Showing posts with label hero shooter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hero shooter. Show all posts

Dear Developers: Why Sony’s Concord... Didn’t Have to Fail!

In this installment of Dear Developer, I have to start by saying... Sony's Concord flop didn't have to occur. 
You heard me right. (Yeah... I said it!)

This guy looks like the alien version of Nathan Drake mixed w/ Yondu!

Knowing When Enough is Enough

Developers must recognize when a particular concept has reached its saturation point at a particular time. With the abundance of PvP games on the market, how was Concord going to successfully compete? Instead, it could have been a single-player experience featuring a cast of memorable, badass characters on an unforgettable adventure. The concept was there as seen in the trailer, and this can still be salvaged and flipped because the structure is still there. For $400,000,000... I would sure as heck try to flip it.

Missed Opportunities

Imagine the blockbuster single-player title with a compelling storyline that this could have been. It’s disheartening to see so much investment go down the drain when this could have been a viable alternative. While I’m being vague (unless Sony pays for more details), it’s clear that a different approach could have yielded better results. Again, it doesn't have to be over (but make it download only).

Balancing online and Single-Player Elements

There could have been an aspect of the game that allowed for competitive online play, but... a full-blown PvP game in today’s saturated market, especially with numerous solid free-to-play options, was a risky move. I would have been surprised if it succeeded. I wouldn't even add PvP personally, competition would be served up in a different way.

A Different Perspective

This isn’t coming from the angle of a hater. $400,000,000 is a lot (like aloooooottttt) of freaking money to lose. The reaction from gamers might have been different if I had been involved in the decision-making process regarding the genre and direction of the game though and I highly doubt they'd be sitting in discount bins for $1. I can say that with a straight face. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can make all the difference.

Overall, Sony’s Concord game had potential, but a different approach might have led to a more successful outcome. The assets can and should be whipped up to make single player magic, everything doesn't have to be multiplayer and this didn't have to be a... PvP hero shooter. It's okay to salvage or give it away.

 + Sophi 

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