Showing posts with label Nintendo Switch Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nintendo Switch Sports. Show all posts

Best Nintendo Switch Games For Family Fun: Nintendo Switch Sports

Gaming as a family is a great way to bond and spend quality time together. It also gives parents a chance to enjoy game time with their children and make memories that will last a lifetime. Gaming can be a great way to teach kids about teamwork, problem-solving, and competition in a healthy and fun way. And let's not forget, it's also a great way to relieve some stress and have a little fun. So, next time you're looking for a fun way to spend some quality family time, break out the controllers and give family gaming a try with Nintendo Switch Sports on the Nintendo Switch. 

Nintendo Switch Sports... gets your family off the couch and into the competition in a way that delivers a bit of physical exercise. The physical activity can be increased if you actually get into it and play the game accordingly... instead of shortcuts to pull off the moves, so don't rob yourself of the experience if you're able-bodied, but if not... take the shortcuts and fun it up as much as possible.

Just a heads up, definitely use the connector with the wrist strap... so that the L & R Joycons aren't taking flight into a wall, your TV, or at someone's head. Sure they're lighter than the Wiimote, but... you don't want them damaged or anything else. No worries about forgetting this either, because the game is good at dropping reminders in there to let you know to strap up and get some good arm room before you dive in.

Nintendo Switch Sports serves up 1 to 4-player sports games that you're able to enjoy offline. These games include Tennis, Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, Bowling, Etc. Speaking of bowling, there is an 8-player elimination bowling that isn't often mentioned + 8-player soccer, but... that will require you to connect to the internet. So consider a 12-month individual or family membership.

In regards to online play, another plus is if you're a family of two... you do have the option of playing against others online that include family, friends, and associates as well. The various sports games this title has to offer, serve up fun while challenging accuracy that continues to build onto your stats via the progression system. So there is replay value upon replay value (with the ability to reach the Pro Leagues of each sport).

You also get the ability to unlock a variety of outfits that deliver even more variety for your individual avatar. These avatars are a lot more visually appealing than the previous ones, but... Wii Sports is still played by millions of people because the fun factor never left the building.

The same applies to this game because you're essentially picking up and playing sports games, three of which are faves from Wii Sports (Golf, Tennis, and Bowling). One of my new faves in Nintendo Switch Sports is... Volleyball.

You also get the ability to unlock a variety of outfits that deliver even more variety for your individual avatar. These avatars are a lot more visually appealing than the previous ones, but... Wii Sports is still played by millions of people because the fun factor never left the building.

The same applies to this game because you're essentially picking up and playing sports games, three of which are faves from Wii Sports (Golf, Tennis, and Bowling). One of my new faves in Nintendo Switch Sports is... Volleyball.

Another plus about this game is that it could be a glimpse into a potential sport that your youngling may find genuine interest in playing. You can get Nintendo Switch Sports for $49.99 for the physical version or $39.99 for the digital version. The reason why the physical version costs more... is because of the included leg strap to play soccer. You can actually buy that separately or get creative by making your own sleep to put on your leg. 

While there's certainly nothing wrong with getting the physical version (and yes... I'm about to actually say this), it's probably safer to get the digital version if your youngling has a habit of losing things. Not only is the game digital, but it can be downloaded again if deleted... but the physical version is gone if it's lost and can't be found. The only thing that will make that reappear is either a bloodhound able to track it down or... $49.99 to replace it.

Overall, this is a great game to switch things up to get you on your feet while doing something fun and physical with your loved ones. On that note, check out Nintendo Switch Sports and game on!

This game is rated E for Everyone!

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Are you too old to play video games? No! + A list of the most stressful games!

Why do grown-ups play video games? For some, it's a form of escapism from the pressures of work and everyday life. For others, it's simply a fun way to spend some time with friends. But for all adults who game, it's a chance to relieve stress, unwind, and just have a good time.

There's nothing wrong with that! In fact, gaming can be beneficial for both mental and physical health (i.e. games like Just Dance, and Nintendo Switch Sports). According to my research, gaming can help improve hand-eye coordination, memory, and problem-solving skills. So next time you're feeling bogged down by adulthood, pick up a controller and dive into a fun-filled world of gaming.

I know that some of you may beg to differ about games being a total stress reliever, and you would be partially right. Here is a list of the most stressful games played during a 30-minute period, according to information presented by NDC Media's Sanna L.

The full list of games played for a maximum of 30 minutes were:

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Nintendo Switch 2: Preparing For The Switch Successor

There's no question that the Nintendo Switch has been a success. It's sold more than 10 million units, and games in the catalog are among the best-selling titles within its lifespan. But there's no question that it could be even better—and not just because of what we want out of our basic gaming experience.

The Switch's biggest problem is that it falls short on the mobile side: gamers who want to play on the go can't just play online on the go, because it doesn't take advantage of certain tech available in the mobile market. It's too soon to expect a true successor to the Nintendo Switch because there is still great interest in the current system.

Nintendo would have to wait and come up with the best plan of action for the successor, but it could be a simple one: Keep the successor in the Switch Family because it's a strong concept but add certain features like true mobile gaming. Currently, you are able to connect your Nintendo Switch to wireless and that's where the online access ends when you're on the go. Mobile hotspots are an option, your phone should have this option to connect the switch, but a true successor should connect through a 4G or 5G connection on its own.

We are beyond the days of Nintendo DS and 3DS, cell phones are major competition in gaming now. If you look at what other companies are doing with their phones (like Samsung or Apple), you'll notice that they're constantly pushing boundaries with new features and upgrades. That's because they know consumers expect more from them--and if they don't keep up with what their customers want, they run the risk of losing them altogether! Nintendo doesn't have to follow this fully and as rapidly but treat the console like the flagship it is.

