Snowpiercer: The Complete Second Season... Reviewed!

Many many thanks to WB for providing a copy of Snowpiercer: The Complete Second Season for the purpose of this review. My opinions are my own.

If you aren't familiar with Snowpiercer, it's basically a show about people on a train with no other place to go except where the track leads them.. because the world has become a frozen wasteland where death is automatic if they step out into the cold. It's not about what's going on outside of the train as much as what's going on in an even longer train now (over 1,034 cars long). That said, all aboard... because it's going down (let's review)!

Story: When it comes to Snowpiercer: The Complete Second Season... you will be happy to know that it starts off exactly where it left off, so if you saw season one... no need to worry about some time jump.

Snowpiercer had a change of the guard in season one... and Layton (played by Daveed Diggs) now runs the train, but with Big Alice now attached to them and the real Mr. Wilford standing up (see what I did there)... the war rages on to a deeper degree. The writers took an already interesting show and made it even more interesting. You'll be happy to know that more of the back story has been unlocked for select people and your jaw might drop when you find out who's connected to who on both sides.

Snowpiercer can be described as chess in my opinion, and it was once the tail of the train and some service car members vs Uptrain and certain members of the hospitality department. These people went to war with each other utilizing tactics that had everyone fighting for survival... and quite a few people died (duh of the day).

I know they came together as one train at that time, but it was only to an extent, and it wasn't like they were just going to forget what happened. Mr. Wilford (played by Sean Bean) quickly ripped the bandages off of any wounds they had, and the fighting was back on (for some)... as far as Snowpiercer goes. Big Alice has a lack of trust + resentment as far as some members of their side go also, but it's a bit more covert... so you get a good mix of soft hand and heavy-handed action. You will find that members in uptrain were already pro-Wilford based on the great lie from season one and that only aids in his influence. Mr. Wilford is a piece of work, you'll love to hate him as season two rolls on.

Luckily in this season... you do get a change of pace when a certain someone embarks outside the train for a potential future. I won't go any further as far as that goes... you'll see the rest for yourself, but it certainly gears you up for season three (in a bit of a WTF way... but it does).

Visuals: Visuals are nice and crisp in this show, and just like the first season they were able to pull off various shots for our enjoyment. Medium, medium closeups, and full shots were shown the most but they also had panning, aerial, etc. One of the best shots I saw was when a martial artist kicked someone and sent them flying through glass, the camera was slightly lower, and... it was an awesome way to capture the can of whoop-ass (and they cut it to make sure that the shot was captured accordingly).

Certain episodes had info for viewers at the end based on how sick this guy is.

Audio: The audio in this show was solid. Of course, you have the train sound in the background, but it wasn't overpowering... you knew you were inside and in what area based on how much you heard it or not. The sound engineer(s) knew what they were doing, down to the sound of boots on the floor of train cars, the poop being dumped into bins in compost, etc. It was done right and allowed for the experience to be enhanced. The audio is 1080p DTS-HD Master Audio.

DTS-HD Master Audio: This is the top dog of DTS audio formats, and can be thought of as DTS’s equivalent to Dolby’s TrueHD. Master Audio provides up to 7.1 channels of uncompressed surround-sound audio. - Home Theater For Dummies, 3rd Edition

Price: Pricewise, you can get your hands on Snowpiercer: The Complete Second Season... for $24.98 (on DVD) & $29.98 (on Blu-Ray + Digital). The price is worth the experience, and you may find yourself inviting others over to check it out.

Season two is served up in 10 exciting episodes on the railway.

Special Features:

  • The Great Engineer: Bringing the Mysterious Mr. Wilford Aboard - Go behind-the-scenes with the cast for an in-depth exploration of the god-like Mr. Wilford as brought to life by Sean Bean.
  • Season 2 Overview - An exciting and exclusive look at the second season with the cast.
  • Behind The Character: Mr. Wilford - The cast discusses the mythical character of Mr. Wilford.
  • Season 2 Roundtable - Take a seat with the cast and crew as they have a round table discussion about the show's characters and story.
  • Daveed Diggs Season 1 Recap - The exciting first season of Snowpiercer is recapped through the POV of its main character Layton (Daveed Diggs).

Story 5

Visuals 5

Audio 5

Price 5

5 out of 5 Cool Points

DC's Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Sixth Season... Reviewed!

Before I begin, I just want to say that WB supplied us with a copy of this product for review. My opinions are my own, that said... let's get... odd!

I remember seeing some episodes of... DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but I didn't keep up with it (so I couldn't really tell you what the show was about from memory). It was okay, but I just got so busy that telly time went from a minimum to non-existent. I don't remember it being as... odd as it is now, but maybe that was the reason the show was able to maintain for so long because you're able to adapt the story when it's not stuck to one specific theme. I was curious to see what I thought of the show after such a long break, but... on that note... let's jump in and find out.

