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Showing posts with label Digital. Show all posts

The Flash: The Complete Seventh Season... Reviewed!

Many thanks to the WB team for supplying a copy of this product for a review, my opinions are my own.

The Flash is back with a new season and the twists and turns continue to gain speed as the Flash travels through time... mind... and cosmic entity. Is the seventh season enough to keep up with my attention span? Lace-up those shoes and let's go!

Story: In season 7, Flash is powering up big time with new heightened mental capabilities, and faster speeds... but is it enough to take on this season's baddies in awesome fashion? Yes, but... I want to see them do more with the fight scenes in this show.

Having speed is great, but... hmmm (I'm just gonna say it) Barry gets his a** kicked... a lot. All that speed and he still hasn't been given improved fighting abilities? Come on! By the way, if he's a... Speedster along with other Speedsters... I continue scratching my head as to why some of their fights are at standard speeds. We can see it at a standard speed but add some effects as if they're fighting faster... show the flashes and have the world around them moving at a slower pace. I can't be the only one who thought about this.

I won't say it never occurred because it happened at times to represent how much faster or slower the hero was vs the antagonist, but... I think they should've stuck with it to make it more cohesive. It didn't have to be those close-up dodges and stuff but if they wanted to kill it... those could've been increased a little as well. Also, someone should have put Barry up on some improved fighting skills by now (yes... I'm ranting a little), add in some martial arts training or even some friggin boxing or something so we can see his growth in that department too. I was tempted to nickname him asphalt because that's just how often I saw him laying on the ground.

Speaking of antagonists, you can expect to see the Flash pick up where he left off in season 6's cliffhanger versus the Mirror Monarch. If it isn't one thing it's another, because that fight ends up causing all hell to break loose by unleashing more threats on Central City. (Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnn)

They kept things interesting in between the Flash taking on villains like... Abra Kadabra, Psych, Godspeed, etc. One of which was Season 7's Episode 6 "The One with the Nineties", which was... quite entertaining. Cisco & Chester travel back to 1998 (which I myself declared as one of the best years of my life at that time... I kid you not), but they came to realize that there was a threat causing them to live the same day over... and over... and... you get the idea.

Get ready for some twists and turns in this season that will change things for season 8. I don't want to give any spoilers, but it's time to say farewell to some familiar faces, time for someone to experience prison life, time for a new Speedster, and an overall ending that could make the emotional people among us shed a tear. So expect action-packed episodes all the way through, based on previous seasons... I can understand why this is the #1 Series on the CW. By the way, the finale includes lightning sabers in the main fight of episode 18, which is sure to make some of you... geek. Episode 18 also leaves a threat on the table which could come back to haunt Flash.

Overall, I think they rounded it out well, and I'm curious to see how they move forward from here.

Visuals: Visually the show continues to look good, you get a solid mix of closeup, medium closeup, medium, medium full shot, full shot, and even other angles like bird's eye view + low angle shots. The Flash: The Complete Seventh Season delivered on the story, action, and... visuals.

Audio: The audio is pretty good, I enjoyed the sound effects and the theme music didn't require me to turn it down a notch. I don't know why... but one of my favorite sounds were the airy voices singing as Reverse Flash buried the timeless Wells. It was creep, but... cool and reminded me of Vampire Hunter D. The audio is 1080p DTS-HD Master Audio.

DTS-HD Master Audio: This is the top dog of DTS audio formats, and can be thought of as DTS’s equivalent to Dolby’s TrueHD. Master Audio provides up to 7.1 channels of uncompressed surround-sound audio. - Home Theater For Dummies, 3rd Edition

Price: The Flash: The Complete Seventh Season dashes in on Blu-Ray + Digital for $44.98 SRP & DVD for $39.99 SRP. Ofcourse you can get them both at our links and save on the highspeed action which includes 18 episodes + the following exclusive extras:

Special Features:
  • Deleted Scenes (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD)
  • Gag Reel (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD)
  • The Journey Ends: Carlos and Tom
  • Never Alone: Heroes and Allies
  • 2020 DC FanDome: The Flash (Watchverse)
Good season, I just want to see that added depth when it comes to the fighting. It wasn't bad, but... I want to see Barry hold his own with his fist (at least) because I think it would add more to the show.

Story 5

Visuals 5

Audio 5

Price 5

5 out of 5 Cool Points

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