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Showing posts with label Orlando Florida. Show all posts

Disney Pixar's Turning Red... Reviewed!

Shout out to the creator & animation team behind this Disney Pixar film, my opinions are my own. + A special shout out to 1More for supplying the Portable Wireless Speakers that powered the audio experience.

Before we jump into this, I just want to point out that this film was crafted by an all-female-led team. I point that out because I think it fits the story, but regardless of that... is this a worthwhile film to check out? Well, let's jump in and find out.

Story: This coming-of-age family fantasy comedy film (say that 3 times fast) is centered around Mei Lee, a brand new 13-year old (aka she just turned 13), and she feels like she's old enough to start making her own decisions (you know how that goes). Mei Lee is played by Rosalie Chiang.

Things begin with all Mei's ducks in a row, she's a star student, she helps her mom (and dad when he's shown) to maintain their temple/tourist shop... but you can see the cracks in her neat little life where her individuality is tucked away so her mom can't see it. So you will see her trying to enjoy time with her three friends, but she dashes off to make sure she's back in time so that she doesn't disappoint her mother or make her think something else is going on (like Mei doing something she enjoys).

Mei continues to walk that fine line throughout the film until she turns... red, and then the sassiness becomes harder and harder to contain and hide from her mother. Her turning red represents puberty to a degree but the film isn't about that time of the month. When she first changed into a red panda, Mei's mom thought it was... that time in her life (you know... that time), and I like the way they added comedic value to it but it's only a couple of scenes in the film. 

I've talked to people about the film who assume the film is about that, but it's not (at all), it's just an assumption they played on (twice from what I counted).

It would be something that completely goes over a young child's head (which is good), but this film works well for teens & adults who... get it. I would highly recommend this film to moms who want to watch a film with their teen daughters for bonding time or whatever. It's not one of those films that are exclusive to moms and teenie boppers, but they come to mind for me.

To jump into the actual review, Mei shows sass and attitude to a degree, but it's light-hearted and doesn't cross the line into anything questionable (even though she and her mom might think that it was edgy). I think that invisible line also was represented by her mother because she wanted to stay in her good graces and not cross the line (which some of us can respect).

So it opens in a very upbeat way and then introduces the tug of war in her life as she walks the fine line of trying to be independent without crossing her mother. Her mother puts her in a box which also comes with assumptions about Mei as if she can do no wrong, just like the situation regarding a store clerk. If that were real life that would've been no laughing matter and the store clerk would've been caught up for no reason because her mom is so extra and she's so concerned with not wanting to disappoint her that she would let someone catch Ming's wrath. 

I didn't like that about Mei or her mother, and it will come to a head to a degree. Ming is played by Sandra Oh.

A lot of the film covered Mei trying to cope and overcome... Turning Red. I don't want to give away too much, but her friends didn't just vanish, and neither did the life she had to live, so you will get Teen Wolf vibes to a degree as she tries to keep her cool at school without going red panda. There were other objectives in the film, but I'm not going to give them away. What I will say is... the focus wasn't mainly about keeping Mei's secret, and the majority of the viewers should easily be able to get on board with the goal Mei and her friends are aiming for. Her mom is still her mom, so that dynamic is there but... overall, I like how things played out and how it oozed anime influences throughout the film.

The cons include the situation mentioned earlier with the store clerk, but another included her dad. He was basically treated like a stepdad when it comes to their daughter. He was there, he was her dad, but he couldn't say anything that didn't align with what her mom said. Her decision was final, and if she took a step back this would've been better for Mei. He came through in due time, but he's not on the radar like Ming Lee (but... I understood to a degree, keep scrolling).

Domee Shi, the creator of the film actually spent a lot of time with her mother... which is where the motivation came from regarding her film. Her parents were overprotective and she was an only child. Even her experiences with her grandmother were a part of this film, and you can definitely see the influence from that regarding the temple and the family hustle. 

When you take a look at the film, outside of the creator's experiences, there are the experiences of other members of the team sewn in there also to bring the film to life more... but Domme's impact is felt the most just based on all the nuances she poured into Disney Pixar's Turning Red. Take a good look at Mei's reaction to her mother, someone lived that life under an overbearing mother or it wouldn't have been expressed as well as it was in the film.

Visuals: Visuals are as awesome as you'd expect from a Disney Pixar film. The characters remind me of the ones you'd see in Studio Ghibli films (i.e. My Neighbor Totoro & Ponyo), they're on the thicker side... and not exactly on the slender side like you'd see with a lot of anime characters.

The visuals were a crip 4K, the colors were vibrant, and the fur looked great when Mei turned into a red panda. Special effects were used in a way that made sense, and the way Mei used her transformation for double jumps... looked badass.

Audio: Audio in this film is damn good, powered by Dolby Atmos you get the spatial sound experience... but I also had the pleasure of listening with the 1More Portable Wireless Speakers
that delivered from start to finish. The concert experience delivered epic sound, but even throughout the film, there were a variety of sounds to enjoy... even if they were as small as Mei's bed breaking, the team represented well. I would speak on a certain scene, but I won't want to give it away.

