Showing posts with label Wet Fart Prank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wet Fart Prank. Show all posts

Gaming + New Podcast Entry + Pranks!


This is for the gamers + IT'ers who were suggesting that I get back into podcasting. I didn't stop just because I wanted to stop (I planned to get back to it), there are actually plenty of episodes sitting in drafts incomplete... but I didn't get time to really round them out the way I wanted to. I think one thing that slowed me up was trying to take the most effective route in terms of responding to some listeners about personal matters.

I'll try to take a situation and speak on it for the benefit of all listeners (while speaking to an individual)... but saying names and things like that... is just asking for trouble (can't do it). One really awesome thing I noticed was going in and seeing listenership being present every month... even when I put things on ice (unintentionally). I truly appreciate it and... it lets me know that the information is being utilized in some form. No harm in having good relationships and being in those relationships with cool down-to-earth people... and I will continue to promote that + just being overall better individuals. So continue to press play... and consider how the information can be applied to your life. Game on, and don't miss out on the free games being announced on the FB page!

I have to wrap this one up with some turdy tornado action from ole Gilstrap, just because it's funny.

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