The lawsuit claims are as follows: "The focus of his social media content is targeted at spreading injurious content, including false accusations about Roblox, its employees, and other users. His social media followers have become a cult-like 'cybermob' that echoes Defendant Simon's conduct and harassment of Roblox employees and users."
The Roblox team claimed he was dishing out racial slurs, engaged in sexual harassment, and everything else. No one wants to play online games for that crap (dude), if it's true I don't know what the hell he was thinking. Rules are rules and games have rules that we have to follow. Simon was allegedly harassing Roblox employees online and had a way to circumvent his ban and the ban of others.
He didn't take the ban and keep it moving from what we see, he waited for the Roblox team to flame on.
Roblox is seeking $1.6 Million in damages. That might be the biggest bill he'll ever incur in life.