I can't recall snack time being... reviewed before, but Spinning Wheel Brands dropped a supply of nom noms on us for just that very reason.

As you see here.. we were provided with Mozaicz Organic Popped Veggie & Potato Chips. That came in cheddar & salsa. The packaging says that they're made with organic olive oil, USDA Organic, and part of a Non GMO Project Verification program. I think this would definitely appeal to the foodies concerned about what's in their food. Even if its to get more information, doesn't hurt to be informed when looking for better snack time alternatives.
If I were looking for a better route to get my snack on... I wouldn't mind these (cheddar... more so). The package also shows that organic green peas are in these chips, as well as organic yellow peas, organic potatoes, and organic black beans. The cheddar ones have organic cheddar cheese according to the bag, and the salsa has organic tomatoes and organic tomatoes (according to the bag).
I can taste that they're healthier... but I wasn't turned off. I'm not a gigantic chip eater anyway (unless we're talking tortilla chips during nacho night), but these were okay to munch on.
These chips are also Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten Free Certification Organization
Mozaics also supports The Chicago Mosaic School, which is a not-for-profit art school. I unconsciously gave the bag a thumbs up for that one (I just threw it up).
Taste 3.5 out of 5!

Hope & Sesame Organic SesameMilk was... a challenge. I'm soooo not a milk fan... at all. I can tolerate it with cereal, dipping cookies, PB&J and basically something to sip (a little of it) with the perfect match up, but... sesame milk is a no for me. I can do chocolate milk, and even plain white milk based on the conditions previously mentioned... but I couldn't do this. It wasn't a crazy taste, can't describe it... but I couldn't take more than a few sips. I guess I could taste the sesame... but... I don't want to taste sesame, so this is for the people willing to give it a go. I know someone who loves it... but that someone isn't me, so they're taking it off my hands. Enjoy!
For fans, and potential fans of this milk... the package showcases it as being Dairy Free, Soy Free, Gluten Free, and Tree Nut Free. SesameMilk is also Certified Organic, USDA Organic and it's also part of a Non GMO Project Verification program.
Something I didn't know about sesame milk is that its drought-tolerant. SesameMilk also lists that it has more Vitamin D than regular milk, no dairy allergens, or... lactose. That would be a benefit to me... its just... I don't know... it's not for me (it has to taste good to me). I do give it a thumbs up because the company supports cancer treatment research.
Taste 1.5 out of 5! (The .5 is for the contribution to cancer treatment research.)

I saved my personal favorite for last. Handfulls is awesome! As seen in the image here... the company sent two of the Crrrunch Bites! flavors and a Fusions flavor. The bbq almond tops the list, I almost ate the entire bag in one seating. They have a crunchy sweet flavor, super crunchy (they weren't playing about that).
My second is the hill country bbq blend. The pecans are maple bacon flavored, plus you get bbq CrrrunchBites almonds. I like the first one more because you get more of the almonds, but this is super good too.
The nacho flavor for me was okay, but the taste kinda sorta clashed with the almond to me. Like the other products... these are also Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten Free Certification Organization.
Taste 5 out of 5 BBQ Almonds & Hill Country BBQ Blend!
Taste 3 out of 5 Nacho Almonds!

I think it's overall a great group of snacks for someone who really needs a healthier option and for those who don't need such. It might not seem like its a big deal, but... if you're having a get together... it would be awesome to have snacks that everyone can enjoy (some people have to be on edge about things like gluten). Not only that, the almonds are healthier alternative without tasting the part. I wouldn't think twice about buying a bag of these to munch on... and the brands give to those in need.