Now that E3 is over... kick back and recap. - SDGTeam
I didn't have any expectations going into Square Enix Presents, but they caught me off guard with Just Cause 4. I do hope the depth is cranked up even more, able to enter buildings and I hope to see a larger amount of story missions. - Blu
All I needed was Kingdom Hearts 3, it was taking forever to come out! - Luis D. Lucha
I thought it was good, but it was predictable outside of Just Cause 4. - Yang
Yes... I knew Just Cause 4 was possible, but... I didn't think they'd drop another installment so soon, based on the time it took to release 3. I can see them recycling assets from 3 to use in 4... I just didn't see it coming. I'm excited. Overall it was a solid showcase. - Blu
I'm ready to get the party started. - RkRk
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