Showing posts with label Steam VR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steam VR. Show all posts

VR Talk

I can't lie. Zombie games are fun (at least some of them are)... but add in VR and it really awakes up the paranoid action. It also summons other symptoms of fear via a good survival horror experience, which shouldn't be amplified by someone outside the game... grabbing you (that would be soooo wrong). The experience brings certain gamers coming back for more, while others absolutely find it... too much to take. I'm on the fence (personally) because I enjoy them, I just don't like certain points when it just feels like something is about to happen. The tension starts to build up as I prepare to think as quickly as needed to make it out of the scenario alive (in the game that is).

It may sound weird, but I want to be in those scenarios I don't like... when it comes to survival horror games. I'm a strategic gamer, so the challenge increases when I have to think quick on my feet. I hope that if there is ever an Arizona Sunshine 2, may they dial up the depth even further. - Blu


Considering how many people enjoy this game and own a HTC Vive or the Oculus Rift + Touch, hopefully another one is in the works for a release some time down the road. - Luis D. Lucha

Resident Evil 7 woke up fans of the franchise after... (ummm) 6 sent some people into a tantrum. The experiences don't always have to be deep like this, but some games you expect to get depth from. Multiplayer doesn't always have those expectations, especially when its head to head... but some of my most enjoyable experiences combine both.

One game franchise I thoroughly enjoy when it comes to this combination is Left 4 Dead. I'm expecting Left 4 Dead 3 to be ready for Valve VR. - Blu

I think most VR games outside of arcade will need less physical action to maintain replay value. - RkRk

(Shout out to Engadget)

Yeah, I wouldn't want to move around all the time. - Luis D. Lucha

I'd prefer to enjoy the VR visuals... with a control in my hand too, which is the reason why a lot of the more physical Wii games were seldom played. Speaking of Nintendo... man, if they present a VR option down the line for the Switch, that should be launched with a new Metroid Prime or a full remake (i'll take a full remake). - Blu

Hell yeah! - Luis D. Lucha

Another game that deserves a full remake playable in VR is... Red Steel. It doesn't even need to be a Nintendo exclusive, and I like the look of the first a bit more than I do the second... so going back would be cool. It wouldn't have to go back completely, but capture that look via a full remake. The game feels like it would be right at home in VR anyway. - Blu

Does Ubisoft have any VR games? - Yang

Yep... but none like Red Steel could be. - Blu

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Is VR here to stay or is it just an expensive fad?

It's hard to determine whether or not VR is here to stay... on a more consistent basis, but i'll continue after you check out JackaJax2Cents on VR. Oh, by the way... I went to a friends party yesterday that didn't end until early (today), so it literally feels like I've been to a full time heavy labor job, but this post was going to make it no matter what or I wouldn't be... RkRk!

Just looking at the fact that you have to put something on your head... is one of the things that makes me personally wonder and question if its going to be a long term thing. It's not a group experience when you're placing something over your eyes... at least from what I know (though viewers can see things on an alternate screen).

From a personal standpoint, I have a low tolerance for wearing hats and even eye-wear for an extended period of time and... I game for an extended period of time. I say that to say... comfort is extremely important when it comes to considering VR headsets (for me) and has to rival the technology if such tech is going to be used for an extended period of time.

As Jack mentioned in the video... Outlast would be a sick VR experience for fans of survival horror games (which I wonder if some could take such gaming when it comes to their heart, especially with the added gaming vests out there). First person games would be right at home on VR, so I could see that being a new home for a lot of shooters especially... while I could also see it being a place for puzzle games and racing. I don't really see every game being worth a VR experience (and I won't call any out) but that doesn't make them bad... I just think i'd be interested in playing some games in VR (perhaps AR).

Anyway, I look forward to seeing the various ways VR & AR can be experienced... and as long as there is plenty of content to enjoy, the price comes down to... (hmmm, I don't know... what's the word? Oh yeah...) "Affordable" (when it comes to some), and games don't require much to go VR... (which some software is said to be that simple), it should be good (at least for awhile). I'd expect there to be more than enough VR action to soak in this e3.

+1, Share, Subscribe and... Game on! Oh... speaking of "game on", HITMAN gameplay is going up sooner than later, busy sort of... happens and... kinda pushes things off. It's coming though (and maybe, just maybe... a whole lot more). Hahaha! The game's fantastic, but I like to kick back and watch Blu play... while I eat all the cereal! :p

Doom is coming + VR Action + BLACKROOM: Holograms gone bad!

Are your palms sweating already?

Games release on various days... but I like what Bethesda is doing with DOOM specifically releasing it on a Friday the 13th. I have never mentioned this before but I really enjoyed these days as a kid... not from a Goth point of view, but because of all the horror movies that would be shown on TV.

So I think that they picked one if not the best release date (beyond Halloween) for this game. Friday the 13th always had that Halloween feel anyway, minus the costumes & candy that some of us would indulge in.

At this time... we don't know if DOOM has or will have VR support, but... DOOM has an incredibly dedicated community and... I think that in the name of that community there should be VR. Bethesda should do a poll. Anyway, if you want in on doom at the price in the image... check it out here.

Speaking of VR, if you don't have a sound proof room to game in, a mouth gag in place, or you simply don't know how to use... your indoor voice... it might not be the best move to play a horror game.

Perfect example is the girl playing a horror game in VR in this video... jeez.

By the way... the creators of Doom (John Romero & Adrian Carmack) are back at it again... working on a new FPS titled "Blackroom" (at least at this time) taking a more... holographic approach. They are seeking $700k worth of help via KickStarter and if you'd like to see them bring this game to life... check it out. They want to go back with this game... as long as that doesn't mean visually and movement wise because some of the older games are really stiff. They are allowing you to create your own maps, run your own dedicated servers and mod it up on PC. John Romero reminds me of one of those old school rock fans/gamers keeping old school... kick a** alive and well.

To keep the VR action going... check out this announcement trailer for a PvP VR survival experience titled "Detach" and... Pre-Order here for $20.34 (USD) if you fancy.

+1, Share, Subscribe and... game on!