Showing posts with label Pac Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pac Man. Show all posts


Pac-man mega tunnel battle: chomp champs

*This product is a multiplayer game that is played mainly through online matches between players. The only mode that allows single play is the tutorial.

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Digital Grace: My Journey as a Filipina Gamer | Page 2

Hello, this is Grace again! This is page 2 of my experience as a Filipina gamer and how gaming has had a positive effect on me. If you missed page one, click here

Filipina gamers are often overlooked in the gaming industry, but this does not mean that their contributions go unnoticed. Through my own experience, I have learned about what it means to be a Filipina gamer and how playing games can positively affect my life.

How did gaming become my escape from reality?

When I was younger, playing games with friends and family had always been a part of my life. But as the years went on it became more important to find an escape from reality because life can get tough sometimes.

For me, gaming was always an escape from my reality. It gave me the opportunity for self-expression and creativity that wasn't possible in daily life with all its restrictions on what you can do or say because your family might not approve of how things will turn out. But instead, it forced players to take control of their own story where all the impossibles of the real world are possible in the digital world.

You can be whoever you want, do anything that tickles your fancy, and forget about the troubles in life for just one or more hours of playtime!

What video game changed my perspective in life?

When I was younger, my favorite video game to play would have been Super Mario Bros. I remember when Mario made his jump-out observation that life is all about staying ahead but if you don't keep moving forward then you lose out on the time provided to you.

This has turned true for me too because anytime there's a stagnation period (no pun intended) somewhere deep down inside me tells my brain to "stop”, think, and strategically proceed.

When you live life at a slower pace, the little moments that make up our everyday lives can take on new meaning. These simple pleasures bring joy and happiness to our hearts as well as productivity for work – which is why I recommend slowing down! Haste is wasteful, but a slow strategic approach leads to greater fulfillment because I was able to give my best effort.

Super Mario Bros is all about moving forward but there's no harm in stopping to discover new things along the way. You might even make new friends and grow in ways you didn't believe possible.

Final Thoughts

When I was younger, there were few Filipino gamers. But now with the rise in internet popularity and availability of video games like PUBG and Fortnite, it's not hard to find another gamer who shares your passions. It's a great way to connect and have a sense of belonging.

Video games have always been an important part of my life. They're something that helps me escape into another world, where anything is possible. The graphics are amazing and there's always new content being released which ensures you'll never run out of inspiration and fun times in between accomplishing goals.

Digital Grace: My Journey as a Filipina Gamer | Page 1

Hello SDGT readers! I am Grace (aka Digital Grace), and I'm a Filipina gamer born and raised in the Philippines. Online gaming is not just something that I do to kill time when I am bored, but also to create bonds with the people around me and even meet new people from around the world.

The gaming industry is one of the most flourishing industries in the Philippines. The country has a lot to offer when it comes down to playing video or online games. There's no shortage of passionate gamers who want more immersive experiences with their favorite pastime.

My Experience as a Filipina Gamer

I got into gaming when I was six years old when our eldest sister bought us a Family Computer (known as the Nintendo Entertainment System in the west). This is where we started playing Super Mario, Pac-Man, Contra (1987), Donkey Kong, Circus Charlie (1984), Galaga, and other Family Computer games.

There’s a nearby game arcade so I and my friends (mostly boys) always went there every day to play other games, and try out for high scores on each one we choose.

I'm a lover of all things action-adventure, and puzzler/party game related. But recently, I've really gotten into MOBAs–the kind where you play as one unit against another in an online environment with teams vying for victory!

There's a reason why I always have my friends and family over to play video games with me. The best part is that we don't even realize how much time has passed by because of all the fun times spent playing together! Some examples of the games we play would be Mobile Legends (a MOBA game), and PUBG mobile (a battle royale-style game).

I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't until recently that the internet opened up gaming to everyone. Yet there are still some Filipinas who doubt their skills just because they're women. But, as more women are engaging in video games and streaming online they have started to change the culture.

The first time I had my first video game was one of the greatest enjoyments that I had in my life. The very first game I played was Super Mario. Since I started playing it, I could never stop because I wanted to finish the game and see all the levels. Plus, I wanted to see if there was really a princess that Mario must save! :D

Overall, gaming is an art for me. I love the feeling of being in another world, solving puzzles, and exploring new adventures with my friends or alone in different game modes.

I'm a Filipina gamer who loves playing video games  They're not just something I do to pass time; they become partakes from your story where all those moments build up into one big unforgettable tale!

If you would like to hear more, please stay tuned for my next article.

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