Red Dead Online: Suxky gallops in!

Hi everyone, I haven’t played Red Dead Redemption Online in a while and recently came back to it. It was pretty surprising to see the new featured series. It was fun to play, but also a bit scary. Enjoy the gameplay!!


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Puro Sound Labs: PuroGamer Headphones... Reviewed!

The PuroGamer Volume Limited Gaming Headphones hit the mark with quality, sound and safety. These headphones aren't just delivering clear sound... they're also protecting your ears, but how do they hold up when it comes to gaming? Let's find out... after an unboxing of course!

Puro Sound Labs sent this package to the studio... just before I hit the road for a trip, and I looked forward to the first sight of downtime so I could check it out!

One of the biggest reasons why I like these headphones so much, is the fact that my daughter can utilize them without me fearing a negative impact on her hearing. She's 2 years old at the time of this review (2019), but... she's never too young to do some sort of gaming (right now they're primarily educational).

Anyway, I know people who wear sound amplifiers on their ears because they can't hear that well, and it's a result of being exposed to loud sounds for a dangerous amount of time... which is sound induced hearing loss. So parents with aspiring gamers may find an interest in these headphones.

We know that hearing problems exist and can be caused by a variety of loud sounds... but this is one of the few companies doing something about this preventable problem (and doing so in quality way that can also be appreciated by teens and adults. So while they can be worn and used by children, they're adjustable and can be worn by teens and adults also... without feeling like you're wearing child headphones or something (they're more like the everyone headphones + kids).

Inside the box you have:

PuroGamer Headphones w/ Control Box & Split Plug Connection

Detachable Mic

Soft Travel Bag

Quick Start Guide

The PuroGamer headphones have a vegan leather headband, vegan leather earcups (you can see the full stitching around the front of the cup, side and beneath. It looks nice, and the frame of the headphones is metal. Vegan leather is basically another term for artificial leather, but the leather is also said to be a large protein leather... which is on the high end in terms of quality feel and durability.

When it comes to the PuroGamer headphones... they have deceptively good audio quality, which is easy to assume that volume limiting means quality limiting... until you hear what they have to offer.

I've definitely pushed it to max tolerance level (more than i'd like to admit) when it comes to audio and I've had to adjust the volume after awhile, but when it comes to the PuroGamer's Puro Balanced Response... it keeps the volume at a tolerable level from start to finish (no cap).

It's a sweet combination of lows, mids, and highs delivering clean immersive sound.

Depending on the audio quality... you get more thump from the bass (I went through a crap load of tracks and videos + the Death Stranding OST supplied to us by Sony Music) to test them out beyond gaming. These stereo headphones deliver.

Gaming was great... enjoyed the audio from Battlefield V a lot, along with The Surge 2, and Death's Gambit. What I really loved was the ASMR, and I realistically wouldn't utilize these headphones for such a thing unless I took them on the go and I want to relax... but I didn't even have to decrease the volume to get rid of that white noise that some of my favorite ASMR recordings have. I generally lower the volume so that I can hear everything that's meant to be heard without the white noise getting in the way (robbing me of my tingles... don't judge me... it's super relaxing).

This is one of the audio files I used to test out the headphones.

For gaming headphones... if I could add anything (hmm), i'd probably like to see some sort of rumble feedback technology and possibly true surround sound if Puro Sound Labs ever decides to create a pair of PuroGamer Pro Headphones and the ability to switch up the lighting. I won't say revise because these are solid, i'll take them... and I know true surround costs a bit more so... a pro option wouldn't be a bad notion based on interest.

Anyway, when it comes to the Ambient Noise Isolation... it's definitely strong, and I utilized multiple things to test this out. Mechanical keyboards are 100% clicky when you type (duh of the day)... and I could barely hear the typing while playing audio in the headphones. I'd say I got about 10% feedback (tops) while listening to something with consistent sound, but after pausing or muting the audio... the typing went back up to about 95% audible.

While someone was talking on their phone, I was only able to hear them (and make out what they were saying) while they were standing right next to me. While standing out of my comfort zone... I had no idea what they were saying or if they were talking to me (unless I visually saw them). That noise was reduced about 75%, which was similar to being out in public or driving in a vehicle with others with the headphones on.

The audio quality of the mic is... okay, i'm able to get my point across and it doesn't sound fuzzy. I whipped up a sample recording:

The PuroGamer headphones contain a 50 mm Graphene speaker w/ studio grade audio engineered to deliver the impressive sounds mentioned above. To be honest... I don't even look at the specs initially, I like to jump in to hear, feel, and see things myself, and the headphones check out.

Oh yeah... these headphones follow the volume safety standards of the Hearing Health Foundation, OSHA, World Health Organization, American Speech Pathology Association and others (so they aren't just pulling this information out of thin air).

