Thanksgiving isn't a day celebrated by all, but... you can actually celebrate what you want to celebrate on any day... so it might be worth that approach in order to enjoy the day or even make it a day of reflection. Make the day a good day for you and others around you... put the drama on pause. - Blu
Happy Thanksgiving! - DOLO17
Covid messed up my trip this year to spend the holidays with my cousins in Nevada, but I'm trying to make the most of it. - Luis D. Lucha
I celebrate today as the day I get to have an in-home buffet, even if one of my favorite bakeries were all out of pies (momma no!). So today is Happy Turkey Day for me, but maybe it's Happy To Be Alive Day for you, or Bing Watch 2020, or preparation day in order to get your hands on deals before the window closes or... just a day to relax and grub on some of your favorite takeout. The last one might be the case for a lot of us with the pandemic, but make the most of it. Now let's jump into the top 10 with Good vibes, now it's time to go grab some of these cookies! - RkRk
Hong Kong
United Kingdom
South Korea, Indonesia, and... Argentina came close!