Showing posts with label Candice Patton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candice Patton. Show all posts

The Flash: The Complete Sixth Season... Reviewed!

Don't look now... but the Flash just dashed through the studio and dropped off a copy of his sixth season on Blu-ray! I wish that were true... but it was actually Warner Bros (so shout out to them), that said... let's jump in. The opinions I share are my own.

Story: Last season, Team Flash had two deal with two incarnations of the energy stealing Cicada, and... the return of Reverse-Flash. It was on and poppin', but the action doesn't slow down in season six.

The sixth season of the Flash (played by Grant Gustin)... started off with a ton of kick-ass action that will surely get your heart rate up. I appreciate the fact that it began with action that brought us up to speed, while introducing a new threat in the season... plus an episodic threat. This includes an on-going scenario that has existed throughout the show, which is Barry Allen (aka the Flash) fighting to change the future where he will go missing.

One thing I liked about the show as a whole thus far... is the fact that the action is balanced with Barry's life beyond the mask. It's not too hot or too cold, the life of the Flash is woven throughout Barry's existence after the explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs and the show has lasted this long because it has a good balance of life, love, episodic scenarios, and... the pending doom constantly tapping the hero on his shoulder.

I don't think I'd be able to go back to regular life knowing that there is... pending doom, but the writers worked it out with Barry (at least) coming to terms with his situation. I believe it helps justify him still living life through the season and being the Flash without curling up in his bed. A few episodes into season six you're able to see how Barry's friends and family are affected by the discovery of what will happen to the hero.

You get two all-new villains this season! One of the new threats this season comes by way of Dr. Ramsey Rosso (aka Bloodwork), played by Sendhil Ramamurthy, finds himself in a situation where his failing health put him into a position where he chose the life of a villain in order to live. It's an interesting scenario, and his ability reminds me of venom... almost (but he turns his victims into these zombie-like creatures he's able to control).

I can't give away the show, but... there are multiple scenarios tied into the season to keep you locked in, including those from Mirror Master.

As a character, Barry's still annoying to me at times (it's not frequent to the point that I can't watch though)... and I still don't know why the Flash as a superhero still doesn't have those fighting skills up to an acceptable level. He has grown in skill, but I want to see him get a good martial arts upgrade to marry those skills.

By the way, it would be way... it would also be cool to see the Elongated Man go full Monkey D. Luffy (for all the anime fans out there). They both have the ability to stretch their body's, which would make for some interesting fight scens for the hero but... I digress.

When it comes to Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was worked in a lot better in the Flash's story compared to... Batwoman (where I was like... what?). She went from being in Gotham with everything exclusively from her story to being in the DC Crossover event.

The crossover is tied in with the Flash show, and it worked a lot better... because there were things building up to it in prior episodes. Even still... it could've been worked in better. The episode before it the crisis should be a smooth incorporation so that it meshes properly and gears viewers up for the crossover event so that it's not just happening. As a crossover event, I had to think about how it was presented on the telly... and getting viewers of each individual show involved in the crossover to watch each show.

I won't cling onto this any longer, but... keep it smooth. Luckily the Crisis on Infinite Earths is included in its entirety in the complete sixth season.

Anyway, when it comes to the story... they rounded it out well and set viewers up for season 7 as Team Flash takes on.. the Mirror Master (played by Efrat Dor).

Visuals: Visually the scenes are clear, just not as dynamic as shows like Batwoman. There are scenes where you notice that they give a little something extra in the shot, but for the most part they're standard. I usually see the dynamic shots during the fight scenes, but mainly its a mixture of portrait shots (with blurred backgrounds), over the shoulders, and medium shots in HDX. It works.

Audio: The Flash delivers DTS-HD Master Audio. Nothing wowed me about the audio, but I didn't have to turn it up or down because the intro or outro weren't over doing it.

Price: The DVD is priced at $39.99 SRP and the Blu-ray at $44.98. The Blu-ray delivers 5 discs with over 800 minutes of content. The Flash: The Complete Sixth Season includes 19 episodes + 6 Crossover bonus features. You get a Gag Reel, Deleted Scenes, The Best of DC TV's Comic-Con Panels San Diego 2019, and an exclusive episode "Kiss Kiss Breach Breach - Noir with Commentary by Showrunner.

I still think that DC is missing an opportunity to create a must buy bundle for DC comic fans. There could be an exclusive comic that also includes a figurine or a statue for each season, even if they give it a test run for one season... it's worth trying. Even something cool from the show... like a coffee mug.

Overall, I like the show... it remained solid and kept a good balance outside of cheese tucked here and there. I think if you blink one too many times you may find yourself lost in the sauce, but... for the most part you will catch back on. I'm curious to see how things will play out in season 7, especially with the Elongated Man and Iris (played by Candice Patton). You'll find out why. Until next time... gotta run!

Story 4

Visuals 5

Audio 4

Price 5

4.5 out of 5 Cool Points