Showing posts with label Hitman Go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitman Go. Show all posts

Yet another reason why gaming is awesome! + More!

Deus Ex this... that... etc.

In this article, you're getting SDGT's full attention. Not only by way of the coolness from the Deus Ex world, but because of something really cool that has emerged. You also have the option of being a part of it.


Seriously... for the people who think gaming is just a waste of time. Obviously you're just too close minded to give it a chance, but I can still respect the fact that you don't wish to play video games. Everyone has their preferences, but don't dump on the people that do, especially if they aren't hurting anyone and it either part of their career or not interfering with life's necessities. 

If your hobby is something else, enjoy it, but some of us happen to prefer gaming as a hobby. Before I get into a full on write up about that, the reason for this post is something awesome that is coming out of gaming (yet again) for the greater good of people (no matter if they game or not).

Check out the video, and ask yourself... seriously... if gaming is just a waste of time or if some awesome things can come of it. What you see in this video will help multiple people in my opinion.

What do you think of this cool collaboration?

To keep the Deus Ex action going, here is nearly 18 minutes of gameplay action from the City-Hub Gameplay Demo:

I can't wait to get back into the world of Deus Ex. Square-Enix has been going hard, and I commend the individual development studios for kicking butt because new entries to these franchises have been fantastic. 

I don't want to say that the old ones suck, but i'm glad to see the franchises reach the point they have reached.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is coming August 23rd, 2016!

Want more out of your Deus Ex experience?

How's about an arcade experience at no additional cost? Deus Ex: Mankind Divided... will have a mode known as "Breach"... that places you into a virtual world that deserves to be enjoyed in VR (in addition to the overall Deus Ex experience). I still don't have a full understanding of this experience, but a faster paced experience to change things up... is a plus.

We were also delivered Deus Ex: Mankind Divded - Breach

Oh... and before I wrap things up, Mobile gamers are not being left out of the awesomeness. 

Even though the action could've been longer in the trailer (Square-Enix)... Deus Ex Go, looks like it could be very interesting. What i'm curious about mostly is... how they're going to change things up to fit the Deus Ex world. I don't just want to navigate from point to point in a dull layout.

Just like in Lara Croft Go & Hitman Go, you get a different feel in art style... and I want to see how the world can be presented in this game. Having cities to play through would be cool and with what I've experienced thus far in the GO game's, I have faith that it would work out well.

+1, Share, Get your hands on some ISG apparel and... Game on!

Hitman Go... reviewed!

This game is a breath of fresh air.

If you’ve had the pleasure of playing this game… then you may have just sat there and looked at how clean and pretty it looks (yes… pretty).

Hitman Go, doesn’t require much elsewhere regarding graphics, so Square-Enix Montreal was able to really lay in on the visuals nicely for mobile.

Hitman Go is a turn-based puzzle game delivering the feel of the board games some of us would pull off the shelf from time to time back in the day. I enjoyed the time with friends and family, and those board games were a great stepping stone to what I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing here.

The game starts out simple enough… giving you the basic feel of moving Agent 47 from point to point, but as you progress through the maps of the various boards… the duh of the day is that the challenge greatly increases.

This is a game for fans of strategy, and since it’s available on mobile it allows for you to enjoy it on the… Go (pun intended). Your moves are challenged by guards, and even things like rocks that produce sound… requiring you to throw them in a strategic way that doesn’t result in you ending up with the short end of the stick. Some guards move, some stand watch, etc. making you think again and again before you make a move (almost like chess with advantages on some boards if you use them to your advantage). So if you’re up to the challenge of a game that was delivered right… don’t sleep on this one.

Replay value is also there, and believe me when I tell you it’s strong, because there are incentives to completing stages in various forms.

Some stages challenge you to:
  •         Complete them with the lowest possible moves
  •         Complete them without killing any enemies
  •         Collect the Briefcase on the board before completing the level

And… there are also achievements, so you may find yourself coming back again and again to take on challenges that slipped through your hands. So whether you’re trying to get from start to finish without losing, trying to take out the boss character on a game board, complete challenges, or obtain achievements… you get more than enough value with this game at its price point (the music's pretty good too for this type of game).

Overall, Hitman Go is an experience i'd recommend for anyone... even if you aren't big on puzzle games, simply based on the feel of the game because it adds something good to your library (at least for me) via a genre that doesn't usually have this type of delivery. I give props to the puzzle genre though, because the innovation tends to be high... and this game was on target (just like this pun).

Fun factor: 4

Visually: 5
Replay value: 5
Price: 5

"4.75 / 5 Cool Points"