Showing posts with label Space Western. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Western. Show all posts

They Always Run... Reviewed!

"They Always Run": The single-player 2-D platformer + space western. 

Developed and Published by Alawar Premium 

Released October 20th, 2021 

Story: "They Always Run" is a single-player 2-D platformer with space and western themes Developed and published by Alawar Premium. You play as Aidan, a 3-armed mutant bounty hunter. As a bounty hunter you will be rewarded with not only money but also information that leads you down a rabbit hole of a galaxy-wide conspiracy!

Gameplay: The game does a great job of introducing you to the many controls that will be used as a 3 armed bounty hunter. While I'm not the best at fighting, navigation was a breeze in the game and oh so smooth. I had so much fun zooming through the levels. I did struggle with remembering how to parry and dodge a lot, along with frequently dying at the hands of gunmen. However, the quick re-spawn and the nearest check-point and no live count kept me going and trying, again and again, to get to the next checkpoint.

If you're looking for a breeze of a game, this isn't it, but if you're into challenges and have nostalgia for Samus and her Metroid games, you may have found a gem here.

Replay Value + Visuals: I love pixel art, so it was already a plus in my book. The game is visually pleasing and I found myself thinking how well done and pretty they made the animation of blood spewing from my foes.

Price: The purchase price of $19.99 is great for those who love 2-D platformers and generally the way indie titles are priced. I would say as a gamer, I wouldn't bat an eye at dropping cash for a game like this.

"They Always Run", is now available on, Steam, and Epic Games!

Gameplay 4

Fun Factor 4

Replay Value 5

Price 5

4.5 out of 5 Cool Points

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