Rhythm Fighter... Reviewed!

Shout out to Coconut Island Games for supplying a copy of Rhythm Fighter for our review. Now that I've gotten that out of the way... let's check out this award-winning indie game!

Rhythm Fighter is just that... a Roguelike game that challenges you to move to the rhythm while taking on baddies, obtain power-ups, etc. all while staying on the beat.

Gameplay: The gameplay in Rhythm Fighter is... interesting. Everything is according to the beat, from moving from section to section in an area... dashing, attacking, performing special attacks, taking on bosses, etc. It's all on beat, the only thing that has no need for rhythm is when you pick up items like health, weapons, and powerups. Before I go on... check out some gameplay:

As you see, Rhythm Fighter places your selected fighter into a random location with randomized levels. Currently, you have a total of 6 locations... with their own set themes. One is more like a cityscape, another is like a European museum, two with an Asian theme, an Egyptian theme, and a space-based final location.

One thing I appreciate about the game... is the simple controls, I can't stress the importance of having controls that you don't have to wrestle with so that you can focus on the gameplay. The on-screen buttons led me to believe that this game was initially for mobile... but they may work for tablets if they actually function (the game isn't on Google Play from what I see). The buttons don't get in the way and definitely work for the game on console... because you have that constant reminder of what your items are and you may need a reminder that you can't jump. 

The controls are simple, but... you can find yourself getting lost in the moment and forgetting to move on beat. If you miss the beat altogether, you will find yourself unable to move/evade attacks, etc. So try to bob your head or something... in order to get in sync with the beat so that you can be more effective in the field.

You have a variety of enemies to take on overall, though they're definitely repetitive in each location... aside from the boss. So hopefully the team considers creating new locations moving forward.

Fun Factor: The fun factor in this game is based on you... and how much you enjoy rhythm games. Moving to the rhythm can get a bit taxing for some gamers because some gamers just don't desire to move to a beat in order to perform basic skills like moving forward or fighting to move forward, fight, and to evade. 

Just keep that in mind, but at the same time... you never know how you may ultimately feel about different genres unless you give them a try. There are other rhythm games that involve tapping, holding... and just moving to the beat in different ways. In this game, rather than moving on a track awaiting upcoming blocks, circles, lines, and etceteras... there is 2D beat-em-up action involved.

Replay Value: Believe it or not, this game is chock full of replay value. You know that you're going to set locations that deliver similar experiences, but you don't know what the layout of the map will be... and what items you will obtain from one playthrough to the next.

If I could give this game one con when it comes to the rhythm game genre, is that it lacks the music library that other titles have. Perhaps the price justifies that, but hopefully, there will be updates that deliver more. At the same time, I won't give it that con, because it's not really a standard rhythm game where you take on a track... it's a 2D beat 'em up to a beat... hybrid. Before you write the game off for the lack of a music library, I'm happy to say that you're able to kick butt to your own music library!

You have the basic game with the various locations mentioned above, as well as Daily Challenges that place a specific character into the rhythmic world.

You have 6 characters to choose from for now, but there are pods for 2 more characters. The characters I currently have access to are:

DJ Daxx... the number 1 DJ on Beatara for 8 years and counting. His active skill is Sonic Boom +, which deals' DMG to surrounding enemies and pushes them back. Your actions in the next 5 beats will be marked as perfect.

Spice Lee... a chef with an appetite for spice, who becomes stronger the more he eats. His active skill is Ghost Pepper, which increases ATK by 10% of Current HP for 10 beats.

Agent Jackal... a mysterious secret agent with powerful teleportation and explosive abilities. This character reminds me of Snake from Metal Gear Solid. His active skill allows him to rush forward and perform a strike and then dash back to the original spot with an attack.

Kid Cubbs... is a mischievous kid with incredible endurance and intelligence. I think this character was inspired by the Cub Scouts. His active skill is the slingshot, which allows you to fire an orb of energy that explodes and deals DMG.

Lookout Lynx... is a security guard with an incredible sense of duty, immense strength, a short temper, and poor hearing. He becomes enraged after taking DMG. His active skill is... a spin that rapidly attacks nearby enemies. The benefit of this skill is that it increases Res DMG for the first 2 beats. DMG taken will increase DMG dealt by this skill.

Courier Pengu... is a selfless full-dad and a part-time courier, he takes joy from high flying. His active skill is the flying dash, which allows him to fly forward to deal DMG to enemies and knock them into the air.

Now that you know the current roster of fighters... that leaves one question, where are... the ladies?! Hopefully the last 2 pods will have female protagonists to switch things up..