Price: Pricewise, you won't have to pay for the film at all if you have Disney+, which... if you love movies and shows that are Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and even Star Wars related... it's worth considering a $7.99 monthly subscription.

Story 5

Visuals 5

Audio 5

Price 5

5 out of 5 Cool Points

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Who is Crash Bandicoot?

I've had game after game from the Crash Bandicoot franchise, but... I never paid attention to who he was as a character. I just knew that I was running through a trail dodging obstacles and collecting masks. So I wanted to find out who and what the heck he was.

When it comes to Crash Bandicoot in his earlier days... I saw him as Playstation's Mario or Sonic (after all, the franchise was a PlayStation exclusive). I know there were characters like Spyro, but... that's just how I viewed Crash at the time. Believe it or not, he was bounced around from developer to developer after his early days at Naughty Dog (which doesn't count the 5-year hiatus). By the time of this post, Crash has spun his way through 4 publishers + 9 developers. I think this exposes the risks of the IP while at the same time it reveals that Crash isn't going down without a fight.

This dude has been on Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Playstation Portable, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Wii, PC, iOS, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, Android, and even a platform called... Zeebo.

Anyway, to get a bit more specific about this wacky protagonist, he's actually a type of marsupial.

Crash, is a genetically enhanced bandicoot from a fictional place south of Australia... called the Wumpa Islands. That would make him a native of the land under the land down under. Right? In the fictitious Wumpa Islands, humans and mutant animals co-exist.

Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy

I had no idea what a bandicoot was, and so I did some digging and... found out that they're a small animal resembling a rat mixed with a rabbit mixed with a kangaroo. All don't look this way as there are various species of bandicoot, but I would probably be on a table if I saw one running through the office. The bandicoot is actually more related to a rabbit than a rat... just in case you were wondering.

Crash's story initially revolved around him trying to save the world by foiling the plans of the protagonists' Brio & Cortex + save his girlfriend. Not to take the focus off of Crash, but his girlfriend (Tawna) is also a female bandicoot genetically enhanced by Brio & Cortex. The dastardly duo wanted to destroy Crash because he was deemed a failed experiment.

Crash was able to fight back against Brio & Cortex with the assistance of Aku Aku, which is actually a human spirit reincarnated as a mask. Crash freed Aku Aku after escaping Cortex, and in exchange, he was able to use its magical abilities. Although Aku Aku isn't really brought up as often when the conversation of Crash emerges... I think it plays a crucial role in the Crash Bandicoot franchise.

I know that the wacky protagonist may be seen as a risky investment as far as new installments go, but... I can see Crash coming back via a reboot of the franchise. I know some of you are like "Here he goes against with these freaking reboots" but... (but but but) there is enough story to build upon and improve on. It doesn't have to feel exactly the same, but Aku Aku and the world can be remade into a truly open-world adventure... just like Super Mario. He has game after game with multiple themes on deck, and it would be sweet to see some beautiful reboot of Crash.

That said, I hope you enjoyed this installment of Who's that Protagonist, show some love at the links below, and... game on!

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Embr... Uber Firefighters


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First 30: Aegis Defenders

aegis defenders

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First 30: Just Cause 4 + First Look Xbox Series X Gameplay... hmmmm

Happy Belated Mother's Day! Fun fact, my mom got me into gaming as a little kid.
She didn't just buy me a console, she was also a gamer. These games may have been
Space Invaders, Pac Man, and retro games of that type... but it was the 80's and
I loved every minute of it!


Out of the gate in this Xbox Series X first look is... Bright Memory Infinite, take a look and I'll get back to you.

I had the honor of checking out Bright Memory... which is a taste of what's to come with Bright Memory: Infinite, and I'm excited. Bright Memory was... okay, it's like an appetizer which I still may do a First 30 on... but BM: Infinite is the experience I look forward to.

If you missed it in this first look video... the game is being developed by a single person. One person, a signal digit... yeah, impressively cool so I'm curious to see what the one-man studio delivers in BM: Infinite. I don't know if he will be able to remain his one-man team status when it comes to completing this game... but who knows. Maybe it's a goal but if the game is incredibly ambitious... who knows how long it will take for the game to be released.

I wouldn't want the game rushed, but the window of development may be a wide one if he didn't start the process years back before presenting the title for us to drool over. If you buy Bright Memory, you will get BM: Infinite... free... so that's something to think about just in case the price changes.

That said, I've seen this game before... and other than Yakuza: Like a Dragon (and a few other games), I was underwhelmed with the First Look Xbox Series X Gameplay showcase. Where was the gameplay for the most part? I saw some gameplay tucked into the game trailers but... that was about it, that didn't showcase enough to give me an idea of what to expect outside of a few elements. I won't even get into Madden 21.

Microsoft had better be ready with this console. It's sweet to hear that this Xbox (PC... basically) will allow gamers to play a variety of games dating back to the original... but the old won't replace the new. Not saying that it will but... the exclusives for XBSX need to be the trailblazers, not even the multiplatform releases like BM: Infinite. I'm not a hater... it just needs to give gamers a reason to buy.

I hope all the latest consoles do well... by way of doing right by the gamers.

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