Vandal Savage
Story: Before I even jump into the season review (for real for real), let me break down what DC's Legends of Tomorrow is actually about. The team initially came to be (according to Wikipedia)... because a Time Master by the name of Rip Hunter who goes rogue after Vandal Savage destroys Earth and kills his wife and son. I remember this, and then from there, he began to recruit superheroes + compliant villains (like Heat Wave & Captain Cold) to save humanity and avenge his family.

So that's how the Legends of Tomorrow came to be, which I remember now because characters like Heat Wave & Captain Cold came from The Flash. Other characters from the Arrowverse are also in the show... which was a smart move as far as spinoffs go, because if the audience is there... capitalize. It was also a great way to... recycle characters versus letting them go to waste. I would love to see more of Victor Zsasz from the Batwoman tv show and wish he were a rare regular on the show.

DC Legends of Tomorrow didn't start off as crazy as it currently is... it was quite serious from what I remembered. Check out the initial season and compare it to now. Season six almost reminds me of... a PG-13 version of DOOM Patrol with different characters, not that that's a bad thing... since it doesn't mirror it.

Anyway, season six started out with... an episode titled "Ground Control to Sara Lance", after the fifth season ended in Sarah being abducted by... aliens (they didn't even know what happened to her until this season). Even if episodes had their own themes to enjoy, the writers didn't lose sight of the overall goal to get Sarah back, but you weren't just stuck with that mission. I appreciated the fact that they paced it out well because Sarah had her own situation to deal with... and the rest of the legends continued to deal with other situations that I enjoyed like:

Meat: The Legends, is basically an episode where the people in this town go crazy over this restaurant's burgers, but there's an odd reason behind it. I watched this episode a few times.

Lord Knoxicrillion
The Ex-Factor was another episode I watched a few times. It took place in 2045's Hollywood and basically started out with this alien warrior (Lord Knoxicrillion) appearing in a convenience store looking for earth's king. He wanted to challenge the king to a duel for the earth, and end's up seeing a DJ on a magazine cover that he mistakes for earth's king. One thing leads to another and the alien warrior ends up in one of those freaking singing competitions on tv.

The Satanists' Apprentice was good, which involved Astra Logue getting access to this evil entity after bumping heads with Constantine. That episode was next level for me because they brought in animation at one point. It was already good before that, but then the animation came into play, and... you just have to see it. It's badass. That's the beauty of also having an animation team at your fingertips.

It wasn't just these episodes, but you get the idea... and you still had the situation with Sarah where she took on the charismatic Bishop (the founder of AVA Corporation). I won't get into the role he plays, you'll have to check that out for yourself, but... the ride up to this point has been a trip. By the way, episode 8 totally reminded me of Tremors (franchise). I'm sure some of you know exactly what I'm talking about (not to say that's a bad thing, it was enjoyable)... and so was "This Is Gus".

It may seem like I'm just firing off every episode, but I'm more so trying to showcase the variety the show offers + some of the episodes I really enjoyed in the sixth season of this odd adventure (trust me there is plenty being left out).

Overall, the show is quite interesting... more interesting than I thought it would be. I really didn't know what to expect, but in addition to the episodes being different and entertaining, you didn't know what to expect from the characters. If you aren't familiar with the show, keep in mind that the characters aren't your traditional heroes... and some of the characters don't always have the best intentions at heart. This left the show feeling unpredictable, which is a good thing... but a tad annoying in the sense that certain heroes should've known that they should've had something set up just in case. Batman plays no games, he knows how to take down all members of the Justice League. I thought that Astra was able to take on a certain threat after improving her abilities, but... didn't do enough to counter a certain threat towards the end which was a wasted opportunity for a cool battle.

The final episodes more so focused on the main mission, but episode 14 still gave some variety while... still being quite significant to the main story. Episode 15 was the finale, which I don't want to spill the beans on... but it wasn't as good as it could've been (outside of the cliffhanger for season 7). It's an odd show so I guess anything is possible, but... certain weapon was silly to me when it came to taking on the baddies.

Visuals: As far as visuals go, there was a good mix-up between medium closeups, full shots, bird's eye view, medium, and they also had some fish-eye view shots thrown in there (I don't recall seeing this shot used in many other WB X DC Comics-based shows that I've reviewed... if any).

I think the two most visually appealing episodes for me were episodes 3 & 5. Episode 5 took the cake, I was like... holy sugar wrappers... this is awesome. The transition from reality to animation and back again was impressive. The actual quality of the shots wasn't bad either... I just don't remember them outside of episode 5 and episode 8, those just had certain shots that were nice and crisp to me.

