Showing posts with label Black Panther. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Panther. Show all posts

Static Shock: The Hero w/ Room for a Motion Picture Franchise!

Static Shock has been a beloved character for decades, and supporters of Milestone are still waiting for Warner Bros to believe in Virgil Hawkins enough to... finally... bring him to the big screen. There was a time when the stars were aligning by way of a joint production between Warner Bros & (Michael B. Jordan's production company) Outlier Society, but we haven't seen anything as far as In Development/Pre-Production. Outlier Society's pending product "The Greatest" begins shooting several days into... January 2024. When it comes to information from the FTIA, Static Shock is nowhere to be found, and the biggest news DC-related are previous movies coming to Netflix on December 1st. Been there... done that! What's new?

Static Shock isn't part of the traditional DC Universe, he's from Milestone... now it's time for a new milestone by way of a live-action film. The character has a unique backstory and powers that would make for an exciting and fresh addition to the superhero film genre. Having another Black superhero in a major motion picture would be a welcomed addition, not only because the world won't end if there are more than 1 or 2 in their own feature film... but because the audience is there. An audience that consists of people from various backgrounds and communities, but also the Black community's superhero fans, comic book lovers, cosplayers, gamers, and so on who want the variety. 

Black Panther was amazing, and we can't overlook the love Miles Morales gets by way of his animated films (stay tuned for "Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse"). Oh yeah... wait... wait... wait... I can't forget about Blade. You know the katana-wielding vampire hunter with the strength of the bloodsuckers with none of their weaknesses beyond that shared thirst? Yeah him, the character that pulled Marvel out of the clutches of ruin. Speaking of ruin, they'd better not screw up this new Blade film. Wesley Snipes would've been the first person I called to help shape it into the film that audiences love (and October would be the month I'd release it in theaters). That would make sense to me, not this weird desire to hire people who seemingly run multi-million dollar projects into the ground, but... I digress.

Warner Bros has solid examples of why this would likely win, and if I were them I'd strike while Marvel is scrambling to get it together. As long as the script makes sense.

While it's understandable that studios may be hesitant to take risks on lesser-known characters, I believe that Static Shock could do better than... Shazam! Audiences are open to new and diverse stories. Static Shock has a built-in fan base from the animated series that aired in the early 2000s and the comic books.

They could literally start Static off in school, and give him room to grow into an adult with abilities that electrify audiences. This can be done over time. Make two films, let it breathe, and then come back. Rinse and repeat.

In short, Warner Bros would be making a huge mistake by denying Static Shock a chance at a motion picture release (in my opinion). It's time to give this character the recognition and platform he deserves and see what kind of impact he can make on the superhero film landscape.

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Director of Black Panther handcuffed at gunpoint for withdrawing money from his account?

If the title sounds ridiculous, that's because the situation is just that ridiculous to begin with. So what do you have when you take Ryan Coogler, the director behind the awesomeness that is Disney's Black Panther film, and you place him in a Bank Of America trying to withdraw money with his own ID and ATM card?

An assumption that could've resulted in this guy getting harmed or killed for absolutely no reason at all, and no, it wasn't because the cashier was frustrated that Black Panther 2 hasn't come out yet (RIP Chadwick Boseman).

The teller didn't bother taking a step back to assess the situation either. He gave her the note and said that he was withdrawing a certain amount that he would prefer to be counted in the back so that no one sees the amount of money being counted and handed over to him. He provided his ID, and he used his ATM card to make the withdrawal valid, to begin with.

The bank teller acknowledged it, and then next thing you know... here come the cops with guns drawn because of an assumption. Like seriously, there are a variety of scenarios that take place at banks all the time where people have to hand the teller's notes, I know this because my friend of over 10 years was deaf (RIP to him).

The cops were called because she felt that it was suspicious, but it sounds like she was fueled either by fear or the assumption that he couldn't possibly have the means to withdraw that type of money. Either way the excuse isn't good enough. Her assumption is not his fault and I'm glad it didn't take a turn for the worst. She needs a different job if she can't comprehend a request on what to do with a withdrawal after the ID verification was met and the proper card was used (with no threats made).

A Baby Nurse was also detained over this crap.

I know a number of vendors who go into banks and will have a breakdown of the types of bills and coins they need on a list for their shops also, especially if an employee is doing the run. Overall, if no one is doing or saying anything that requires the cops to be called... leave it be. If he lays in on the bank after this incident... it is what it is (shrugs). Think before you dial.

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