning... remember to spray Lysol or the equivalent on frequently used items... after use. That way you can come back to a virus-free item, whether it's the TV remote, your game controller, keyboard + mouse or... whatever! Anyway, stay health and... game on!