If Nintendo wants to stay ahead of the curve, then they need to start thinking about how they can use similar features to improve their own products--even if those improvements seem small right now! A successor would be premature if it were to launch within the next year or maybe even two because we don't know what the market will look like. However, they must plot their course as early as possible.

Improve the specs of the successor, and give us features like cell tower access which can be a partnership with mobile companies that includes Nintendo Switch Online access. Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa is concerned about smooth console transitions, but the answer could be resting in his pocket. Switch 2, wouldn't be the most innovative name but it would send a clearer message that it's a successor similar to the way mobile phones are named (unlike the Wii U).

The iPhone 13 is the clear successor to iPhone 12.

The Galaxy S22 is the clear successor to Galaxy S21.

The OnePlus 10 is the clear successor to OnePlus 9.

Make no mistake, Nintendo Switch is still a great console and there's no doubt about it. But it's also true that the technology behind the Nintendo Switch has been largely unchanged since its launch in 2017.

Sure, there have been some improvements—the Joy-Con controllers have gotten slightly better, there are more games with online multiplayer modes, and the Pro Controller is slightly more comfortable to hold—but overall, the experience of using a Nintendo Switch today feels very similar to what it was like when it first came out.

That's not necessarily a bad thing—in fact, for many people it's just fine. But for others, it's an opportunity for Nintendo to level up their tech without completely reinventing their product line. And so far, we haven't seen any evidence that they're doing anything like that.

Nintendo has been a game-changer since its inception. From bringing video games to the masses with the NES to turning their eyes towards mobile gaming with their Nintendo Switch, they have done something that no other company has done before.

While some might say that they are late to the game in terms of releasing new consoles, they have definitely made up for the lost time by putting out one of the best gaming consoles ever made.

Nintendo is no stranger to pressure. The company has been making games since 1889, and they've sold over 1.5 billion consoles in their time. They have a reputation for being one of the most beloved gaming companies in the world, but they're also known for being one of the most innovative—and that's not an easy thing to do.

Nintendo has always been a company that wants to make sure each game they release is as good as it can be, and that means taking a lot of time with each one. That's why we don't see new consoles too often from Nintendo—they want to make sure whatever comes next is worth your time and money.

But does that mean that Nintendo doesn't feel the pressure to put out something new or are they merely after new console sales? We think it's safe to say that there's pressure on both fronts: from gamers who want more and better games and from investors who want more profit, let's see how they adapt.

eLaurza | SDGT Contributor

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Will Nintendo Switch Sports Be A Game Changer? It's Safe To Assume It Will Be!


Before I wrote about this, I had to discuss it with a few people... and I got more people to agree with me than not, but even those who disagreed eventually agreed also. So outside of my healthy dose of W's for the day... I wanted to share my thoughts about why the Nintendo Switch Sports game would be a game-changer.

The biggest duh of the day as to why it will be a game-changer is... it's the Wii Sports successor. This is a game Nintendo was holding on to until the time was right and that time will be April 29, 2022. I think this launch date aligns perfectly with the seasons of Spring + Summer so that when the kids are out of school they have something they can game together on in person or online with family + friends!

I know people still playing Wii Sports, so you already know how this might go when a prettier shiner funtastic looking successor pops up... it's gon' be on like Donkey Kong. You have new sports to play, but Nintendo didn't take the boneheaded approach to this... they brought some of the best ones along for the ride.

In Nintendo Switch Sports you can expect new additions like...Volleyball + Badminton (although I don't know how I feel about this one) when it could've been Basketball (like in Wii Sports Resort), Football, or even Hockey. I say that because beloved Tennis is already in the game, I have nothing against Badminton, but... consider the games people are really going to play and be different enough to have enough fans in those online sessions. I don't want Badminton getting neglected because Tennis is in the game, that's the only one I feel was just thrown in there (in my opinion).

Anyway, there is also Chambara which should put a smile on the faces of those training in Kendo & Iaido. Fun fact: I was in a Dojo where we were side by side with Kendo & Iaido students... so you could imagine the yelling while we were training in Uechi Ryu (Karate-Do). Fun times!

There is also the return of bowling, which is another beloved game from Wii Sports, but this time around you can play side by side with friends, family, and others online in different lanes (woot woot). The game looks great, they have it set up in a vibrant city-like area and if you look at the map, it looks like there might be some more sports in store... because there will be more (like one of my faves, which is Golf in Fall 2022). 

Nintendo Switch Sports golf tournaments would be sweeeeeetttt! Oh yeah... Survival Bowling should prove to be very interesting and should allow 20+ bowlers to lace up and... strike out the competition. Get it? #DadJokes people!

Soccer is also on deck, and I'm saving this one for last because... I wanted to point out an obvious similarity to another game. Nintendo Switch Sports has Rocket League written all over it, it doesn't matter if Nintendo denies this or not... it looks like a soccer game built from the Rocket League engine or something (from what I saw). That's not to say the game is bad, and if Rocket League developers have no objectives... neighbor do I, but either way, it should be fun..., especially with family and friends on the field.

Instead of these characters with the Rayman hands on deck, you have characters with arms this time around and the features have a lot more depth.

The few people who pushed back about why I felt that Nintendo Switch Sports would rock, all comments on the fact that Nintendo Switch is handheld. Know your tech! The Nintendo Switch has the name it has because you can switch from handheld gaming to console gaming on the telly... so you will be able to play the game on your TV in high resolution and continue your enjoyment of digital sports from 2022 and... beyond! Wii Sports brought new gamers into the fold, and I look forward to that trend continuing with its successor.

Buy a physical copy here or get your digital copy here!

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