Audio:  The audio was awesome, and I was able to enjoy a good amount of sound effects based on the various types of episodes thrown at viewers this season. The audio is 1080p DTS-HD Master Audio.

DTS-HD Master Audio: This is the top dog of DTS audio formats, and can be thought of as DTS’s equivalent to Dolby’s TrueHD. Master Audio provides up to 7.1 channels of uncompressed surround-sound audio. - Home Theater For Dummies, 3rd Edition

Price: DC's Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Sixth Season is priced at $24.98 (SRP) on DVD, and... $29.98 (SRP) on Blu-Ray + Digital, and will be available Nov. 9, 2021! Of course, you can save some green by using our links. You won't be sorry picking up a copy of season six, the variety is nice and the episodes were enjoyable. I think this happened because they have multiple directors & writers and it didn't feel like they were just trying to fluff it up with content. I don't know what they were doing with episode 15 (grrrr arrrggg) but it doesn't ruin the previous episodes and some of you might even look at me like wth am I talking about... based on the fact that you like the way it ended. I didn't have a problem with everything, but the way they defeated the enemy was just... odd (but that's just how things go with this show). 

You can expect to get 15 episodes that give you about an hour of run time each.

Special Features:
  • Gag Reel
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Never Alone: Heroes & Allies
  • VFX Creature Feature
  • Animation Split Screen (which is awesome for aspiring animators out there who want to know the way things play out on a storyboard level for the overall animated scene)
  • Actors Split Screen

Story 4

Visuals 5

Audio 5

Price 5

4.75 out of 5 Cool Points

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Mr. Sunnyside: Imagination... Reviewed!


The Read: When it comes to Mr. Sunnyside: Imagination's story, it's simple enough... you have an only child by the name of Tommy who's bored out of his mind. He's up early in the morning with tons of energy to go around, and he wants to have fun before breakfast. The issue Tommy is having is that he can't go outside to play (due to the weather) and... he's bored with the toys he has.

He then get's an unexpected visit from an imaginary character by the name of Mr. Sunnyside, and if you haven't realized it by now, he's an egg. After their introduction, Mr. Sunnyside gets things crackin' by taking Tommy on a little adventure into his imagination.

The Flow: The flow of the book feels pretty good, and the author did tap into imagination and take Tommy on an adventure with his skateboard... the book gets no complaints there. However, one thing I would've loved to see is them do more with the toys that were mentioned, create some sort of adventure that included more of the toys or they could've had it broken up to where various experiences were showcased with different toys. There were some toys shown and mentioned but that was the extent of it for them.

That said... it still flows well and it's actually a well rounded book that can actually get your child interested in utilizing their own imagination. 

My Daughter's Reaction: I read this to my daughter for the first time a few days before this review, and she's asked about the book everyday since then. In other words... I've read the book to my daughter everyday since then. 

The first day we talked about imaginary friends, and she wanted to create a new imaginary friend. I also participated in creating one, it was awesome and she enjoyed the experience.

The second day I wanted her to imagine that we were also flying like Tommy & Mr. Sunnyside... and she was definitely game to take flight. 

The third day I asked her about some of the different ways she uses her imagination (I know about most of them) and it was cool to have her talk about some of them. She's 4 years old, and she always grabs my attention when I hear her discuss various things she came up with. 

So overall, my daughter's reaction to the book was positive.

The Price: You get 28 story-focused pages in this book with about 14 of those pages being illustrations. Paperback is $11.95, Hardcover is $16.79, and the Kindle version is $4.95 (before credits). The price is almost in that sweet spot, but it's not far off... so no serious complaints here.

The Read 4

The Flow 5

My Daughter's Reaction 5

Price 4

4.5 out of 5 Cool Points

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Midnight Suns delayed to the second half of 2022!

Just when I thought I'd be able to play as Blade... we get the announcement that the Midnight Suns has been delayed. It's less than a year away when you think about it, as long as they keep it that way.

Take-Two Interactive delayed the game into its next fiscal year as part of its second-quarter earnings release. While it's safe to jump and say that it's about the money, Take-Two's CEO Strauss Zelnick said the game required more development time.

He told that "In this instance, there was more work to be done to make sure we deliver the best possible title," Zelnick said. He went on to say, "Our Standards are very high, and we don't take delays lightly. We always want to deliver the highest quality entertainment experiences...".

While it's a bummer to hear, it's bittersweet because it's going to be released in due time, and if they stand true to their word... we should be expecting a kick-ass game. Covid-19 did come up as a potential factor, which is something to think about when it comes to all developments, because they may find it easier to get into the studio and grind it out together versus separately. It's doable, but we don't know what the individual challenges are... which could also be a low morale type of thing.

Anyway, we shall see how things work out... and it had better be in the favor of gamers.

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