Guangzhou, China - February 2, 2024 -LifeAfter, the open-world doomsday survival mobile game, has launched its Year of the Dragon Spring Festival expansion "Hope Radio and the Golden Dragon" today. Players can claim their personal portable radio which seems to transmit mysterious messages, and join both new and returning friends in uncovering what's behind it all.
In the new expansion, players receive a portable radio and listen to weather forecasts, news reports, and music. It also picks up a mysterious radio signal that claims to fulfill the wishes of its listeners. This sparks a "radio fever" in Hope 101, with Survivors calling it "Hope Radio." However, a series of events and the sudden appearance of a mysterious person suggest that there might be something else behind it...
New Roguelite Gameplay: Resist the Infected and Defend the Golden Dragon Treasure
Upon the discovery of the Golden Dragon Treasure, the Infected are drawn to the place as human activity increases, swarming it. Survivors must choose wisely and coordinate as a team to protect the Golden Dragon Treasure. In this new Roguelite game mode, Survivors need to choose from various weapons found on-site, upgrade them between each wave, and complete the mission by repelling the incoming Infected.
Join the Dragon Party and Celebrate the Spring Festival
While listening to the radio and searching for treasures, don't forget to celebrate the festival with friends! The new casual game mode "Dragon Party" includes some highly praised levels released during the 2022 Spring Festival, along with new challenges. Join this server-wide festival and set some high scores!