You also have other things like the Laboratory... which allows you to use tech to unlock various things like:

Coin Vaccum 1... which increases coin and beat energy by 10%. By the way, any skill that helps you gain more tech and coin to buy various things like more skills... those are the things I'd recommend unlocking ASAP. Granted you have to make your way down in order to unlock certain skills like that, obtain them before others in that section.

Automat Hacker II... is also a good one, which reduces the price of items at the automat by 20%.

There are a total of 22 to unlock, including the radiation pod... which I really want. It recovers 100% HP upon reviving and increases Res DMG by 90% for 20 beats... because revivals don't fill you up (they just prevent you from staying down for the count).

On top of that, you also have a slew of Achievements, which include unlockable characters. You have 26 unlockable rewards that require a certain amount of trophies, and... in the section next to it are the achievements that allow you to gain the trophies to unlock those rewards. Some of these keep a tally based on the number of times you do something (i.e. buy 100 items from the automat), others like the baby steps objective that requires you to collect 10,000 coins total).

On top of that... you have even more replay value via the special training. You can take on the different vegetables, beat commanders (mini-bosses), you can try out 25 different weapons, 31 tactical items... that give you a strong attack (like the Hadoken Bracers), and 99 beat cards that give you different abilities (i.e. Rhythm Shell that gives you invincibility when you land perfect... it lasts 1 beat so stay on perfect beat and you should be good).

Automat... gives you access to certain beat cards for tech points. I really didn't use this that often, but it gives me access to specific beat cards if I desire to have them before my fighter takes the flush.

 Pricewise, Rhythm Fighter flows nicely at $14.99. I can't argue with the price, it delivers a solid experience with plenty of replay value and leaves the door open for you to brawl to your own tunes.

Gameplay 5

Fun Factor 4

Replay Value 5

Price 5

4.75 out of 5 Cool Points

Mask Up Mondays: Muse Dash - Frost Land

Once I get through the easy mode of Muse Dash, I'm cranking up the difficulty setting.

Have a great Monday... and may it extend to the rest of the week. Mask up, keep the drama at a minimum, and game on! If you want more information on how to increase the good vibes in your life, check out the latest episode of the Blu + You Podcast below!

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Trials of Mana passes the million sales mark!

I'm sure some of you remember Trials of Mana well, I would watch one of my cousins play it on Super Famicom. I played a little but I watched it a lot, so this game brings back memories. It was called Seiken Densetsu 3. I remember taking my girlfriend to my cousin's house to hang out and he would be playing Trials of Mana, and my Aunt had cases of Yoohoo and I think Tahitian Treat. Dude, she is the aunt with all the badass retro tees you can't find anymore. She's the cool Aunt but you can't say that stuff openly. 

I don't know how I got into talking about my Aunt, but the full-3D Trials of Mana remake is the version that passed one million shipments and digital sales worldwide. To commemorate all those sales, the team released a brand-new illustration for fans to celebrate. My cousin thinks it's pretty (bleeping) awesome.

Originally released in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 3 in 1995, Trials of Mana is a full, high-definition remake of the third entry in the classic Mana series. The game immerses players in an unforgettable adventure filled with exciting gameplay, memorable heroes and villains. Players will craft varying experiences by selecting a party of three from six unique protagonists as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime, upgrading their characters’ classes into more powerful forms, learning over 300 different abilities, and discovering a world of secrets and mysteries to explore. Additionally, after finishing the game, players can discover an exciting new playable chapter not found in the original release, in which they can unlock brand-new classes, and challenge a powerful new threat.

Patch 1.1.0 was also recently released for Trials of Mana in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original game, featuring a number of game content updates and additions for players, such as a new “No Future” difficulty mode, additional New Game Plus options and more.

Trials of Mana is rated T (Teen) and is now available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Steam®.

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Top Audiences Last Week | 02.11.2021


Top 10... let's go!

What's this?!

Germany (came out swinging for the fences this week!)
Hong Kong
United Kingdom

Canada, United Arab Emirates, and... France came close!



Huniepop 2: Double Date

huniepop 2: Double date


Cut Throat City... Reviewed!

Shout out to Well Go USA Entertainment for providing a copy of this film for my review.

Cut Throat City is harsh (hence the name), they tried to pump a little sunshine and romance in there... but the film boomeranged back to a dramatic place for the sake of delivering more action with a confusing twist. By the way, Cut Throat City debuted at #1 on Netflix's Top 10 trending chart ahead of its #FYC Awards Campaign.

