Showing posts with label Bungie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bungie. Show all posts

Bungie Awarded $13.5 Million in Lawsuit Against Cheat Maker Team

The cheat creator, Elite Boss Tech has admitted to incorporating its own overlay into Bungie’s Destiny 2's copyrighted work.

Bungie sued the cheat creator Elite Boss Tech for copyright infringement and the latter lost and have to pay $13.5 million in damages!

The Elite Boss Tech was found guilty of creating cheat software that adds an unauthorized "graphical overlay" in-game which injects third-party code into Bungie’s copyrighted material, resulting to be considered an unlicensed derivative work.

Additionally, the Elite Boss Tech admitted to willful infringement and how their software violates the anti-circumvention of DMCA constructed by Bungie. The software that the Elite Boss Tech created has been downloaded 6,765 times at a cost of $2,000 per download.

The Elite Boss Tech has been ordered not only to pay up but they are also prevented to create and/or distribute any software that could violate Bungie’s rights or the parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates’ rights!

The company also cannot abuse its power and reverse engineer any games owned or published by Bungie.

The legal battle between Destiny 2 developer Bungie and cheat makers began in August of 2021 when they filed a lawsuit against Elite Boss Tech for copyright infringement.

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Dear Developer: DMCA Strikes Against Destiny Developer Too?! + Mask Up Mondays: Muse Dash - Goodbye Boss

You may be scratching your head wondering how a "Dear Developer" installment can be made out of this, but... hear me out because it's aimed at Google. If Bungie wanted DMCA strikes on Destiny-related Youtube videos to occur at their request, that's one thing, but how much sense would it make for the DMCA strikes to be made against Bungie?

For the record, Bungie approves of non-commercial fan-created media and art to an extent, so if you're getting strikes and you're ticked off at Bungie... just know they're in the same boat.

It might sound bad to say this but (read this fully)... I think it's a good thing. If the actual developer is in the same boat as the content creator, something will happen a lot faster in terms of a solution because YouTube can't ignore it compared to a few YouTubers running into this issue (or even a larger number of YouTubers that create Destiny content). I hope this issue is resolved as soon as possible, but it may provide content creators an avenue to argue against DMCA strikes a lot easier since this situation happened.

Google, you have to get it together in terms of DMCA strikes, but also take a look at other complaints content creators might have. I've heard of people being unsubscribed from channels, notifications going out late or... never, and the list goes on. Let this situation be a motivation to fix other issues.

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