Showing posts with label Cyberpunk 2077. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyberpunk 2077. Show all posts

Shatterline Finds a New Home on the Epic Games Platform... Let's Play!

Shatterline, the intense first-person shooter (FPS) with roguelike co-op PVE and PVP modes, has recently made a significant move to the Epic Games platform. This transition opens up a world of possibilities for the game and its developers, FragLab. With Epic Games' reputation for offering attractive incentives to developers, this shift could mean enhanced support, better revenue shares, and increased visibility for Shatterline.

Epic Games is known for its developer-friendly revenue split, 100% going to the devs for first run exclusives on the platform. This financial incentive alone could be a game-changer for Shatterline, allowing FragLab to reinvest more into the game's development and community engagement. Additionally, Epic's robust support system and marketing reach could help Shatterline attract a larger player base and foster a more vibrant community.

The move to Epic Games also raises the question: Will this entice other developers to shift platforms? With the promise of better financial returns and support, it's a possibility that more developers might consider making the switch, especially those looking to maximize their game's potential if things aren't going so hot or... they don't plan to go multi-plat (just yet).

Many developers are hesitant to adapt due to the risks involved. However, some have successfully adapted with the right changes that included improving their games. For instance, Cyberpunk 2077 underwent significant updates and tweaks post-launch, which resulted in improved gameplay and better reception from players.

Shatterline's transition from Steam to Epic Games is a bold move that demonstrates FragLab's adaptability and willingness to take risks for the betterment of their game. I commend the flexibility.

We wish Shatterline's development team the best as they embark on this new journey with Epic Games. This $5 affordable shooter has the potential to shine bright, but only time will tell.

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Top Audiences Last Week + Cyberpunk 2077 Global Interest by Country!

Top 10... let's go!

Hong Kong (double-digit lead)
United Kingdom

South Korea, Japan, and... United Arab Emirates came close!

This was shared with us yesterday, but wasn't this to be expected with the boost in promos about the game headed to launch? I don't think it's that shocking but I thought it would be fun to show where the most interest was coming from! Let's look at the top 10 Countries with the greatest interest in... Cyberpunk 2077, which is available now!!!!! Feels like the 25th... is already here!

Top 10 Global Interest in Cyberpunk 2077 (on Google from Nov 8 - Dec 5)

United States
New Zeland
United Kingdom

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