Showing posts with label SNES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNES. Show all posts

Trials of Mana passes the million sales mark!

I'm sure some of you remember Trials of Mana well, I would watch one of my cousins play it on Super Famicom. I played a little but I watched it a lot, so this game brings back memories. It was called Seiken Densetsu 3. I remember taking my girlfriend to my cousin's house to hang out and he would be playing Trials of Mana, and my Aunt had cases of Yoohoo and I think Tahitian Treat. Dude, she is the aunt with all the badass retro tees you can't find anymore. She's the cool Aunt but you can't say that stuff openly. 

I don't know how I got into talking about my Aunt, but the full-3D Trials of Mana remake is the version that passed one million shipments and digital sales worldwide. To commemorate all those sales, the team released a brand-new illustration for fans to celebrate. My cousin thinks it's pretty (bleeping) awesome.

Originally released in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 3 in 1995, Trials of Mana is a full, high-definition remake of the third entry in the classic Mana series. The game immerses players in an unforgettable adventure filled with exciting gameplay, memorable heroes and villains. Players will craft varying experiences by selecting a party of three from six unique protagonists as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime, upgrading their characters’ classes into more powerful forms, learning over 300 different abilities, and discovering a world of secrets and mysteries to explore. Additionally, after finishing the game, players can discover an exciting new playable chapter not found in the original release, in which they can unlock brand-new classes, and challenge a powerful new threat.

Patch 1.1.0 was also recently released for Trials of Mana in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original game, featuring a number of game content updates and additions for players, such as a new “No Future” difficulty mode, additional New Game Plus options and more.

Trials of Mana is rated T (Teen) and is now available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Steam®.

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Nintendo NES Classic Edition is cool... BUT this is what would've been cooler!

If you've been doing a little less media this summer... you may have missed Nintendo NES Mini announcement.
They're giving gamers a blast to the past based on interest... and at $59.99... let's just say we see it doing well for those that don't do ROM via PC, those seeking nostalgia via a classic NES look... will tap in as well as collectors and new schoolers who want a taste of what they may have missed out on either because they couldn't find the games for the NES they got their hands on via purchase or something their parents handed down to them and... even those who were just not allowed to game as a kid (poor soul).
Nintendo is taking the smart approach releasing this during the holiday season... and even if we don't think this would've surfaced if the Wii U sold more units... it's not the worse decision. They are just going back... which we feel is due to the current challenges... and they want to be financially prepared for the pending Nintendo NX.
Again, I wouldn't thumb this down, but what I will say is that there could've been more done with this to make it WAY better.
A Super Nintendo RES... should've been the route taken (in my opinion). Why? Because... a Super Nintendo Retro Entertainment System... could've opened the doors to an even bigger audience.

We're not on Nintendo's payroll, but... if we were... (and we were some of the decision makers) a Super Nintendo RES would've been born... with:

The ability to play pre-installed SNES games (in addition to the listed NES games... seen below) because there are fantastic SNES titles that should've (like... seriously) been a part of this line up.

In addition to the retro games built into the device, there would've been cartridges with other game collections via SD cards or something even if they (the SD cards) were housed in a retro'ish cartridge.

The system can connect to your TV through HDMI which is cool, but... there should also be internet capability so that players could compete via scoreboards, as well a connection to the Virtual Console.

The SNRES would've also had something else... (wait for it)... hmmm... we would've made the system also capable of playing certain new school games also that were made for the sake of giving gamers a Retro'ish adventure. Then that would've also created an opportunity for more developers and opened that lane even further for the developers that love to develop these types of games.

What do you think about our concept? (Sound off in the comments below.)

The NES Classic Edition launches on Nov. 11th, and of course is a mini version of the NES (except with the inability to use cartridges and the old controllers and the NES Zapper), that's HDTV ready (sounds funny saying that... NOW but its giving you the option to play them on your HDTV or whatever you have that connects an HDMI cable to display things).

The console comes with an NES Classic Controller... which definitely gets a thumbs up for looking the part and... if you take a good look at the controller ports, they look like those of the current system (and the Wii)... which was smart because they allow you to use your Classic Controller (Pro) as well. If you don't have one... but want to have 2 player capability (on the games that allow such), the additional controllers are only $9.99 each. So basically its just another $10 because... it doesn't have some of the awesome 4 player co-op games like World Cup Soccer. #WTF

If you want to use the NES Classic Controller on your Virtual Console Games... its not rocket science, you just connect it to the Wiimote and there ya go!

The Regginator (Nintendo of America's COO) said "We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to revisit Nintendo's original system and rediscover why they fell in love with Nintendo in the first place..."

I can totally respect that and i'm not coming down on Reggie for saying it, BUT... (and there are multiple gamers who agree with me on this) no one needs to be reminded of why they feel in love with Nintendo... in the past... because some people are looking for a reason (when it comes to Nintendo's pending hardware... the "Nintendo NX") to fall in love again (in the future).

Why did people fall in love with NES & SNES? It wasn't JUST because of the 1st party games, which have held up well... it was also because of the 3rd party support (which some of the games are available on this system), it was some kick a** 3rd party action going on there... so the reminder is cool (2 cheers for nostalgia) but there are gamers who want to feel that moving forward. Not in the retro sense.

Balloon Fight

Bubble Bobble
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Final Fantasy
Ghosts'n Goblins
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby's Adventure
Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Super C
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Bowl
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

RIP: Satoru Iwata + Nintendo's Notification of Death

I wasn't sure what was going to be presented to me the other day... but this is not the news I wanted to get on a summer holiday/vacation. I wouldn't wish his situation on anyone, and he will be missed (I know its just as surreal to Miyamoto & Fils-Aime). The notification of death from Nintendo was a bit cold... like wow, can you add a bit more to that? It is a business related form though, so it will be different. His family had better receive something a lot more... heartfelt.

Let this be a reminder of... why gamers shouldn't go the bad route and just have all out... fun (seriously)! It won't last forever. Being pissed off over things meant for a good time... are not worth it... especially if you could be doing something else you'd like better than video games that piss you off (if that's what it often comes too). I can write a book... but, I won't... fun awaits.

I couldn't leave this alone... and we are aiming on doing something (that's not because of Iwata), but the focus of fun is important. Gotta bring that awesomeness back, it's so much better. -RkRk

Even though I wasn't exactly happy with something that occurred with Nintendo's 2nd party department (i.e. resemblance in Splatoon's city to a concept presented in 2014), and i'm still not, but it's unfortunate that Iwata passed away. My condolences go out to his family.

He still had many more years to go, and I hope this is a wake up call to many of you to make life worth living. So when it's all said and done, you've made a positive memorable impact that you wouldn't regret. That said, don't allow work to dictate whether you're able to take care of yourself or not. This isn't a subliminal shot towards Nintendo, but that's also a realization that hit me this year.

RIP Iwata -BFG

That's f*cked up, he was only 55. That's sad. -LB

RIP Iwata-san. For the people who think it's cool to make fun of the man dying, you are a big bad example of what's wrong in gaming. F*ck stupid a** console wars that fill your hearts to go back and forth debating about. Even if you don't like Nintendo, Iwata-San did not do something that involved your family being killed or something.

To think of the people out there making fun of him dying, because they didn't like a f*cking game console or the decisions the guy made, that's disgusting. Every single person involved, be it child or adult, you all should feel ashamed of yourselves. I do not play online because of a**holes like you.

I'm not posting any of the pics and comments here because it doesn't deserve an ounce of glorification. It's just another reason why the bad seeds don't deserve to enjoy a second of game time with level headed gamers.

Learn what the f*ck "Compassion" is, and try to gain some. -ISG