Story: Even though Cut Throat City is fictional, it was still derived from a reality that some face on a daily basis (to an extent). I say to an extent because I totally understand how the main character Blink, felt coming from what some would consider as... the bad part of town while trying to improve life for his family. His goal was to have his comic book picked up by a publisher to turn things around, but he was shown the door... regardless of his eye-catching work. There was some criticism in there that was later utilized to bring it home... but let's dive into the focus of the film.

Life seemed on the up and up, but... Hurricane Katrina took life and turned the difficulty setting up times 10.

Left with no job, no help from FEMA, and limited resources drying up... Blink got together with his childhood friends Miracle, Junior, plus Andre, to reluctantly seek an opportunity from a local gangster by the name of... Cousin (played by Tip T.I. Harris).

What's the opportunity? A heist of sorts, at one one of the few moneymakers still in town, the casinos.

The web starts to tangle as the movie rolls out because Cousin also happens to be the... cousin of Blink's supportive wife, Demyra (played by Katerina Graham). All hell breaks loose on their mission for Cousin, so that doesn't exactly make the best working relationship. When you add in the cops, plus the Saint's crew (led by Terrance Howard) on the opposite side... you can imagine how crazy things can get during their desperate attempt to earn a dollar. Oh yeah, Detective Lucinda (played by Eiza Gonzalez)... went to school with Blink, so she also knew him during his childhood and was well aware of his talents.

The web tangles even further because Detective Lucinda finds connections between gangsters and dirty cops during her quest to piece together the puzzle that could land Blink in prison. Did I fail to mention that one of the Detectives (played by Ethan Hawke) is also linked to... Demyra? Small world.

I would say that there were some ups in this film, but they were short-lived or left more to be desired along with the character development. I think I was pulled out of the film because it didn't feel cohesive enough for me, yes... you had an on-going situation in the background, but outside of Blink trying to survive in quicksand... it just felt like he was going from point A to B interacting with caricatures that will later come in handy. I didn't see the goals of his friends start to take form at all, it just felt like they were inserted into the story, and the location... along with most of the other actors. I got a New York vibe from Blink who was supposed to be from... Louisiana. I don't want to make it seem like there can't be someone like Blink from the area... he just reminded me of guys I knew from New York (with terminology that I'd more so align with NY than LA).

Cousin was interesting in the movie, but... he was the biggest caricature of all. Just felt like the writer was out of touch, he could've been more realistic without being that over the top (in terms of his mindset). 

What bummed me out... was not being able to see a win in between, it felt like the same old tactics were used from the start that landed them in hot water and they willingly jumped right back into that pot of hot water again during the final heist. I scratched my head during that final heist though, because I question if it really happened. I got a sigh of relief after seeing a victorious situation occur in the end, but that's where the confusion came in as to what the outcome truly was. That's based on the final scene with Lawrence (played by Wesley Snipes) before the credits ran. I didn't see Blink, so then I was like... what really happened to him?

I thought that was it, but I noticed that there was still a nice stretch of time left on the movie and knew it couldn't all be the credits. So I sat through the initial credits (which weren't long) and got sort of a clearer view of what happened and what didn't happen (because I saw a certain character). That's as clear as I can present it without spoiling it for you, but... you'll see what I mean.

Visuals: When it comes to the visuals... for the most part they were standard (which is fine) with some dynamic shots tucked in there. I like when they zoomed into the background while talking at a cafe, and when the camera zoomed out they were in their gear prepared for their... next heist. I think I only saw that in a music video or two once upon a time... but this flowed a little better.

Nothing seemed off or overdone... so I can give the visual a solid thumbs up.

Audio: As far as audio goes... I enjoyed the sound effects in the shoot outs. The background music sounded a little louder than it had to be... and I found myself turning it down a little while using headphones or speakers (for some of the music). Other than that... standard vocal tracks and sound effects were good.

Price: Pricewise... Cut Throat City's MSRP was $29.98 on Blu-ray + DVD. I guess I can see that price for both formats in the same package... but still I would've sold it for $19.99 (in order to sweeten the pot and increase the temptation to buy). At the time of this review... you can get Cut Throat City for $12.96 for the Blu-ray + DVD combo.

Overall, it's not a bad movie... I've watched it 3 times so far. The third time was literally to playback and make sense of the parts I didn't get. I still question something that happened, but there's no way it could have happened based on the final scene I saw.

Story 3

Visuals 5

Audio 4

Price 5 (I would've given it a 3 for the MSRP)

4.25 out of 5 Cool Points

Mask Up Mondays: Muse Dash - Magical Wonderland (More colorful mix)

Have a great Monday, and after checking out this installment... scroll down and jump into the latest podcast episode! If you were looking to level up, this podcast episode has information that you can really benefit from.

Once I get through the easy mode of Muse Dash, I'm cranking up the difficulty setting.

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