According to Puro Sound Labs, the "Intelligent Digital Signal Processing imperceptibly limits the volume so that listeners don't even notice".

These headphones are lighter than they look and they're really comfortable. They fit around my ears... instead of pressing on them and they don't clamp down on my head in other sensitive areas. It may not seem like a big deal, but think about the duration when it comes to your tolerance level. The more comfy the headphones, the longer they can be enjoyed during use (which  also includes sound quality) and these feel good. I can even say that the audio is part of the comfort with these headphones... because the sound is tolerable for a longer period of time thanks to the volume limiting.

One thing I wouldn't mind seeing in a potential revision are rotatable earcups (DJ-Style). Even if it has a USB for PC use, there are times that you want or need to take the headphones off your ears (not fully off).

They're meant to be used at home and on the go via the split plug connection... because you have the USB connector, but you also have the standard 3.5mm headphone jack to game on devices like the... Nintendo Switch, Android & iPhones + game controllers. So these headphones should be travel ready for those gamers that are on the go. I don't like to have headphones around my neck if the cups don't swivel because I have to turn my head and it's a little uncomfortable when the ear cups are also pressing against my cheeks (I adapt by just letting them hug the top of my head for a little while... but that would be great for Puro Sound Labs to keep in mind).

Price wise... the PuroGamer headphones come in at $49.99, which fits well... because they can be enjoyed by kids, teens, and adults. So in other words, if your kids take care of them... they can have them clear to adulthood if the headphones hold up that long.

Overall, these are a nice pair of headphones delivering premium stereo sound while keeping your ears safe from sound induced hearing loss. While they aren't as portable as i'd like, they do have the split plug connection to be used on PC/Mac, console, and mobile devices.

So if the world's first volume limited gaming headphones are something that interest you... consider giving them a whirl.

Sound 5

Quality 5

Comfort 4

Price 5

4.75 out of 5 Cool Points

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!


This is one looooonnnggg title for a game. - Luis D. Lucha

LAYTON’S MYSTERY JOURNEY: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy - Deluxe Edition


Disney tsum tsum festival

Top Audiences Last Week!

Here's the top 10!

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Ireland, Philippines and South Africa came close... game on!

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!

Unrailed! ...Reviewed!

Unrailed! is a super fun game, if you can find someone to play online with.

Unrailed! is a cooperative multiplayer game and the development team really makes you cooperate or you're taking nothing but Ls! You have to work together, and it's a good thing that we can't do voice chat or there would be a lot of freak outs during gameplay.

You can't just grab a railroad track (oh no no no)... you have to chop trees and chip away iron ore (I guess that's what that is) and put it in your rail car to make the tracks. After than, then you can lay the track down, but the train is moving the entire time. You have to build bridges, you have to make pathways, you have to deal with random encounters, and prevent your train from derailing. It's crazy... fun!

Four players are the best way to play this game, two or three are okay but four is the magic number:

- Player one can chop the trees
- Player two can chop the iron ore
- Player three can collect the materials and put them into the train car
- Player four can lay the train tracks and make the bridges

Synergy is the name of the game (technically it's Unrailed! but you know what I mean). This game can be played by kids and adults, and the replay value is available in many ways. You get different game modes like, Quick, Endless, and Versus. Quick mode means you help get your train to the station. Endless is the mode that takes the station away, you just keep playing for as long as you can keep going... so stay hydrated. Versus mode puts you up against the other railway makers, making them derail before they do the same to you.  You get Easy, Medium, and Hard modes.

The game is still in Early Access, so I don't know everything it has to offer yet... but it's great so far. in the Early Access you get 22 characters to choose from, and 42 wagons to choose from. The wagons do different things like make your train tracks faster or hold more materials.

Unrailed! is set in a voxel world like Minecraft but it's in a top down view, and it looks very cool. It's colorful, the game plays buttery smooth and it's just fun with a lot of replay value. I like the music too.

There is a downside to this game. The multiplayer matchmaking isn't that good, because you don't know if anyone is online to play with. Before the game is fully released, they need to make a player waiting area of sorts so that we can see different players online. That's all I ask, because you can't enjoy this fun game if you can't play it.

In the Online mode you can do Random Matching, Create Private Lobby, and Join Private Lobby. Private may be the easiest to create a team with so far because the random doesn't give you a guarantee that you'll have anyone to play with, at least with private you're meeting up with someone. In the online mode you can also select what region of the world you'd like to play, or just leave it on automatic. I don't know if automatic sets you up with any available players from around the planet... but I hope so.

Unrailed! is $16.99, and that's cool... but they have to work out the matchmaking or the good price won't matter unless you play offline only.

Fun Factor 5

Replay Value 5

Visuals 5

Price 5

- 1.5 Points because you can't play the game if no one is online.

3.5 out of 5 Cool Points (It's still in early access)

Brought to you by the... Baby Fu Clothing Co!