Showing posts with label Hair care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair care. Show all posts

Should Chris Rock be canceled? We don't think so.

Group Nine Media's PopSugar is laying in on Chris Rock over his G.I. Jane joke in reference to Will Smith's wife because she was rocking a similar hairstyle. The tweets are giving off some serious cancel culture energy when the comedian didn't even know that Will's wife had alopecia (you heard me right, he didn't know). She's known for having shorter hairstyles.

Is it safe to assume he wouldn't have made such a joke about someone who was his friend... if he knew? It's safe to assume so, but was he even asked by certain platforms, he just attacked for making the G.I. Jane joke.

Will could've accepted his first Oscar, educated the audience on alopecia, and made a reference that he'll talk to his wife about starring in a G.I. Jane remake or something. Not for the sake of making fun of her, but Chris mentioned it... so why not piggyback on a potential opportunity to star in a remake or a sequel? Even if he simply educated the audience on alopecia, that would've made Chris Rock take a step back and likely apologize because he didn't know.

On that note, I don't think anyone should be going off the deep end on this one (so media platforms should take a step back). If you watch what led up to the joke, you'd see that Will's wife wasn't the only one who was joked on and the joke wasn't bad. I don't want to give any more attention to this than it already has, but... no to canceling Chris Rock over this. 

By the way, Will's decision to go on stage and slap Chris, completely overshadowed his first Oscar win, the film, and Will Packer's production team. That stinks.

That said, will the jokes about balding men finally stop? Will was also one of the people who took pleasure in them, but... the guy in this clip was a good sport, he didn't slap or swear at Will.

RSVP Magazine has even taken it a step further with a form of slander. 
So was Will making an alopecia joke? This is where things go too far.